
  • 网络Liquidity;market liquidity
  1. 第三,人民币计价IPO的推出。不过,陈家强对人民币市场缺乏流通性带来的挑战提出了警告。

    Third , the emergence of renminbi-denominated IPOs , although Mr Chan warned of challenges due to the lack of liquidity in the renminbi market .

  2. 金融衍生产品能够规避和对冲风险,增加金融市场的流通性,提高投资效率,优化资源配置。

    Financial derivatives to hedge the risk of evasion and to increase the liquidity of financial markets , improve investment efficiency , optimize the allocation of resources .

  3. 钱庄庄票最为重要的特性是其在金融市场与商品市场的流通性。

    The money shop bank note issued by old-style Chinese private banks most important characteristic is it in the money market and the commodity market conductivity .

  4. 然而,虽然零售债券在一手市场广受欢迎,但在二手市场的流通性普遍偏低。

    However , despite the popularity of retail bonds in the primary market , liquidity in the secondary market is generally low .

  5. 第三,我们推出正式的市场庄家制度,以确保零售债券在第二市场的流通性。

    Third , we are introducing a formal market-making arrangement to provide liquidity for the retail bonds in the secondary market .