
zì dònɡ jūn hénɡ
  • automatic equalization
  1. 实验结果表明当线路长度变化时该电路具有很强的自动均衡能力。

    Experiment shows that this kind of amplifier has high ability of automatic equalization as the length of transmission line changed .

  2. 通过对国内外现有的均衡方案进行分析,提出了适合机车铅酸蓄电池的检测及均衡方案,实现了对单体电池电压自动循环检测和自动均衡功能。

    Through analyzes the current equalization methods , regarding locomotive Lead-acid batteries proposes appropriate detection and equalization methods , achieve single cell voltage automatic cycle detection and automatic equalization .

  3. 一种能自动均衡处理器负荷的仿真模型调度方案

    A simulation model scheduling scheme that can automatically balance processor 's load

  4. 一种可实现的PCM30/32路再生中继器自动均衡电路

    A realizable automatic equalizing circuit for PCM 30 / 32 regenerative repeater

  5. 该技术已由固定均衡、自动均衡发展到自适应均衡。

    This technique developed from fixed-equalization and auto-equalization to adaptive-equalization .

  6. 本文提出的自适应遗传算法可以自动均衡搜索和优化关系。

    The new adaptive genetic algorithm ( AGA ) is built for inducing suitable search and optimization relationship .

  7. 导向支架过载保护,能自动均衡锯齿阻力,有效延长锯带使用寿命。

    Stand-oriented Overload Protection to automatically balanced serrated resistance , effectively extending the service life with a saw .

  8. 控制电路采用电压、电流双闭环控制技术及峰值电流控制模式,并利用最大电流均流法,自动均衡电源模块间输出电流。

    The voltage and current dual close-loop feedback system is adopted and the peak-value current control mode is used .

  9. 建立在P2P网络基础上的VoD,结合了P2P网络的自动负载均衡,容错性高的优点成为VoD技术的新趋势。

    The VoD applications upon the P2P network , which combined with the advantages ( the automatic load balancing and high fault tolerance ) of P2P technology , have become a new trend of VoD development .

  10. 自动色彩均衡快速算法

    Fast Automatic Color Equalization Algorithm

  11. 但是,抛去弹性货币能够自动趋向均衡的好处不谈,单一的全能型央行也没有说什么吸引力。

    But , even setting aside the equilibrating benefits of flexible currencies , the prospect of a single , omnipotent central bank is not particularly appealing .

  12. 股价弹性是指当股价偏离均衡价格且成交量萎缩的情况下,股票的价格会自动向均衡价格做恢复性移动的性质。

    Stock-price-elasticity refers to the fact that when deviation from its original price causes the volume to shrink , then the stock price will automatically restore to its original equilibrium position .

  13. 您可以通过选择Tools>LoadBalance自动配置负载均衡。

    You can automatically configure load balancing by choosing Tools > Load Balance .

  14. 添加新的容器时,将启动一个自动的重新均衡操作以便将数据分布到所有容器上。

    When new containers are added , an automatic rebalancing starts to distribute the data across all containers .

  15. 另外,这款产品还内置了数字式信号处理电路,可以根据音频信号自动调节音响均衡。

    Besides this , there 's also digital signal processing that adjust the sound balance depending on the signal .

  16. 所有投资者在四个时刻自动满足市场出清均衡条件,建立模型等式。

    The model by means of the equilibrium condition of market of four juncture is found .

  17. 组织和维持市场均衡的力量来自市场本身及其自动机制;市场均衡力量源于个人自利最大化,或看不见的手;

    So that also means that the power to organize or maintain market equilibrium comes form the market itself and its auto-mechanism , the force of market equilibrium from maximization of individual interests , or the invisible hand , the condition of market equilibrium namely freedom of economy .

  18. 该仪器具有自动循环每个电池的端电压,自动均衡充电,实时显示实时评估电池容量、储存、记录和打印当月电池组工作情况与PC通讯。

    This device can equalize automatically the end voltage of battery by circulation examination and equalizing charge . It can show voltage in real time , assesses the capacity , store , and type battery working condition every month .

  19. 传统经济理论认为,在完全信息和零交易费用的前提下,利率的变动会自动调整信贷资金的供给和需求使市场自动处于均衡状态。

    According to the tenet of traditional economics , interest rate can adjust automatically the credit market to equilibrium on the premise of perfect information and zero transaction costs .