
  • 网络equilibrium quantity;yit
  1. 在强制性政策下,铁矿资源企业的市场均衡产量会减少。

    Under the compulsory policy , the market equilibrium quantity for iron ore resources enterprises will reduce .

  2. 最后,利用边际分析方法,探讨循环经济发展水平对均衡产量和利润的影响,认为:铁矿资源企业在市场机制的作用下,往往不会选择循环经济的生产方式。

    At last adopting the marginal analysis approach , the paragraph discusses the influence of development level of circular economy to equilibrium quantity and profits .

  3. 最后,将双寡头的均衡产量求解方法推广到多个企业情形。

    At last , improves the method of finding equilibrium output in duopoly to multi-enterprises market .

  4. 作者认为,银行管制作为政府供给的一种特殊商品,其均衡产量的变化必然受需求与供给因素的影响。

    As a special goods supplied by government , the output of bank regulation are affected by demands and supply .

  5. 当经济受到不确定货币供给冲击时,企业通过比较菜单成本与扭曲成本决定均衡产量和价格。

    When the uncertain money shocks come , firm will decide its output and price in equilibrium by comparing menu cost with distortion cost .

  6. 随后,领导者与追随者按照精炼贝耶斯纳什均衡产量进行生产,共同获得市场均衡收益。

    Subsequently , the leaders and the followers will yield in terms of the Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium Output to get the equilibrium income together .

  7. 即使得到相同的均衡产量和价格,企业所有者的利润也可能因为委托和成本转化这两种方式的费用不同而不同。

    Even if equilibrium outputs and price are the same , firm owners'profits may not be equivalent due to the cost differential between delegation and cost conversion .

  8. 其中,盈亏均衡产量、平均成本最小产量、总利润最大产量是非常重要的。

    And the profit-and-loss equilibrium output , the output at minimum average cost and the output with maximum gross profit are the three essential factors in deciding the production scale .

  9. 省公顷生态足迹模型中均衡因子及产量因子的计算&以浙江省为例

    Calculation and Analysis of Equivalence Factor and Yield Factor of Ecological Footprint Based on Sub-national Hectare : A Case Study of Zhejiang

  10. 以生态生产性土地的生态服务功能价值评估为基础,改进生态足迹模型中的主要参数&均衡因子和产量因子的计算方法,提出了基于生态系统服务功能的生态足迹模型。

    Eco footprint model is put forward based on the eco system service function . Balance factor and output factor are the most important parameters in this model .

  11. 结果表明,地膜穴播公顷穗数、穗粒数、千粒重三者均衡协调,产量较高,较对照增产413%,比膜侧条播增产211%。

    The results showed that wheat yield of bunch planting on plastic film was increased by413 % and211 % more than row planting beside plastic film the traditional planting and respectively .

  12. 紫色土养分非均衡化对小麦产量的影响

    Effect of different chemical recondition on wheat yield in purple soil

  13. 注采井网均衡驱替的产量设计

    Flow rate design for equilibrium displacement of flood pattern

  14. 从而得出市场竞争最终的均衡是先动产量决策和后动差异化共同作用的结果。

    Thus , it can be drawn that the final equilibrium of market competition is interacted by first-mover output decision-making and the late-mover differentiation .

  15. 在市场需求信息不完全条件下,实施低成本战略的企业能获得更高的均衡R&D投入水平、均衡产量和均衡利润。

    Under the condition of incomplete market demand information , the implementation of low cost strategy of companies can achieve higher levels of a equilibrium results .

  16. 当动态RD竞争处于稳定状态时,存在某一最优市场需求影响因子,可使得双寡头均衡利润最大,而双寡头均衡RD投入水平和均衡产量则随市场需求影响因子的增大而增大。

    When dynamic R & D competition is in a stable state , there will be a optimal market demand factor which can make the duopoly equilibrium profit biggest while the input level and balanced output get lager with the demand factor getting bigger .