
  • 网络Self certification;self-authentication
  1. 因此,上帝的话-将祂自己权威性的救赎应许赐给了人-必须是自证的

    Thus , a word of God , giving his own authoritative promise of redemption , must be self-attesting .

  2. 不受强迫自证其罪原则部分地源于无罪推定原则的要求。

    The principle against compulsory self-incrimination is partly derived from it .

  3. 她说:“这已经变成了一种自证预言。”

    It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy , ' she says .

  4. 美国军事司法禁止强制性自证其罪规则解读证据之规则尚不完善。

    An explanation of privilege against self-incrimination in America s military judicature ;

  5. 论证人的反对被迫自证其罪特权

    Research on the Privilege Against Self-incrimination of the Witness

  6. 这一表述,被称为不得强迫自证其罪特权。

    This statement is called the right against self-incrimination .

  7. 犯罪嫌疑人现在受到自证其罪的保护。

    Criminal suspects are now protected from self-incrimination .

  8. 但二者在主体、表现形式及所保障的权利属性等方面却有所不同。反对被迫自证其罪特权是沉默权的基础。

    The privilege against self-incrimination and the right to silence have relations and distinctions .

  9. 检察官不可以询问被告,因为美国宪法禁止“自证其罪”。

    The prosecuting attorney cannot question the accused , as the US Constitution forbids self-incrimination .

  10. 事实自证的证明方式在处理医疗侵权损害赔偿案件中有其优势。

    Res ipsa loquitur proven method has its advantages in handling damages in medical tort cases .

  11. 构建我国证人反对被迫自证其罪特权制度的设想

    The Consideration about Setting up the System of the Privilege against Self-incrimination of Witness in China

  12. 虽然渣打银行强烈否认这一点,但该行放弃了自证清白的机会。

    The bank strongly denies this . But it gave up the chance to prove its case .

  13. 在米兰达案件中,最高法院最终将反对强迫自证其罪特权确立为规范审前讯问的主要根据,并导致特权自身发生变化。

    In Miranda , the Court established the privilege against self-incrimination as the basis of regulating pre-trial interrogation .

  14. 内容提要:事实自证制度是英美侵权法中的一项特殊的证据制度和证据学说。

    The principle of res ipsa loquitur is a special evidence rule or doctrine in Anglo-American tort law .

  15. 刑事诉讼法修正案并没能将反对强迫自证其罪原则确立为刑事诉讼的基本原则,着实令人遗憾。

    The recent modification of Criminal Procedure Law does not include the establishment of the principle of Anti-self-incrimination .

  16. 不被强迫自证其罪的权利要求不得为了获得有罪供述对被指控者施加任何直接或间接的身体或精神压力。

    The privilege against self-incrimination requires not to exert any direct or indirect physical or mental pressure to obtain confessions .

  17. 自证其罪的权利或只能用于个人,不保护非自然人实体,比如公司。登录以后可看到完整内容!没有账号?

    The right of self-incrimination may only be asserted by persons and does not protect artificial entities such as corporations .

  18. 正因为如此,我们的宪法体制已自证为是最有适应性的政治体制.

    That is why our constitutional system has proved itself the most superbly enduring political mechanism the modern world has produced .

  19. 第二,冯契在培养自由德性的途径这个问题上提出了理性直觉与辩证综合、德性自证相统一的转识成智的思路。

    Secondly , Feng Qi freely cultivate virtue to put forward a rational and intuitive dialectical synthesis , self-unity of virtue .

  20. 反对被迫自证其罪特权是证人的一项必不可少的权利,它已得到世界众多国家以及联合国公约的认可。

    The privilege against self-incrimination is very essential to witness , it is admitted by many countries and the UN conventions .

  21. 如沉默权所要求的制度条件,沉默权的引进应该暂缓,沉默权与拒绝自证其罪的关系。

    This article objectively analyzed the system condition required by the reticence right and consider the introduction to be put off .

  22. 沉默权是反对强迫自证其罪权在刑事诉讼中的体现与保障措施。

    The tight of silence is against the privilege of forcing the criminal to prove his own crime in the criminal process .

  23. 邪恶的心本来就胆怯,自证自己有罪,受著天良的催迫,时常向坏处著想。

    For whereas wickedness is fearful , it beareth witness of its condemnation : for a troubled conscience always forecasteth grievous things .

  24. 但能“自证清白”的俄罗斯运动员可以以中立身份参赛。

    But Russian athletes who can prove they are clean would be allowed to compete in South Korea under a neutral flag .

  25. 路易斯·勒纳向陪审小组成员表示,在利用第五修正法案不自证其罪之前,她没有做错任何事。

    Lois Lerner told the panel that she had done nothing wrong before asserting her Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate herself .

  26. 他通过理性的直觉、辩证的综合与德性的自证,从理论上实现了由知识到智慧的超越。

    He realized the theoretical transcendence from knowledge to wisdom by the theory of Rational Intuition , Dialectical Synthesis and Self-verification of Morality .

  27. 关于公平对待海员与海事调查规则的分析&沉默权与不自证其罪

    Analysis of fair treatment of seafarers and the Regulations for Maritime Investigation & right of being silence and no self admission of guilt

  28. 目前,国际上将不得强迫自证其罪特权视为刑事诉讼中对被追诉人进行公正审判的一项最低限度保障。

    At present , the right against self-incrimination is regarded as an basic safeguard to ensure defendants ' civil rights in criminal action .

  29. 在有些情况下,普通法特权和宪法保障防止自证有罪都可能和传票执行诉讼相关。

    In some instances , the common law privileges and the constitutional protection against self-incrimination may both be relevant to a subpoena enforcement action .

  30. 由犯罪嫌疑人或被告人承认其巨额财产来源非法,是否在推行自证其罪的诉讼原则?

    The suspect or the accused is to admit the illegality of the property , is he practicing the prosecution principle of self-pleading guilty ?