
  1. 汾河三坝西八支渠群管组织灌溉的实践与探讨

    The Practice of and Exploration into the Irrigation of the Mass-Managed Organizations in the West Eighth Branch Canal of Fenhe Third Dam

  2. 我们现在在伦敦肯辛顿62号公路西八区,你也可以访问我们的网站。

    We are based in Kensington , London , 62 Penbrook Road , W8 . You can find us on the web atwww.r-fitness.co.uk .

  3. 西八村以狐突信仰为精神纽带,逐渐形成了比较稳定的团体,强化了村落群体之间的凝聚和认同。

    Eight villages in the West as the spiritual bond of faith fox suddenly , and gradually formed a relatively stable organizations , strengthen the cohesion between the village groups and recognition .

  4. 同样,大多数美国人都知道美国西海岸位于太平洋标准时区(PST),却不知道它也叫做格林威治标准时间西八区。

    Likewise , the U.S. West coast time zone is known to most Americans as Pacific Standard Time ( PST ) zone rather than GMT-8 .