
  • 网络marketing supervisor;Marketing Manager;Marketing;Marketing Executive;Marketing Director
  1. PartnersinHumanResourcesInternational的首席执行长艾米•弗里德曼(AmyFriedman)日前接到一个紧急电话,要她帮助某家大型媒体公司最近刚被解雇的高级市场主管。

    Amy Friedman , chief executive of Partners in Human Resources International , got an emergency call to help a recently fired senior marketing executive at a big media company .

  2. 这种面料似乎是某种宣言,市场主管丹•肖(DanShaw)表示,我有一件浅灰色两件套西装,我确实喜欢它微微泛出亮光的样子。

    This kind of fabric is something of a statement , says Dan Shaw , a marketing executive . I 've a pale grey two-piece suit and I really like the way it shimmers .

  3. 本文作者RandySchwimmer是ChurchillFinancial的高级董事总经理兼资本市场主管。

    Randy Schwimmer is senior managing director and head of capital markets with Churchill financial .

  4. 夏尔马是摩根士丹利投资管理公司(MorganStanleyInvestmentManagement)在纽约的新兴市场主管和全球首席策略师。通胀是他用来评估各个国家(不管大小)前景的10个标准之一。

    Inflation is one of 10 criteria used by Sharma , head of emerging markets and chief global strategist at Morgan Stanley Investment Management in New York , to assess the prospects of nations big and small .

  5. 利萨•伯尔德,IBM全球广告和市场主管这种魔术般看不见的线源自一个非常古老、流传几百年的当地传说,它讲述的是把线编织到一起的重要性。

    LISA BAIRD , WORLDWIDE ADVERT . AND MARKETING , IBM The magic invisible thread is based on a very old , centuries old , local fairy tale about the importance of weaving things together .

  6. Twitter任命陈葵(KathyChen)为中国内地、香港和台湾地区新任董事总经理。此前,该地区由Twitter的新兴市场主管运营。

    Twitter named Kathy Chen as its new managing director for China , Hong Kong and Taiwan , an area previously run by Twitter 's director of emerging markets .

  7. 中国内地决策者迫切希望推动人民币国际化,但他们也想确保这个过程处于自己的掌控之中。渣打银行(StandardChartered)东北亚全球市场主管GeneKim表示,监管规定正不时发生变化。

    Chinese policy makers are eager to internationalise the renminbi but they also want to make sure that process is under control , says Gene Kim , head of global markets for northeast Asia at Standard Chartered bank .

  8. 许多公司制定上市时间时有意避免与阿里巴巴同期定价,美银美林(BankOfAmericaMerrillLynch)的美国股权资本市场主管JD•莫里亚蒂(JDMoriarty)说。

    Many companies deliberately timed their deals to avoid pricing alongside Alibaba , says JD Moriarty , head of Americas equity capital markets at Bank of America Merrill Lynch .

  9. 摩根大通(JPMorgan)亚太区股票及衍生品市场主管吴绳祖(KesterNg)表示:IPO在2009年会有所恢复,但不会达到2006年或2007年的水平。

    Kester Ng , JPMorgan 's head of Asia-Pacific equity capital and derivatives markets , said : IPOs will somewhat return in 2009 but will not experience the levels of 2006 or 2007 .

  10. 据报道,这家华尔街投行的董事会将于今日召开会议,讨论其联席总裁兼资本市场主管沃伦•斯别克特(WarrenSpector)的去留问题。

    The Wall Street bank 's board is reported to be meeting today to consider the future of Warren Spector , its co-president and head of capital markets .

  11. musicMagpie网站市场主管利亚姆·豪利接受《ThisisMoney》采访时表示:“视手机型号和品牌有所不同,在经历过最初的贬值后,我们研究的所有手机,基本上贬值的平均速度都为1%。”

    Liam Howley , marketing director at musicMagpie , told This is Money : ' After the initial loss in value , which was different for all models and makes , all the phones we researched seemed to lose value at a consistent average rate of 1 per cent a month after then . '

  12. 普华永道(PwC)资本市场主管汤姆特鲁布里奇(TomTroubridge)表示:现在是买方市场,投资者可以挑三拣四。巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)估计,今年美国IPO总额将增长两倍,至500亿美元。

    It is a buyers ' market and investors can afford to be picky , said Tom Troubridge , head of capital markets at PwC . Barclays Capital estimates that US IPOs will triple to $ 50bn this year .

  13. 荷兰银行(abnamro)全球货币市场主管埃德温路德(edwinrood)称,就市场的流动性状况问题,欧洲央行和一些大型市场参与者之间一直联系频繁。

    According to Edwin rood , global head of money markets at ABN AMRO , there have been frequent contacts between ECB and big market participants on the liquidity situation in the market .

  14. 高纬环球驻上海的资本市场主管KentFong说,如此之低的租金回报已经促使部分投资者重新考虑在这一领域和地理区域上的投资选择。

    ' Such low rental returns have caused some investors to reconsider their investment options in this sector and geographical area , ' said Kent Fong , acting head of capital markets at Cushman Wakefield in Shanghai .

  15. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)美国股票资本市场主管斯蒂芬皮尔斯(StephenPierce)表示:市场脱离底部已有3到4个月时间,投资者试图达到或超过基准指数的表现,他们现在愿意重新谈论IPO了。

    Three to four months off market lows , as investors attempt to match or exceed their benchmark indices ' performance , investors are willing to talk about IPOs again , says Stephen Pierce , head of equity capital markets for the Americas at Goldman Sachs .

  16. 美林(merrilllynch)环太平洋地区股票资本市场主管亚历克斯伍德索普(alexwoodthorpe)表示:“过去几年,由于投资者基础发生了变化,定价的决策难度有所上升。”

    Alex woodthorpe , head of Pacific Rim equity capital markets at Merrill Lynch , said : " judgment calls on pricing have become harder to make over the past few years as the investor base has changed . "

  17. 该度假村销售和市场主管古布鲁德(ScottGubrud)称,你必须要设法找出情绪沮丧的员工,并帮他们放下活儿去休息一会儿。本月,该度假村针对员工和客人发起了一系列“好眠”倡议。

    You have to try to figure out who 's feeling frustrated and help them cut loose to get some rest , ' said Scott Gubrud , director of sales and marketing at the hotel , which last week began a series of better-sleep initiatives for both employees and guests .

  18. “真的是各地有各地的情况,欧洲各银行正寻求资本以修复受到重创的资产负债表,而亚洲的资金完全用来投入增长,”瑞银(ubs)全球资本市场主管高迪晖(matthewkoder)表示。

    " It is really a tale of regions , with European banks seeking capital to repair battered balance sheets while in Asia funds are used solely to fund growth , " said Matthew koder , head of global capital markets at UBS .

  19. 基金管理公司gartmore的新兴市场主管克里斯多弗鲍尔默(christopherpalmer)表示:“技术和更优良的风险管理工具相结合,有利于使各个环节变得井然有序。”

    Christopher Palmer , head of emerging markets at Gartmore , a fund manager , says : " a combination of technology and better risk management instruments has eased the way for a whole chain of events to fall into place . "

  20. 瑞穗欧洲公共部门与企业债资本市场主管莫文琼斯(MorvenJones)表示:自金融危机爆发以来,企业一直急于取悦尽可能多的贷款银行,因此我们看到,担任账簿管理人的银行数量有所增多。

    Since the crisis , companies have been keen to keep as many lending relationship banks happy , so we have seen a rise in the number of bookrunners appointed , said Morven Jones , head of public sector and corporate debt capital markets for Europe at Nomura .

  21. 他是塔塔咨询公司的全球市场主管。

    He 's the chief global marketing officer at Tata Consultancy Services .

  22. 有人狡计挖走我们的市场主管,面对这种德性困难,她举办了剧烈的思惟斗争。

    Some one tried to poach our market manager ; she grappled with her moral dilemma .

  23. 国际奥委会市场主管迈克尔?佩尼说,奥运会徽的揭幕,是成功举办奥运会的一个重要环节。

    IOC MarketingDirector Michael Payne says the unveiling of the logo is key to the success of the Olympic marketing program .

  24. 我想我的要求是给每位市场主管打印500张,给我打印750张。

    I 'm sure I asked for five hundred for each of the marketing executives and seven hundred and fifty for me

  25. 先后在报社做过财经记者、服饰公司的品牌企划和广告公司的市场主管。

    He was once a commercial journalist in a newspaper office , a brand planner of a clothing company and market executive in advertisement company .

  26. 某大型国际银行上海分公司的市场主管将正规金融体系和货币政策形容为一项为社会主义经济制定的政策。

    The head of markets at the Shanghai Branch of one big international bank describes the formal financial system and monetary policy as a policy for a socialist economy .

  27. 埃文斯自2004年起担任亚太区董事长,他将在纽约继续履行全球成长型市场主管的职责。

    Mr Evans , who has served as chairman of Asia Pacific since 2004 , will continue in his role as global head of growth markets , based in New York .

  28. 公司需要以具体、可衡量的任务来定义重要职位,而不是从市场主管、财务主管、业务开发或销售主管等广义的职能来考虑。

    Instead of thinking in terms of broad functions like the head of marketing , finance , corporate development or sales , a firm needs to define key roles in terms of specific , measurable tasks .

  29. 曾任巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)全球市场数据主管的亚当•班尼特(AdamBennett),早在1999年就注意到了这方面的机遇。

    Adam Bennett , formerly head of global market data at Barclays Capital , spotted the opportunity back in 1999 .

  30. ING金融市场销售主管马克•彼得•德博尔(MarkPieterdeBoer)承认,一些员工一开始有抵触心理。

    Mark Pieter de Boer , head of financial market sales at ING , admits some bankers were initially resistant .