
  • 网络Biopharmaceuticals;Biological Drug
  1. ARV药物的价格已经明显下降,采购体制也得到了改善,生物药品的可获得性也有所改善。

    ARV prices have dropped significantly and procurement systems have improved , as has generic drug availability .

  2. 生物药品制造中的污染事件的例子是存在的。

    Examples of contamination events in biopharmaceutical manufacturing are presented .

  3. 投资者为了论证生物药品的有效性和价值而进行更为严格和详细的审查。

    Intensifying scrutiny by payers to demonstrate the effectiveness and value of biotech products .

  4. 生物药品产业的进展(一)

    Development of Biopharmaceutical Industry ( I )

  5. 重组蛋白质主导着生物药品市场;

    Recombination of proteins leads biopharmaceutical market ;

  6. 环境监测和快速测量生物药品成分组成已经是当今社会科学研究的热门课题。

    Environmental monitoring and rapid measurement of bio-pharmaceutical composition is a hot topic in modern times .

  7. 我国目前如此之高的糖尿病发病率决定着我国民众对糖尿病生物药品有着刚性的需求。

    The high morbidity of diabetes determines the rigid demand of Chinese people for diabetes drugs .

  8. 综述了生物药品冷冻干燥过程的关键问题、蛋白变性失活与防止问题。

    In this paper , some major problems such as protein denaturalization and deactivation are summarized .

  9. 转移因子和重组转移因子是一种具有免疫增强活性的新型高效安全的生物药品,在临床上用于疾病的防治,具有广阔的应用前景。

    A majority of researches related to transfer factors opened up great prospects for clinical applications as efficient and bio-secure immunotherapy to prevent and cure diseases .

  10. 在许多关键的治疗领域,生物药品及其替代疗法之间的竞争越来越激烈,生物药品相互之间也是如此。

    In several key therapy areas , there is a growing level of competition between biotech products and alternative treatments , as well as among biotech products .

  11. 我国目前生物药品品种较少,大部分都不具有自主知识产权,长期以来以仿制外国药品为主。

    China current biological drugs are less species , most of them do not have independent intellectual property rights , has long been dominated by generic drugs overseas .

  12. 最新消息提醒说某些生物药品在过去的四年里被允许,但只有制药企业实施了严格的人类临床试验才能得到批准。

    Breaking News Alerts Generic versions of certain biologics have been allowed in Europe for the last four years , but approval came only after manufacturers conducted rigorous human clinical trials .

  13. 世界生物技术药品市场的现状及展望

    Present Status and Prospects of Biotechnology Drug Market in the World

  14. 湖南省10家医院生物生化药品应用调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Biological and Biochemical Products Used in 10 Hospitals of Hunan Province

  15. 这使得越来越多的人把目光移向了中药产品和生物技术药品。

    This makes more people turned his gaze toward the TCM products and biotechnology drugs .

  16. 真菌有分解塑料和创造新生物燃料及药品种类的潜能。

    Fungi have potential for breaking down plastics and generating new types of biofuels and medicines .

  17. 生物检定在药品质量标准中的作用

    Progress in the use of biological assays for the quality standard of biological drugs

  18. 不过,这一范围也正扩大到其它领域,包括生物科技、药品和汽车。

    But it is also spreading into other sectors , including biotech , drugs and autos .

  19. 冻干加工工艺对于某些生物制品、药品的制造起到关键性作用。

    Freeze drying processing technology for some biological products , pharmaceutical manufacturing plays a key role in .

  20. 自1930年以来,在许多生物制品和药品中使用硫柳汞作为防腐剂。

    Since the1930s , Thimerosal has been widely used as a preservative in a number of biologics and drug products .

  21. 生物检定在药品质量的常规检验以及对一些未知结构化合物活性的测定中占有重要的地位。

    Biological assays play an important role both in conventional drug quality control and in determination of biological activity of a compound with unknown structures .

  22. 是致力于以生物制品、药品、保健食品的研发、生产、销售为主要发展方向的高科技生物技术有限公司。

    Is committed to biological products , pharmaceuticals , health food products research and development , production , marketing direction for the development of major high-tech biotechnology Limited .

  23. 间歇反应釜广泛用于精细化学品、生物化学品、药品和食品等生产量少、附加值高的产品生产行业中。

    Batch reactors are widely used in fine chemicals , biochemicals , pharmaceuticals and food industries for the production of small amounts of products with high added value .

  24. 生物样品中药品的含量很低,其在生物样品中的纯化、富集和含量测定是开展药物代谢动力学研究的关键。

    Drug contents of biological samples are very low , purification , enrichment and determination of the biological samples is the key problems to pharmacokinetics in traditional Chinese medicine .

  25. 由于多数的医用血液、生物制剂和药品所含有的蛋白质不稳定性,使得生物药品易受环境温度变化的影响,导致药品、血液、疫苗变质,所以需要严格的温度控制。

    Since the majority of medical blood , biological agents and drugs containing protein are instable , the changes of temperature will affect the quality of biological medicines and lead to drugs , blood and vaccines metamorphism . So it is very important to strictly control the temperature .

  26. 高职高专生物制药专业(药品经营与管理方向)课程建设的探索

    Explores of the Curriculum Construction in Bio-pharmacy Major of the Higher Professional Education

  27. 2007~2008年成都地区17家医院生物制品及生化药品利用状况分析

    Analysis of Biological Products and Biochemical Drugs Utilization in 17 Hospitals of Chengdu Area during 2007 to 2008

  28. 此外,还应重视光导纤维、液晶聚合物以及生物工程用化学药品等的开发。

    In addition attention should be paid to the development of optical fibres , liquid crystal polymers and chemicals for bioengineering .

  29. 以前的动物数据用来开发一个电脑模型,它能预测如果一种物质中加入某种未知生物作用的化学药品会发生什么。

    Data from previous animal experiments is used to develop a computer model which will predict what will happen if you add a chemical with an unknown biological effect to a substance .

  30. 结果使用金额排在前面的分别为抗感染药、心血管系统药、消化系统药、抗肿瘤药、生物制品及生化药品等;

    RESULTS : Categories on which the sum of money consuming ranked in front were anti-infective drugs 、 cardiovascular system agents 、 digestive system agents 、 antineoplastic drugs 、 biological and biochemical products etc ;