- 网络brush structure
The area is made up of three groups of tectonics of which trends are severally northeastern , transmeridional and southern-northern , it is brush structure on plane , which also named ejective folds on vertical section .
Basic configuration of the Gengma brush structure and its significance for mineral prospecting
In the east part of the orefield , the trend of arcual fault is convergent NNW-wards and divergent SE-wards . These arcual faults must be a broomlike structure .
A Analysis of Stress Field of Brush Structures with a Plane Elastic Finite Element Method
A preliminary study of France brush structure
Brush structures are fully developed in the North China subsiding belt of the Neocathaysian system .
Synthesize the analysis , the arc-shaped structure of mineral area can be defined as " broom " structure .
BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TECTONIC STRESS FIELD IN SOUTH CHINA SINCE THE MESOZOIC ERA A Study on the Structural Evolution and the Control on the Oil Accumulation in the Central Tarim Brush Zone
The plane tectonic field formed during the period of the formation of the ore-controlling fracture is deduced with the finite unit method and it is found that the whole orebody concentrates where the shear stress value appears to moderately high .