
  1. 马英九计划,从7月开始,每天允许3000名大陆观光客来台,到2012年提高到1万人。

    Mr Ma plans to let 3,000 Chinese a day visit Taiwan from July , rising to 10,000 by 2012 .

  2. 近20年来台港澳及海外华文文学研究述评&以历届学术年会及其论文集为例

    A critical account of researches on Chinese literature created at Taiwan , Hong Kong , Macao and overseas over two decades

  3. 但他们很快发现,在新加坡和香港上市的规模较小的外国企业有兴趣来台。

    Soon , however , they found smaller foreign companies listed in Singapore and Hong Kong , interested in coming to Taiwan .

  4. 与许多地区竞争对手一样,薛琦在过去一年努力吸引外国公司来台上市。

    Mr shive , like many of his regional competitors , has tried hard in the past year to attract foreign listings .

  5. 是以米豆制成的面条,是福建泉州的小吃,先前的老板就是从泉州来台的,现在由儿子经营。

    The bean-sprout is noodles made of rice bean , which rooted from FuJian Province 's Chuanchou , where the ex-owner immigrated from , and now it 's run by his son .

  6. 日本及南韩耶牛这马著口蹄疫,农委会道暂时禁止位这两国进口牛肉来台员。

    Both Japan and South Korean cattle got infected with the foot-mouth disease , and as a result daiwan 's agricultural department is temporarily banning imported beef products from these two countries .

  7. 在外国企业来台上市数量激增的同时,台湾存托凭证的发行也急剧增加,过去两年即有18宗,而在那之前的十年里只有屈指可数的几宗。

    The boom in foreign listings came with a sharp rise in depository receipt issuances in Taiwan , with 18 in the past two years after just a handful over the past decade .

  8. 2008年两岸直航与全面大三通并开放大陆人士来台观光旅游,让两岸的关系气氛达到前所未有的和谐。

    Cross-strait direct flights , comprehensive three direct links and the opening of mainland Chinese to visit Taiwan for sightseeing in 2008 made the relationship between Chinese mainland and Chinese Taiwan reach an unprecedented atmosphere of harmony .

  9. 林家始祖在乾隆年间从闽南渡海来台,从此揭开了林家在台湾的发迹史,通过百余年的发展,成为闽台地区的首富。

    Lin ancestor in the reign of Emperor Qianlong came to Taiwan from Fujian , from opening a fortune in Taiwan Lin family history , through the development of over a hundred years to become the richest man in Fujian and Taiwan .

  10. 清代及清代以前来台的闽南移民,大多是社会中下阶层的民众,家乡生活清苦,知识有限,但经过原乡文教大环境的熏陶,带来了闽南的传统习俗与文化信仰。

    Taiwanese immigrants in the Qing Dynasty and before , were mostly from lower-middle class of society , led an impoverished life in their homeland with knowledge limited . while influenced by the original rural culture and education , they brought the Taiwanese traditional custom and cultural beliefs .

  11. 通过现场试验,结合分析前人的研究成果,论证了用静力触探的锥尖阻力Qc来评价台背回填砂的相对密实度是可行的。

    Field test and analysis based on former study results of others have proved the feasibility of evaluating the relative density of coarse sand filled in the back of bridge and culvert by applying the cone resistance of the static cone penetration .

  12. 二十五年来的台港文学研究

    Studies on Taiwan and Hongkong Literature over the Past Twenty-five Years

  13. 达里奥:我刚刚花了小时的来搜台,不过也找。

    Dario : I just spent an hour channel surfing but couldn 't find anything .

  14. 我们应该在开特奥会时,请来电视台拍摄,使他们更有信心参加比赛!

    Fourthly , we can invite media to join us during the Special Olympics . I guarantee the athletes will be more confident .

  15. 高等教育类型则侧重高校类型,专业选择,以及近年来港澳台、国外高等教育对内地高等教育市场的吸引造成的冲击和潜在影响。

    Type of higher education is focused on university type , professional choices , and in recent years , Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan , the impact and influence of foreign higher education to the higher education market in the Mainland to attract .

  16. 为了运输安全,铁路部门多次组织有关专家和技术人员进行论证,最终确定装载加固方案,并在方案正式实施前,专门找来5台摩托车经过3次装载试验,确保无疏漏。

    The train cars will be well ventilated at the same time . To ensure the safety of this novel consignment , the railway sector organized experts and technical staff to conduct feasibility studies and ultimately determine the loading reinforcement program . Before implementing the program , the railway sector has made three loading tests on five motorcycles .

  17. 我们想增加一些通晓科学的人手来运作电视台。

    We want to have more scientifically literate people running our television stations .

  18. 谁来检测这台机器?

    Who will check up this machine ?

  19. 我已经提供过一个应用程序样本来演示一台SOAP客户机与一台SOAP服务器的通信。

    I have provided a sample application to demonstrate the communication of a SOAP client with a SOAP server .

  20. 多宿主主机就是一台具有多个网络接口的主机,因此可以通过多个IP地址来访问这台主机。

    A multi-homed host is one that has more than one network interface and therefore more than one IP address for which it can be addressed .

  21. 在编辑文件来提供工作台的VPNIP地址后,该文件的内容类似于图9中所示的内容。

    After editing the file to provide the VPN IP address of the workbench , the contents of the file are similar to what is shown in Figure 9 .

  22. LDAP是一个信息目录,在该目录中只定义一次用户和组,来达到多台机器和多个应用程序间的共享。

    LDAP is an information catalogue , it defined customer and group just one , that can commonly shared it with machine and application program too many .

  23. Pluglets是一种小型的Java程序,用于以一种简单而直接的方式,来对工作台作出一些微小的扩展。

    Pluglets are small Java applications that are used to make minor extensions to the workbench in a simple and straight-forward way .

  24. 本文提出了一种独特的综合运用模糊控制和TDMA技术来解决多台斗轮堆取料机联网通信问题的方案。

    A distinctive solving scheme of multiple boom bucket wheel sticker connection network communication comprehensively using fuzzy control and TDMA technology is presented in this paper .

  25. 例如,如果客户想对所有其Domino服务器启用信号灯(semaphore)调试,那么他们可以使用该API来检查每台服务器,查看是否已经开启了相关设置。

    For example , if a customer wants to enable semaphore debug on all of their Domino servers ; they can use this API to check each server to see if the setting is already turned on .

  26. 通过对定位精度、成本、通信系统性能影响等因素进行综合考虑分析,本文直接利用MR数据中的RSCP信息和传播模型来计算移动台到小区的距离,继而实现对移动台的定位。

    Through the analysis of location accuracy , cost , communication system performance influence factors , we use RSCP in MR to achieve the distance between mobile and the base station with empirical propagation model .

  27. 让我们进行一次简单的查询,以便通过使用计算机的对象标识符(OID)值sysDescr来标识一台计算机。

    Let 's do a simple query to identify a machine by using its object identifier ( OID ) value , sysDescr .

  28. 超低能束运线-SFC轴向注入线上的两台聚束器采用了线性聚束器,并提出了用半频聚束来提高两台回旋加速器的纵向匹配效率的新方法。

    Two linear bunchers are used on the very-low energy SFC axial injection beam line and the new idea of half-frequency bunching mode is introduced to compensate the longitudinal mismatching between the cyclotrons .

  29. 在采访中Nishibori说,苹果首席工业设计师艾夫(JonathanIve)问他,如果让索尼来制造一台iPhone会是什么样的?

    In the interview , the designer said he was asked by Apple 's head of industrial design Jonathan Ive , ' If Sony were to make an iPhone what would it be like ? '

  30. 在凤凰城一家办公家具经销商GoodmansInteriorStructures任办公空间策略师的斯蒂芬妮?范杰(StephanieFanger)指出,相对于女性,男性会将更多空间用来摆在科技设备,他们更愿意添加壁挂来放置多台台式电脑和平板电脑。

    Stephanie Fanger , a workplace strategist with Goodmans Interior Structures , a Phoenix office furniture dealer , says men devote more space than women to tech gear , adding elaborate wall mounts for multiple computers and tablets .