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  • 网络Official Bookstore;Official publishing houses
  1. 浙江官书局虽然存在的时间比较短暂,但是其历史作用是明显和巨大的。

    Though existing for a relatively short time , it plays an enormous historical role .

  2. 作为官书局的一个代表,浙江官书局在保护和传播民族传统文化的同时,还推动和促进了西方先进思想和科学技术在中国的传播和发展。

    On behalf of the official presses , while protecting and disseminating the traditional culture , Zhejiang official press also promotes and spreads the development of the western advanced thought , science and technology in China .

  3. 浙江官书局是清末官书局兴起之时一个具有代表性的刻书机构,在其短暂的刻书活动中刊印了大量物美价廉的书籍。

    Zhejiang official press is one representative of the engraved-book institutions when the official presses are rising in the late Qing Dynasty , in which a large number of inexpensive books of high quality published in a short history .

  4. 晚清国内的出版业主要集中于教会和官书局,旧式书业虽在出版西书、通俗文学方面有所发展,但仍旧保持着传统的书业模式。

    In the late Qing Dynasty , the publishing was mainly concentrated in the hands of the Church and the government * The traditional publishing industry still maintained the old business mode although it had a development in spreading the modern ideas and popular literature .