
shēnɡ wù yī yào
  • biomedicine
  1. 伴随着网络技术的发展,可扩展标记语言XML在电子商务、数据交换、网络出版、制造业、生物医药以及电信等行业得到了广泛的应用。

    With the development of network technology , XML has been widely used in electronic business , data exchange , network publication , manufacturing , biomedicine and telecom .

  2. 近年来,挪威生物医药事业发展迅速,取得了世人瞩目的成绩。

    Norway has made remarkable achievements of biomedicine in recent years .

  3. 同时对亲和乳胶微球在生化识别分离、DNA免疫诊断、药物载体等生物医药领域的应用作了介绍,并指出该领域的研究重点和发展前景。

    The applications of microspheres to the areas of bio-separation , DNA diagnosis , drug carrier and so on are also introduced .

  4. 因此,用金包覆磁性纳米微粒将在生物医药、细胞分离、DNA检测、磁记录等领域有着广泛的应用前景。

    The magnetic nanocomposite with gold coating can be used to targeted drug delivery , cell separation , DNA detection and so on .

  5. 根据这项中英生物医药产业双向合作计划(ProjectDynasty),一家总部设在英国、由私人股本资助的临床研究机构将利用英国专家资源,在英国研发药物并开始试验。

    Under the Sino-British plan , project Dynasty , a UK-based clinical research organisation with private equity backing would tap British specialists to develop and begin testing medicines in the UK .

  6. 在构建生物医药链工程中,林业一方面要加大对生态、资源、技术方面的支撑,尤其是对工程链源头GAP中草药基地建设的支撑;

    In the process of constructing biologic medicine chain project , forestry will enhance the supports in ecology , resources and technology , especially , in building project chain source-GAP Herbal Medicine Base .

  7. 为直接客户和众多OEM厂商设计和生产HPLC等产品,涵盖了药物开发、蛋白质组等生物医药前沿领域。

    We design and manufacture a wide selection of products for end-users and OEMs in the fields of HPLC , Drug Discovery , Proteomics and beyond .

  8. 时间已经进入2013年10月,IPO业绩最佳的行业依然不出我们所料:生物医药和科技。

    Ten months into 2013 , the list of top performing initial public offerings is full of what you might expect : biopharmaceutical corporations and tech companies .

  9. 由于有机体中含有的自由基如OH·和ROO·,均具有氧化性,因此,这些导电性高分子材料的抗氧化性能对其在生物医药领域的应用有着非常重要的作用。

    The free radicals such as OH · and ROO · in organisms are oxidative , thus their antioxidant ability is important for their biomedical applications .

  10. 此外,我们基于RAFT聚合制备了一系列具有不同刺激响应性的超支化星形共聚物,并研究其自组装行为及在生物医药领域的应用。

    We also synthesized a series of responsive hyperbranched star copolymers via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer ( RAFT ) polymerization , and studied their self-assembly behaviors and applications in the biomedical field .

  11. 风险投资是推进科技成果产业化的重要支持系统,风险投资主要集中在电子信息、生物医药及网络通讯等高新技术行业。SCI的主要缺点有哪些?

    Venture Capital is the important support system which can advance the industrialization of sci-tech result , and it mainly concentrates on high-tech industries such as electronic information , biological medicine and network communication etc.

  12. Pickering乳液在分离技术、化妆品、生物医药、复合材料等领域具有重要的研究价值。

    It has a very important value in the field of separation technology , FMCG products , bio-medicine , composite materials and so on .

  13. 加入WTO给中国生物医药带来的冲击及我国生物医药产业化面临的机遇与挑战;完善的风险投资体系对于促进我国乃至整个生物医药产业发展的现实意义。

    The impact with the entry of WTO brought about to Chinese bio-medicine industry and the opportunities and challenges that industrialization of our bio-medicine will face , the real significance that perfect risk investment system will promote the development of our country and even the whole bio-medicine industry .

  14. 第六间开放式创新的实践&案例分析,本章主要通过案例分析IBM公司和天津国际生物医药联合研究院对开放式创新的实践,以便为其它企业或组织实施开放式创新提供借鉴。

    Chapter VI is open innovation practice-case studies , this chapter analyzes the practice of open innovation of IBM and TIJA ( Tianjin International Joint Academy of Biotechnology & Medicine ) and tries to provide a reference for other business or organization to implement open innovation .

  15. 近年来,由于各种形貌ZnO材料的出现,以及在光、电、磁等方面展现许多特殊的性质,从而使其在化学化工、半导体物理、生物医药等领域发挥了重要的作用。

    In recent years , various ZnO structures have been fabricated with unique optical , electrical , and magnetic properties . Thus , ZnO material plays an important role in chemistry and chemical engineering , semiconductor physics , biological medicine , and other areas .

  16. 金域检验是中国最早进入生物医药检测高技术服务外包领域的企业,医学独立实验室是我国的新兴行业,J公司作为国内行业的领头羊,业务发展迅速。

    Jin Yu inspection is the earliest Chinese into the biomedical detection in the field of high technology service outsourcing enterprises , independent laboratory medicine is a new industry of our country , J company as a domestic industry leader , the business is developing rapidly .

  17. 随着MEMS技术的发展,微型器件的需求量逐渐增多,基于UV-LIGA技术的微电铸工艺在航空航天、生物医药、电子通讯等领域得到广泛的应用。

    With the development of MEMS technology , the demand for micro metal devices is gradually increasing . Based on UV-LIGA technology , micro electroforming technology has been applied in such fields as aeronautics , astronautics , bio-medicine and electronic communication .

  18. 而生物医药却正经历着如同十几年前的3C业一样的早期发展阶段,企业数量开始增长、规模得以扩大,但风险也随之攀升,企业扩张所需资金更多地依靠短期借款的增长。

    Now the biology industry is going through the same early developing stages with 3C industry , the number of companies is increasing as well as the risks . So the raising of expanded capital has to depend on short-term debts . 3 .

  19. 在利用基因工程技术生产生物医药蛋白的过程中,通常在目标蛋白质尾部添加一段(His)6标签,以便于利用固定化金属离子亲和色谱(IMAC)对目标蛋白质进行分离纯化。

    In the production process of biopharmaceutical proteins , most of target proteins were often expressed with a 6 × Histag using genetic engineering techniques , which is convenient to be purified by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography ( IMAC ) .

  20. 对两类企业负债结构进一步发现:3C行业短期借款比例呈下降趋势,长期借款比例呈上升趋势;而生物医药行业与之相反。

    Furthermore , we compare the debt structure between 3C industry and biology industry , and find out that the short-term debt ratio of 3C has an upward trend , while the long-term debt ratio has a downward trend . However , the situation of biology industry is reverse .

  21. 目前,GNS及其衍生物在生物医药方面的研究和应用还处在探索阶段,如何根据实际需求对GNS/聚合物复合材料进行组织工程支架、药物载体等研究是极富挑战的工作。

    But the application of GNS in biological medicine is still at the stage of exploration , it will be a challenge to conduct research of GNS / polymer composites for tissue engineering scaffolds and drug carrier to give full play to its excellent properties .

  22. 生物医药基础学科探究性实验教学体系的构建

    Construction of the Exploring Experimental Teaching Systems for Basic Biomedical Courses

  23. 吉林省生物医药产业知识产权问题研究

    Study on intellectual property of biological medicine industry in Jilin province

  24. 生物医药咨询策略研究

    Biomedicine consulting strategy : a study Biological Calcification KNOWLEDGE ON MEDICINE

  25. 因此,各国纷纷把生物医药产业作为战略产业来扶持,创造其竞争优势,各国实行这种政策的理论基础就是战略性贸易政策。

    The policies of supporting were based on strategic trading policy .

  26. 武汉市生物医药产业园建设现状及发展策略分析

    The Analysis on Biomedical Industry park and Development Strategy in Wuhan

  27. 稀土及其配合物在生物医药上的研究进展

    Research progress of rare earths and related compounds in biological medicine

  28. 基于创新网络的美国生物医药产业研究

    Studies on biomedical industry of United States based on innovation network

  29. 生物医药关键技术发展趋势

    Trend of the Key Technologies of the Biopharmaceutical in the World

  30. 纳米微粒在生物医药领域中的应用研究

    Application and Investigation of Nanometer Particles in the Biomedical Field