
  • 网络Military Attache Office
  1. 我们已经开始看到用户数量呈指数式增长,而且从一些用户公司的首席信息官处也直接听到,他们可以看到Outlook和Yammer使用量的此消彼长。

    We were beginning to see exponential user increases , and were hearing directly from CIOs that they could see decreasing their use of outlook and increasing their use of yammer .

  2. 书记官处法律支助股(法助股)记不记得那个带了助听器的古怪家伙

    Registry Legal Support Unit Remember that cranky bat with a hearing aid

  3. 国际法庭检察官联络处

    Liaison Office of the Prosecutor of the International Tribunal

  4. 上诉法院减少了治安官所处的罚金,并将刑期减少到七年。

    The appeal court reduced the fine imposed by the magistrates and released the sentence to seven year 's imprisonment .

  5. 验尸官在脚踝处发现一些咬过的痕迹。

    Coroner found some smaller bite marks on the ankle .

  6. 安全问题要求首席执行官必须从细处着眼、力求在作业上达到尽善尽美,而唐熙华似乎正是合适人选。

    The safety problems demanded a CEO focused on detail and operational excellence , and he appeared to fit the bill .