
zì yóu quán
  • freedom;right to freedom;liberty;right to liberty
  1. 因此,军事侦察目的的航行行为是不符合国际法中关于EEZ内航行自由权要求的。

    Therefore , navigation for military detection is not in conformity with the requirements of international laws regarding to the freedom of navigation in EEZ .

  2. 论结社自由权的宪法权利属性、价值及其限制

    Freedom of Association in Constitution : Attributes , Values and Restrictions

  3. 最后,对基于自由权矩阵的Lurie时滞系统绝对稳定性的研究进行了总结,并对相关研究进行了展望。

    Finally , a summary of study on absolute stability of Lurie time-delay systems based on free-weighting matrix approach is presented , and prospects for further studies are mentioned .

  4. 性自由权是最核心的性权利。

    The right to sexual freedom is the core sexual right .

  5. 犯罪嫌疑人人身自由权的法律保护与救济

    Legal Protection and Remedy of Right of Personal Freedom of Suspect

  6. 农民迁徙自由权与户籍管理制度

    Farmers ' right of moving freely and census register system

  7. 笔者在该部分从五个方面对思想自由权进行了阐述。

    It has been explained from the following five aspects .

  8. 首先阐述了迁徙自由权的内涵。

    First , discusses the concept of freedom of migration .

  9. 言论、思想、礼拜等的自由权

    Freedom of speech , thought , worship , etc

  10. 人身自由权到底是不是自然人的一项民事权利。

    Is the right of personal liberty one civil right of the natural persona ?

  11. 《性权宣言》以性自由权为核心构筑了性权利体系。

    Establishes a system of sex right with the core of the sex liberty .

  12. 因而,财产权就是自由权,这是法律的维度内所界定的。

    In this sense , property right equals to freedom , as is defined by law .

  13. 就第一章而言,作者主要讨论了迁徙自由权的概念,并对迁徙自由权的价值和外延进行了分析。

    The first chapter mainly deals with the concept and the extention of the freedom of migration .

  14. 你对信息法自由权的申请引起了我们的注意。

    It comes to our attention that you made a FOIL request a couple of days ago .

  15. 人身自由权之概念析

    The Definition of Personal Liberty

  16. 然后对迁徙自由权实现的利弊因素进行分析,指出解决这一问题的可能性与现实困境所在。

    Then , it analyses the good and bad factors of the realization of freedom of movement .

  17. 审前羁押具有对公民人身自由权的剥夺性和例外性。

    The detain before trail has character of deprivation and exception for the right of citizen personal freedom .

  18. 迁徙自由权辨

    On Freedom of Migration

  19. 第二章、关于迁徙自由权的比较研究。

    The second part explains the history of freedom of movement and takes a comparative study of it .

  20. 委员会成员之间拥有足够的自由权,来刊登他们感兴趣的文章。

    Editors on the Committee tended to give each other real freedom in pursuing articles that interested them .

  21. 笔者认为,迁徙自由权是一种民事权利,它属于人身自由权范畴,但与人的社会经济活动密切相关,具有社会经济权利的性质。

    It belongs to the scope of personal liberty and is somewhat related to the social and economic activity .

  22. 不论所有人都享有不可让渡的生存权、自由权和追求幸福权。

    All men will be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness .

  23. 作为宪法基本权利,知情权具有不同的功能面向,既具有自由权的特性,又具有请求权的特性。

    Therefore , the right to know bears the properties both of the right to liberty and of the right to request .

  24. 迁徙自由权是指公民在法律允许的范围内自主变更居住地的权利。

    The freedom of Migration is the right of citizens to choose their resident on the will in the scope of law .

  25. 如若行政紧急权得不到有效规制,公民的人身自由权便首当其冲。

    If the administrative emergency power is not regulated effectively , the right to personal freedom of citizens will bear the brunt .

  26. 其中,11人被判处6个月至一年不等的刑期监禁,罪名为侵犯他人的通讯自由权。

    Eleven were jailed for six months to one year , for " infringing upon citizens ` right to correspondence freedom " .

  27. 消极自由权与行政警察权冲突的原因是多方面的,二者相异的品性是其中的根本原因。

    Many reasons lead to the conflictions between negative liberty and police executive power while the basic reason is their different natures .

  28. 如果被人抹杀或自己抛弃这种相对的自由权,那就也会破坏团结对敌的总方针。

    Also , the general policy of unity against the enemy would be undermined if this relative freedom were denied or voluntarily abandoned .

  29. 世界各国宪法以及部分国际公约对保障公民的住宅自由权进行了相关的规定。

    Constitution in every country , as well as a few International Convention , has provisions on protection of citizens ' residential freedom right .

  30. 在人格权立法的多元模式中,我们可以将人格尊严权与人格自由权作为个别(具体)人格权来处理。

    So we can divide the right of personality into personal dignity and Personal freedom , etc , which all are individual personal right .