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  • 网络the Battle of Guandu;Ultimate Pressure
官渡之战 [guān dù zhī zhàn]
  • [Guandu Warfare] 我国历史上以弱胜强的著名战例之一。东汉末年,大小军阀割地称雄,世族豪强袁绍,自恃兵多粮足,于建安四年 (199 年)春天,率兵十余万南下,准备攻打许昌,消灭曹操。曹操以两万左右的兵力在官渡(今河南中牟东北)相拒,乘袁军轻敌,偷袭袁军后方乌巢,焚烧了袁绍的军粮,并乘势全线进攻,歼灭了袁军七万余。官渡之战的胜利,奠定了曹操统一北方的基础

  1. 为曹操谋划官渡之战(147-223),字文和,武威人,三国时期著名谋臣。

    Guandu plan for the Battle of Cao Cao ( 147-223 ), the word text and , Wuwei , and policy makers are famous Three Kingdoms period .

  2. 公元200年,在曹操与袁绍的官渡之战中,刘备被曹操打败,投奔刘表。

    In 200 , however , at the time of the campaign between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao at Guan-du , Liu Bei was thoroughly defeated by Cao Cao " s forces and fled to take refuge with Liu Biao .