
  1. 离体条件下再生稻株高与穗长均随节位下降而明显提高;

    Plant height and panicle length were increased with the decline of node in vitro .

  2. 母体与离体条件下两组合再生稻穗粒数均随节位下降而提高,但离体条件下的提高幅度更大;

    The grain number per panicle of ratooning rice of the two combinations was increased with the decline of node in vivo and in vitro , while the extent was greater in vitro .

  3. 四项与词有关的分测验及MQ均以基底节左侧损害组下降明显,联想学习尤为明显,呈现大脑功能一侧化现象;

    MQ and4 subtests related to ver-bal memory , especially association learning test , decreased most markedly in patients with left basalganglia disfiguration ;

  4. 结果术前缺血心肌应变率曲线中收缩期、舒张早期和舒张晚期SR峰值均小于正常节段并可出现收缩后收缩(PSS)波。

    Results Compared with normal myocardium , the peaks of strain rate curve at systole , early diastole and late diastole of ischemic myocardium all reduced , the postsystolic shortening ( PSS ) wave appeared before operation .

  5. 除顶层和底层不可调节外,层与层均以50MM节距任意调节,本产品已达到当代发展国家同类产品水平。

    Every sheet panel , except the panel at the top and at the base , can be freely adjusted at a pitch of50mm.The rack is now leveled with that in developed countries .

  6. 所有患者均未出现节段性室壁运动异常。

    No regional wall motion abnormalities were detected by IOTEE .

  7. 血管运动的振幅在同一支微动脉上分布不均,呈节段性。

    Amplitude was not uniform on the same arteriole .

  8. 脑梗死和脑出血最常见的病变部位均为基底节丘脑区。

    Cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage the most common lesions are thalamus in basal ganglia region .

  9. 结果:45只犬脑出血部位均在基底节区或临近颞叶;

    Results : ICH in45 dogs were all located at basal segment region or near temporal lobe ;

  10. 在第5章至第9章中,每章中均设定3节内容:在一般规定中,主要是对原材料及施工过程中质量控制的要求;

    There are respectively three divisions in chapter 5 to chapter 9 . The ' General provisions'deals with the quality requirements of material and operating process ;

  11. 结果:发现这些患者在骨发育异常的同时,均伴有关节端的形态和关节的结构与功能异常,并且均在40岁前(平均30岁)出现关节退变表现。

    Results : The results show that these patients diagnosed as osteodysplasia also have the abnormal shapes of articular faces , disordered structures and functions of joints . Moreover , their clinical manifestations were appeared before 40 year old ( 30 years ) .

  12. 作者报告18例病毒性脑炎,着重分析其影像学表现特点。5例乙型脑炎和3例腮腺炎病毒性脑炎均位于基底节丘脑区,均为双侧多发病灶。

    The authors analyzed the imaging characteristics of 18 cases with viral encephali-tis , Encephalitis B and mumps virus encephalitis mainly affected the basal ganglia and / or thalamic re-gion , bilateral and multifocal , Herpes simplex encephalitis involved unilateral or bilateral temporal lobes .

  13. 方法随机选择门诊睫状肌麻痹下的屈光不正患者301例602眼(1例除外),全部进行远近视力、外眼和眼底检查,均无眼前节炎症、白内障、眼底病和其他眼疾。

    Methods three hundred and one cases 602 eye , except on case with abnormal refraction under the paralyzed ciliary muscles were chosen at random and examined , no infections of the external eyes , cataracts , fundus diseases and other eye infections were found .

  14. 他有几部作品均在戛纳电影节进行首映,2005年他凭借《青红》(ShanghaiDreams)获得评委会大奖(JuryPrize)。

    Several of his films had their premieres at Cannes , and in2005 he won the Jury Prize there for'Shanghai Dreams . '

  15. 结果:15例脑CT扫描均显示双侧基底节区对称性低密度影,均伴有双侧额、颞叶脑沟回增宽及侧裂池、前纵裂池增宽。

    Rethod : CT scans showed bilateral symmetric hypodense lesions in the basal ganglia in all 15 cases , accompanied by widened cerebral grooves and convolutions of bilateral frontal , temporal lobes , lateral fissure and longitudinal fissure .

  16. 病灶位于基底节者高血糖及ACTH升高比例均高于非基底节者。

    The rising scale of sugar and ACTH for those whose focus lies in the basal ganglia is higher than non - basal ganglia ?

  17. 各组均建立兔桡骨节段性缺损模型。

    Model of segmental defects in radial of rabbits were established in all groups .

  18. 从结构形式上看,日语的格助词均粘着在文节或日语中心语词的后面。

    From the structure point of view , both Japanese case particle adhesion in the text section , or Japanese word behind center .

  19. 结论:不同压力作用下受压神经段均发生不同程度节段性脱髓鞘改变;

    Conclusion : The degrade of demyelination and calcium , potassium and sodium in compression nerve segments were in right proportion to pressure .

  20. 两种方法均表明该斑节对虾养殖群体的遗传多样性水平较高,但可能已有近交衰退发生。

    All these results show that the cultured population of Penaeus monodon in Xiamen has a relatively high genetic diversity , but inbreeding may have occurred .

  21. 《白日焰火》及其主演均在柏林电影节上获奖,这激起观众的好奇心,所以我们受到很多关注,它已经成为一部事件电影。

    Both the film and the leading actor won in Berlin , which triggered audiences ' curiosity , so we got quite a lot of attention & it became an event film .