
  • 网络Production Practice;Producing Practice
  1. 引入PDCA循环提高车工生产实习教学质量

    Introducing PDCA Cycle to Promote Teaching of Turning Production Practice

  2. 提高工科大学生生产实习效果的探讨

    Improvement of the Production Practice Effects of College Students in Engineering

  3. 基于WEB的校外生产实习及就业管理系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation about out-School Production Internships & Employment Management based on WEB

  4. 钻井工程生产实习CAI课件的制作

    CAI Draft of Drilling Engineering Field Practice

  5. 课程设计嵌合生产实习的PBL教学模式探讨

    The Exploration of PBL Teaching Model of Combined Curriculum Design and Production Practice

  6. 土建专业生产实习的PBL教学模式初探

    A Primary Discussion on PBL Teaching Mode in Practical Teaching of Civil Engineering Profession

  7. 建筑工程专业生产实习教学改革研究

    Teaching Reform Study on Production Practical Training for Architecture Engineering Specialty

  8. 生产实习教学要依法指导

    Teaching of Productive Practice Should be Instructed According to Some Means

  9. 高校理科化学专业中期生产实习的改革与实践

    Reform and Practice of mid-term Production Exercitation for College Chemical Major

  10. 浅议我院药物制剂专业生产实习的探索与实践

    Exploration of the production practice on the major of pharmaceutical preparation

  11. 浅谈技校学生生产实习的安全管理

    Discussion on Safety Management of Technician School Students during Their Exercitation

  12. 发挥现代化企业优势提高生产实习质量

    Displaying the Modernized Enterprise 's Superiority to Enhance Specialized Practice Quality

  13. 新时期电力工程类专业生产实习探索

    Explore of Practice on Power Electric Engineering in New Period

  14. 在生产实习中加强对大学生的工程素质培养

    The Training of Engineering Quality for Students Through Industrial Practice

  15. 皮革工程专业生产实习教学改革的体会

    Realize the Reform in Education on Production Practice of Leather Engineering Specialty

  16. 生产实习是高校实践教学的重要组成部分。

    Productive training is an important part of practical teaching .

  17. 提高《鱼类增养殖学》教学生产实习质量的探讨

    Probe into Teaching Practice Training of Science of Fish Culture and Propagation

  18. 从调查问卷看生产实习改革

    The Discussion on the Reform of College Productive Practice Based on Questionnaires

  19. 工业工程专业生产实习方法探索

    A New Way of Production Practice for Industry Engineering Specialty

  20. 工程应用型本科院校生产实习有效途径探索

    On Productive Practice of the Undergraduates at Application-oriented Engineering Institutes

  21. 高校理工类专业生产实习模式改革的探索与实践

    Research and Practice in the Reform of the Arrangement for Production Exercitation

  22. 《车工工艺》与《生产实习》的一体化教学

    " Lathe worker craft " and " Productive practice " Integrated Teaching

  23. 生产实习是工科院校重要的实践性教学环节。

    Production practice is the important practical teaching link in engineering universities .

  24. 制药工程生产实习动员会议教学研究

    Teaching Research on Production Practice Mobilization Meeting of Pharmaceutical Engineering

  25. 机械工程类专业本科生产实习实践教学的改革方法

    A Method on Teaching Reform of Production Practice in Mechanical Engineering Major

  26. 在实践中提高电信科技专业生产实习效果

    Improve Science and Technology of Electronic Information Specialty 's Production Practice Effect

  27. 自动化专业生产实习改革的探索

    The Reformation of Production Practice for the Specialty of Automation

  28. 强化包装工程专业的生产实习

    The Research of Reform in Production Practice for Package Engineering

  29. 高职院校项目教学生产实习的组织与实施

    The organization and implementation of teaching practice in vocational colleges

  30. 建筑工程专业有效生产实习方式的探索

    An Inquiry into Effective Mode of Production Practice for Architectural Engineering Major