
  • Production Supervisor;Manufacturing Supervisor
  1. 焊接和试验在生产主管,以及第三方独立机构人员的督导下实施。

    The performance of welding and test will be supervised by the Production Supervisor and the independent organization personnel .

  2. 附体试片的焊接工作应在生产主管和独立机构人员的监督下实施。

    The welding on the test coupons shall be performed under the supervision of the Production Supervisor and the independent organization personnel .

  3. 与模具生产主管协调工作,保证质量。

    Work in coordination with the Molding Supervisors , assuring quality .

  4. 先让我来自我介绍一下。我叫彼得怀特,是生产主管。

    First let me introduct myself . I 'm Peter white , production manager .

  5. 与技术部门工程师、生产主管、和车间工人等协同合作。

    Collaborate with technical department engineers , production supervisors , shop-workers , and others .

  6. 调整经营者的管理风格,给予生产主管参与企业经营决策的机会。

    Adjust the administrative style , and give production managers more opportunities to participate in company 's decision making .

  7. 在一项调查中70%的生产主管承认,他们的公司现在花费更多的时间在改进顾客满意的因素上。

    In a survey of70 % of the production supervisor to admit , they now spend more time in improving customer satisfaction factor .

  8. 配合生产主管及相关部门的日常工作,及时反馈信息,协助问题的调查与分析研究。

    Support so production supervisor in daily operation by timely checking and analysing outcomes and finding solutions in problem situation , co-ordinating with all supporitng function Dept.

  9. 与技术部经理和生产主管保持密切联系,改进产品使客户满意;

    Study and analyze process data , improve process by appropriate methods to ensure the continuous advance of productivity and the compliance with requirements of company and customer ;

  10. 接受生产计划主管的工作指令。

    Follow the instructions from superior .

  11. 公司销售人员必须向营业部主管和生产部主管提供该时期的市场销售预测。

    The company 's salesmen must provide unit sales estimates for the period to both the sales manager and the production manager .

  12. 我是生产部主管艾玛·佩恩顿,西蒙通常给我们的服务工程部做合同,

    Woman : Please . It 's Emma Paynton , Production Supervisor ... Simon usually does the contracts for our Service Engineers .

  13. 药品生产经营主管部门可以根据《药品生产质量管理规范》的要求,制定实施规划,指导《药品生产质量管理规范》的逐步实施。

    The departments in charge of the production and trading of medicines may formulate specific rules to guide the gradual implementation of the norms .

  14. 目前在预产会议有生产和质量主管?

    Are production and quality supervisors present during Pre-production meeting ?

  15. 与此同时,她在厂里被升为管理一条生产线的主管。

    At the factory , meanwhile , she was promoted to supervise a production line .

  16. 国务院工业产品生产许可证主管部门作出的准予许可的决定应当向社会公布。

    The decisions to grant permission rendered by the State Council 's industrial product production permit department shall be made public .

  17. 如获得生产经理或主管的允许、或在工程师的支持下可以对设备程序进行必要的调整。

    Make necessary adjustment to programming of equipment with the permission of supervisor or production manager or with the support of engineers .

  18. 随着信息技术的高度发展,安全管理信息系统已广泛应用于企业安全生产和各级主管单位的监督管理工作中。

    With a highly developed information technology , safety management information system has been widely used in business safety production and supervision management of every responsible institution .

  19. 本系统的用户包括生产部门的主管、生产部门的计划员和调度人员、领班、物料员。同时也是与主计划人员的一个接口。

    This system users include production supervisors , production department planner and dispatch personnel , foreman , material member , is also one of the main program personnel with the interface .

  20. 会议指出,疫苗生产厂商及政府主管部门都倾向于对妊娠期常规接种流感疫苗应十分谨慎。

    It was pointed out that manufacturers , as well as national regulatory authorities , tend to caution against routine use of influenza-vaccine during pregnancy .

  21. 试图用来协调气体放电管生产厂家、电信设备生产厂家或电信主管部门现行的或将来的规范。

    It is intended to be used for the harmonization of existing or future specifications issued by gas discharge tube manufacturers , telecommunication equipment manufacturers or Administrations .

  22. 企业不办理生产许可证注销手续的,国务院工业产品生产许可证主管部门应当注销其生产许可证并向社会公告。

    If an enterprise fails to carry out the cancellation procedures , the State Council 's industrial product production permit department shall cancel its production permit and announce the same .

  23. 现场管理培训(TWI)是有效实施精益生产和六西格玛等管理工具和系统的基础支撑,它针对生产基层主管,设计简单、实用、有效的课程,被欧、美与日本等先进国家广泛应用。

    TWI is the basis of effectively implementing management tools such as Lean Production and Six Sigma . It is designed for online supervisors , including simple and effective courses . It is widely used by enterprises in America , Japan and Europe .