
  • 网络market competitive situation;MKTPOST
  1. 分析当前科技期刊面临的主要市场竞争态势。

    This paper discusses the market competitive situation faced by sci tech periodicals .

  2. 中国加入WTO后,温州中小企业必将面临新的市场竞争态势。

    However , after China entering WTO , these enterprises will face new market challenge .

  3. 中国方便面行业市场竞争态势的分析与思考

    Analysis and consider of competitive state in China instant noodle market

  4. 入境旅游客源市场竞争态势及市场开拓研究

    Research on Market Competitive State and Market Development of Inbound Tourism

  5. 国内烧碱市场竞争态势分析

    Analysis on the competitive situation of domestic caustic soda market

  6. 上海宽带业务市场竞争态势分析

    Analysis of the Competition Status of Broad-band Ser vice Market in Shanghai

  7. 从企业并购观航天寡头市场竞争态势

    The perceptions of the competition trend in the space oligopoly market from MA

  8. 面对激烈的市场竞争态势,我国国有商业银行的竞争力状况如何?

    Facing the vigorous market competition situations , how is the competitive ability condition of Chinese state-owned commercial banks ?

  9. 当今,一种新的市场竞争态势&超优势竞争,已经摆在了我国企业面前。

    Nowadays , a new competitive situation arises , which our domestic enterprises have to face , named hypercompetition .

  10. 由于国家援助可能对市场竞争态势产生实质性的影响,欧盟各成员国的国家援助就成为欧盟竞争法的规制对象。

    Aids from a member state may produce substantial influence on the competition situation of the market and therefore fall into the scope of regulation of European competition law .

  11. 但是,传统的营销模式,如特许加盟、自营等,在目前的市场竞争态势下,已渐渐地失去其优势。

    However , the traditional marketing model , such as the franchise , self-supporting , etc , in the current market competitive states , already gradually losing of its advantage .

  12. 随着市场竞争态势的变化,为了提高市场资源的可控程度,企业经营要求更加深入和细致。

    With the trend of great changes in market competition , in order to improve the controllability of market resources , demands on business running becomes more profound and more detailed .

  13. 我国商业银行运行机制已经与国际银行业接轨,从当前市场竞争态势看,国内个人业务与对公业务相比,尚未形成银行同业间面对面的激烈对抗性竞争局面。

    The operation mechanism of Commercial Bank in our country has joined with that of international Banks . Seeing from the current market competition status , compared with domestic private business and public business .

  14. 欧美国家风起云涌的民营化改革不仅与其规范有序的市场竞争态势、完善的法律体系有关,而且也与国家和社会、公民相互合作参与的行政模式密不可分。

    Europe and the United States surging privatization reform not only with standardized and orderly market competition system , sound legal system , but also with the state and society , citizens of mutual cooperation in the administration inseparable .

  15. 在激烈的市场竞争态势下,为了提升企业的核心竞争力,企业家们正在努力通过企业文化的构建塑造企业的文化力,提升企业综合竞争能力。

    In the conditions of the fierce competition in the market situation , in order to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises . entrepreneurs are working through the construction of the corporate culture to shape the culture power of the corporate .

  16. 并在此基础上,通过对比分析,指出:面对如此的市场竞争态势和新经济的要求,武烟只有尽快实施正确的发展战略。

    And on this basis , through comparing with analysing , point out : In the face of market competition situation and new request of economy like this , military smoke implement the correct development strategy as soon as possible only .

  17. 第五部分:详细分析山东省的主要旅游城市的入境旅游市场竞争态势,并分别对6个主要城市进行市场定位分析。

    The article points out the thirteen major source markets and six major tourist cities in Shandong Province ; In the fifth chapter , there is a detailed analysis of the inbound tourism market competition on the major tourist cities in Shandong Province .

  18. 随着经济全球化的蔓延,国际市场竞争态势加剧,引进创新人才、发展创新经济、建立完善的创新体系成为城市应对经济全球化的必然选择。

    With the spread of economic globalization and more and more intensive competition in the international market , it is the inevitable choice for a city to introduce innovative talents , develop innovation-type economy and establish the innovative system in order to face this situation .

  19. 运用产品生命周期理论和波特的竞争战略模型对重庆医学美容市场的竞争态势进行了详实的分析。

    I analyze the situation of Chongqing Aesthetic Surgery market from studying the Theory of Production Lifecycles and the Model of Competitive Strategy .

  20. 撰写本论文的主要目的就是从中远油轮船队的现状出发,结合市场及竞争态势的分析,研究和探讨中远油轮船队发展的目标、船队结构及发展步骤等具体问题。

    The aim of this thesis is to discuss and inquire into the development target fleet structure and development procedure for COSCO 's future tanker fleet .

  21. 目前中国润滑油市场竞争的态势是:中国石油和中国石化两大集团公司主要在中档油上占优势;

    At present , the status of market competition for lubricating oils in China are as follows : CNPC and SINOPEC are superior in medium grade oils ;

  22. 本文以上海和广州这两个城市的报业发展模式为蓝本,运用实证研究的方法,将其放在整个区域经济地区的大视角下进行剖析。重点比较了广州和上海报业市场的竞争态势。

    This article takes newspaper industry development pattern of these two cities as a main source , put it into the whole economic regions , and from the view of the large area region compare their economy , culture and tendency organically through diagnosis research .

  23. 从21世纪中国经济发展的需要、上海实现一个龙头、三个中心的实际要求以及国际航运市场的竞争态势出发,上海必须在21世纪初建设成为国际航运中心。

    For the need of Chinese regional economy , Shanghai 's actual requirements to be the dragon head and three centres and the situation of market competition in world shipping business , Shanghai should be built up to be an international shipping centre at the beginning of the 21st century .

  24. l、本文分析了国内医药行业的总体发展趋势、技术发展趋势、市场潜力、竞争态势和国家医药政策情况,提出了国内医药行业在与国外医药企业竞争中面临的挑战与压力。

    Based on the analysis on general development situation , technology development trend , market potentials , competitive trend and the state policy-making for domestic pharmaceutical field , the paper gives the challenges and pressure facing domestic pharmaceutical enterprises in the course of competition with overseas counterparts .

  25. 汽车产品、市场需求、竞争态势的变化;

    Auto production , market demand , competition situation has changed ;

  26. 金融危机下的中国石化工业市场环境及竞争态势

    Market Environment and Competition Situation of China 's Petrochemical Industry under the Financial Crisis

  27. 在竞争日益激烈的厦门零售市场中,竞争态势相对较弱的校园超市市场已开始进入零售商业企业经营视野。

    Under the increasingly competitive retail market of Xiamen , the campus supermarket seems little weak by comparison but has begun to enter the retail industry business field .

  28. 本文对中国的宽带产业所面临的形势、接入方式、存在的问题以及湖南电信宽带业务发展所面临的市场环境、竞争态势进行了分析研究;

    This passage analyses and studies the situations encountered by China 's broadband industry , the access methods , problems to be solved , market situation and competing conditions .

  29. 产业壁垒问题的研究对于深入细化分析我国产业市场的垄断竞争态势、勾勒出我国产业组织现状、厂商行为特征以及据此制定科学的产业组织政策具有重要的现实意义。

    Evidently , a study on industrial barriers in China calls for detailed investigations on many aspects , from competition and monopolization in the Chinese market , status quo of its industrial organization to characteristics of enterprises behaviour .

  30. 策划和撰写本方案的目的,是要通过分析所面临的市场机遇和竞争态势,找到产品的定位,并据此进行产品设计、营销策划和销售决策。

    We design and draft the plan for understand the present competitive situations , identify the market opportunities , and locate the position of the project according to which product design , marketing plan and sales decision are conducted .