
  1. 五十年来王绩研究回顾

    Review the Fifty Years Researches to Wang Ji

  2. 在星期天晚上,约翰来拜访王林。

    John comes to visit Wang Lin on Sunday evening .

  3. 大卫,来见见王力,你的新伙伴。

    David , meet Wang Li , your new colleague .

  4. 六年来,王上与萨拉丁订有和约。

    The king has made a peace with Saladin these past six years .

  5. 他们又找到了无花果树,请他来当王。

    Then the trees tried to get the fig tree to become king .

  6. 以利沙对他说,你取弓箭来。王就取了弓箭来。

    Elisha said ," Get a bow and some arrows ," and he did so .

  7. 神终于要说:「够了,我要另选一个人来作王管治我的百姓。」

    Finally God said , 'Enough , I have chosen another man to be king over my people ' .

  8. 6于是总长和总督纷纷聚集来见王,说,愿大利乌王万岁!

    Then these chief ministers and satraps came to prevail upon the king and said thus to him , King Darius , live forever !

  9. 于是,总长和总督纷纷聚集来见王,说,愿大流士王万岁。

    Then these presidents and princes assembled together to the king , and said thus unto him , king darius , live for ever .

  10. 8在主名里来的王,是当受颂赞的!在天上有和平,在至高之处有荣耀!

    8 saying , blessed is the king who comes in the name of the lord ! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest !

  11. 说,奉主名来的王,是应当称颂的。在天上有和平,在至高之处有荣光。

    Saying , Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord : peace in heaven , and glory in the highest .

  12. 曾是王林弟子的邹勇(音译)回忆道,曾经有一位房地产公司老板的妻子来找王林看病。

    Zou Yong , one of Wang ` s former apprentices recalled , once the wife of a real estate company ` s boss came to visit Wang over an illness .

  13. 押沙龙来见王、说、现在有人为仆人剪羊毛、请王、和王的臣仆、与仆人同去。

    And Absalom came to the king , and said , Behold now , thy servant hath sheepshearers ; let the king , I beseech thee , and his servants go with thy servant .

  14. 巴西莱年纪老迈,已经八十岁了。王住在玛哈念的时候,他就拿食物来供给王。

    Now Barzillai was a very aged man , even fourscore years old : and he had provided the king of sustenance while he lay at Mahanaim ; for he was a very great man .

  15. 基哈西告诉王以利沙如何使死人复活,恰巧以利沙所救活,她儿子的那妇人为自己的房屋田地来哀告王。

    Just as Gehazi was telling the king how Elisha had restored the dead to life , the woman whose son Elisha had brought back to life came to beg the king for her house and land .

  16. “我们总是来找王医生,他是好医生,”读哲,一名建筑工人用满意的口气说道。“我儿子在这儿打过许多针了。”

    " We always come to see him , because he 's a good doctor ," dou , a construction worker , said with a note of satisfaction . " my boy 's had lots of shots . "

  17. 那些人就纷纷聚集来见王,说,王阿,当知道玛代人和波斯人有例,凡王所立的禁令和律例都不可更改。

    Then the men went as a group to the king and said to him , 'Remember , O king , that according to the law of the Medes and Persians no decree or edict that the king issues can be changed .

  18. 约押和跟随他的全军到了,就有人告诉约押说,尼珥的儿子押尼珥来见王,王送他去,他也平平安安地去了。

    When Joab and all the host that was with him were come , they told Joab , saying , Abner the son of Ner came to the king , and he hath sent him away , and he is gone in peace .

  19. 以色列众人来见王,对王说,我们弟兄犹大人为什么偷偷的送王和王的家眷,以及所有属大卫的人过约但河?

    Then all the men of Israel came to the king and said to the king , why have our brothers the men of Judah stolen you away and brought the king and his household over the Jordan along with the men of David with him ?

  20. 来为理查王执行一件任务,天佑我主!

    And here on a mission for king richard , bless him !

  21. 我来介绍一下王女士,她是我们的新财务主管。

    Let me introduce Ms Wang , Who is our new finance director .

  22. 另一方面,他用新黑格尔主义来改造陆王心学,从而创立了他的新心学体系。

    Second , he used new Hegel 's doctrine to reform Lu and Wang 's psychology , and so he creates his new psychological system .

  23. 近年来,阿迪王凭借雄厚的资本实力,有阶段、有策略的抢占市场,并不断提升品牌价值。

    In recent years , upon its abundant capital power , Adivon has strategically taken up the market share in stages and gradually improved its brand value .

  24. 第六位天使把碗倒在伯拉大河上、河水就乾了、要给那从日出之地所来的众王豫备道路。

    The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river euphrates , and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the east .

  25. 19:9亚扪人出来在城门前摆阵,所来的诸王另在郊野摆阵。

    And the children of Ammon came out , and put the battle in array before the gate of the city : and the kings that were come were by themselves in the field .

  26. 王吩咐人将术士、用法术的、行邪术的、和迦勒底人召来,要他们将王的梦告诉王;他们就来站在王前。

    And the king ordered the call for the magicians , conjurers , sorcerers , and the Chaldeans to declare to the king his dreams ; and they came in and stood before the king .

  27. 那先知来见以色列王,对他说,你当自强,留心怎样防备。因为到明年这时候,亚兰王必上来攻击你。

    And the prophet came to the king of Israel , and said unto him , Go , strengthen thyself , and mark , and see what thou doest : for at the return of the year the king of Syria will come up against thee .

  28. 首顿早餐的供货商,此地的发现得来于搭讪之王简称讪王千岁殿下的首次参上

    The provider of our first breakfast was found by the King of Accosting .

  29. 一日,有两个妓女来,站在王面前。

    Now two prostitutes came to the king and stood before him .

  30. 这时悟空念起咒来叫唤东海龙王。

    Wukong said a spell to call the Dragon King of the eastern sea .