
  1. 位于塔希提岛的帕皮提是其首都。

    Papeete , on the island of Tahiti , is the capital . Population , 166,753 .

  2. 思特里克兰德就靠着这块地的出产过活,很少到帕皮提去。

    Here Strickland lived , coming seldom to Papeete , on the produce of the land .

  3. 随后,帕皮提各家旅馆老板的妻子们开始给我打电话,然后又有一些主妇们给我打电话。

    Then I had the wives of hoteliers in Papeete calling , and then the mistresses started to call .

  4. 它是这样一个良好的不少人,而其他的落户,散布在岛上,在附近的城市和心脏帕皮提。

    It was the case of a good many of them , but the others settled down and spread on the island , in the neighborhood of the city and in the heart of Papeete .

  5. 澳洲和南美之间的岛屿群辐射500万平方公里大洋,有着迷人的本土文化;坐落在塔希提岛东北部的首府帕皮提则是通往这些本土文化世界的大门,微风拂面光彩熠熠,广纳四海宾朋。

    Its breezy cosmopolitan capital , Papeete , sits on Tahiti 's northeastern tip and is the gateway to a captivating world of indigenous culture that infuses a chain of islands spread across 5 million square kilometres of sparkling ocean between Australia and South America .