
  1. 所用表面活性剂LMS-2与高压静电破乳器(聚结器)均由华南工学院液膜组研制与生产。

    The surfactant LMS-2 and the high voltage electrostatic coalescer EC-1 used in the process are both invented and produced by the liquid membrane ( LM ) research section of SCIT .

  2. 中国重汽集团有众多二级生产单位,各公司几乎均能涉及工装夹具设计领域。

    China Heavy Truck Group has two large production units , the company almost all can relates to fixture design .

  3. 首先,对该地热热泵系统中的各个主要部件进行了可用能分析,发现可用能损失情况均与循环工质的性能有关;

    Firstly , the loss of exergy is analyzed in components of geothermal heat pump system , and a conclusion is drawn that all of the loss of exergy relate to working fluids ' properties .

  4. 方法使用非接触式角膜内皮显微镜观察20眼白内障超声乳化摘除及35眼现代囊外摘除(均合并入工晶体植入)术前、术后三个月角膜中央区内皮细胞变化。

    Methods Observing the change of corneal endothelial cells in the central area three month after 20 eyes of phaco and 35 eyes of cataract extracapsular extraction ( both company IOLs implantation ) by using non - contact specular microscope .

  5. 457例病人肺结核的发病年龄为(54.31±11.05)岁,寿命为(63.83±13.27)岁;掘进工平均发病工龄、平均发病年龄及平均寿命均小于采煤工和混合辅助工。

    The average age of the onset in 457 cases was 54.31 ± 11.05.The life span was 63.83 ± 13.27.The average length of service , age of onset and average life span in driving workers were less than that in coal cutting and auxiliary workers .

  6. 茶多酚静脉注射液(10g/L,临用前以生理盐水稀释)与溶媒均由大连理工大学李楠教授馈赠。

    Venous TP solution ( 10 gL , diluted with normal saline before using ) and menstruum were provided by Professor Li Nan of Dalian University of Technology .

  7. 而现行公路、铁路抗震设计规范均未对土工格栅加固路堤的抗震性能作出相应规定。

    There is no specification in current codes of highway and railway aseismatic design and little research has been conducted on the aseismatic effect and reinforcing effect of geogrid at home and abroad .