
  1. 关于科学管理生鲜配送的思考

    The Thinking about Scientific Management of Fresh Food Delivery

  2. 本营销策略确定的关键点是:目标市场的选定和市场定位。难点在于生鲜配送渠道网络的建立。

    Finally , target markets identification and market positioning are recognized as importance , while difficulty is the establishment of the fresh product delivery network .

  3. 本部分引入了AHP分析法,分析M集团生鲜食品配送中心选址的具体步骤,最后根据M集团生鲜食品配送中心的初步方案中,运用层次分析法选择一个合理的方案。

    This part has led into AHP analysis , analyzed the concrete step that the M Corp. fresh food distribution center chose location . Finally according to these preliminary plan , selected a rational Scheme .

  4. 基于Baumol-Wolfe法连锁生鲜超市配送中心的布局

    The Configuration of Distribution Center of Fresh Food Chain Supermarket Based on Baumol-Wolfe Method

  5. 带时间窗约束的生鲜产品配送车辆路径优化问题研究

    The Study on Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows for Fresh Product

  6. 物流运作是生鲜加工配送中心运营的重要组成部分。

    Logistics distribution centers are processing fresh an important component of the operator .

  7. 基于改进遗传算法的生鲜加工配送中心连续选址模型

    Continuous Location Model of Fresh Food Process Distribution Centers Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm

  8. 生鲜加工配送中心采购加工管理作业流程研究

    A Study on the Operation Procedure of Purchasing and Processing Management for Raw and Fresh Products Distribution Center

  9. 连锁生鲜超市配送中心的布局问题可以通过建立混合整数规划模型来解决。

    The configuration problems of distribution center of fresh food chain supermarket can be solved by setting a mixed integer programming model .

  10. 但随着农产品流通方式的现代化,超级市场及连锁店、现代生鲜加工配送中心、电子消费类网站等均会分流农产品批发市场的交易量。

    Yet , with the modernization of the circulation mould , supermarkets , shopping malls , chain-stores , modern distribution centers and e-commerce will take off some turnover from APWM .

  11. 但由于受到管理水平以及人们风险意识的影响,生鲜食品配送频频出现食品安全问题,引起人们的广泛关注。

    However , affected by the low management level and risk awareness , food safety problems has occurred frequently in the fresh food distribution operations and has aroused wide public attention .

  12. 由于冷链配送中,配送任务重,技术要求高,许多超市委托第三方物流企业来进行日常的生鲜食品配送。

    In cold chain , the distribution task is heavy , and the technique is demanding , so many supermarkets commission third-party logistics enterprises to carry out the daily fresh food distribution .

  13. 生鲜加工配送中心物流运作的优劣关系到整个生鲜加工配送中心的运营,也关系到了连锁超市对生鲜商品的经营。

    Fresh goods processing logistics distribution center of the advantages and disadvantages of the operation of the entire raw processing distribution center operations , is also related to a supermarket chain operating on fresh goods .

  14. 最后,通过列举实例,应用两种综合评价法进行了连锁超市生鲜加工配送中心物流绩效的综合评价,并提出了提升连锁超市生鲜加工配送中心物流绩效的策略。

    Finally , it is provided examples and applications of two comprehensive evaluation method for fresh goods processing and distribution center of chain supermarket of the comprehensive evaluation of performance , and proposed the Strategy about how to promote the logistics performance of chain supermarket fresh goods processing distribution center .

  15. 生鲜物流JIT配送效益分析心路历程&食物

    The Profit Analysis of JIT Distribution in the Fresh Food Logistics

  16. 基于物流成本的生鲜农产品配送中心选址研究

    The Study of the Location of Logistics Center for Fresh Agricultural Product Based on Logistics Costs

  17. 在此基础上,研究了生鲜农产品家庭配送采购中心的选址问题以及路径优化问题。

    Problems in locating of fresh agriculture product Distribution Center and its routing optimization are studied .

  18. 本文在分析生鲜农产品物流配送特点的基础上,提出了适合于应用农产品物流信息平台实现农产品运输活动的物流模式。

    The model is applicable to carry out activities of the transportation through the information platform of agricultural products logistics .

  19. 在此基础上,建立了生鲜产品在途配送质量控制及可追溯系统的总体技术框架,并对其进行了详细的阐述。

    An overall technical framework is built based on the fresh products ' quality safety and traceability system and deep research is on it .