
dì wáng
  • emperor;monarch
帝王 [dì wáng]
  • [emperor]帝国的君主或最高统治者,实行终身制和世袭制

  • 昔人愿世世无生帝王家。--清. 黄宗羲《原君》

帝王[dì wáng]
  1. 奥古斯都是他在成为帝王之时为自己改的名字,在这之前,他叫奥克塔维安(Octavian)。

    Augustus himself was given this title when he became emperor , having previously been known as Octavian .

  2. 在被披露曾付费享受帝王俱乐部(Emperor'sClub)高级妓女的贵宾应召服务后,斯皮策周一仅进行了简短的道歉。该俱乐部是联邦政府刑事指控的对象。

    Mr Spitzer made only brief , apologetic remarks on Monday after the disclosure that he had paid for the services of high-class prostitutes from the Emperor 's Club VIP escort service , which is the subject of federal criminal charges .

  3. 他的言行举止不太像帝王,倒更像学者一些。

    His manner is not so much regal as professorial

  4. 他们是帝王的后代,但是现在境况大不如前了。

    They are the descendants of emperors and kings and are now living in reduced circumstances .

  5. 在帝王时代,紫禁城内的礼仪异常严格,令人难以置信。

    In the times of the emperors , the formality within the Forbidden City was rigid beyond belief .

  6. 寄生在海参身上的帝王虾

    Imperial shrimp accreted with sea cucumber .

  7. 传说故事中,南海的君王叫做“倏”,北海的君王叫做“忽”,中央的帝王叫做“浑沌”。

    Legends hold that Shu was the king of the south sea . Hu was the king of the North Sea , and Hun Dun was the king of the center .

  8. 伦敦证交所发现,帝王石油严重违反了aim的诸多规则,尽管蒂米什个人并未受到点名批评。

    The LSE found that Regal had committed " numerous , serious breaches " of aim rules , although Mr Timis was not specifically criticised .

  9. 表盘的设计采用给了南非国花帝王花(TheKingProtea)。

    The design of the dial represents The King Protea ( Protea cynaroides ), the national flower of South Africa .

  10. 自12月以压倒之势赢得胜利后,李明博采取了帝王式的领导风范管理国家,这令人想起他在担任现代集团(Hyundai)的行政总裁,掌管各部各门的岁月。

    Since his landslide victory in December , he has adopted an imperial style of leadership reminiscent of his days as chief executive of various arms of Hyundai , a conglomerate .

  11. 在他之前掌管这家工业企业集团的偶像式商业领袖杰克•韦尔奇(JackWelch),具有帝王型首席执行官的气派,在美国资本主义历史的大部分时间,都处于其领导地位。

    Jack Welch , the iconic business leader who preceded him at the helm of the industrial conglomerate , was cast in the mould of the imperial CEOs who have presided over American capitalism for much of its history .

  12. 由于酒花味会迅速变淡,因此印度淡色艾尔啤酒(简称IPA)和Pliny这种更加浓烈的帝王IPA(ImperialIPA)最好趁新鲜品尝:这款啤酒一年推出一次,几天就会售罄。

    Hop flavors fade fast , and for IPAs and even stronger Imperial IPAs like Pliny , fresh is best : It 's on tap once a year and runs dry in days .

  13. KingsCanyon,NorthernTerritory帝王谷,北领地帝王谷位于荒远的澳大利亚中部,高270米,怪石嶙峋。佐伊•沃尔默之死和游客靠近悬崖边缘拍照的事实被曝光以后,当地导游告诉北领地新闻的记者,设置安全栏已经很有必要。

    Following Zoe Woolmer 's death at the rugged , 270m-high Kings Canyon in remote Central Australia , and the revelations that many tourists have posed too close to the edge of the cliff , local guides told the NT News that safety fences will be inevitable .

  14. 同样地,在公元前8年,“Sextilis”('sixth')这个月以古罗马第一位帝王奥古斯都(Augustus)来命名,他本人早于六年前去世。

    Following suit , in 8 BC , the month Sextilis ( 'sixth ' ) was renamed after Augustus , the first Roman emperor , who had died six years earlier .

  15. 耶稣归来是为了坐上他应有的帝王之位。

    Jesus comes back to take his rightful place as king .

  16. 北京历代帝王庙的综合价值评估

    A Comprehensive Appraisal of Successive Dynasties of Emperor Temple in Beijing

  17. 南朝帝王在文学发展中的作用

    On the Influence of Emperors of Southern Dynasties on Literary Development

  18. 后来,龙成了权利和帝王的象征。

    Later , dragon became the symbol of power and monarch .

  19. 钻进密约间,勾销帝王的意旨,

    Creep in ' twixt vows and change decrees of kings ,

  20. 十亿只帝王斑蝶在墨西哥森林里冬�

    A billion monarch butterflies hibernate in the forests of Mexico .

  21. 你没见过大象、帝王或秘鲁!

    You haven 't seen elephants , kings and Peru !

  22. 关中东部帝王陵墓考证

    Emperors ' Mausoleums in the East of Central Shaanxi Plain

  23. 它的血统强悍,有帝王风范。

    Where his sire had been a fierce , almost violent competitor .

  24. 女性统治者或者帝王的妻子。

    A woman emperor or the wife of an emperor .

  25. 帝王传记繁荣引发的思考

    Reflections on the Booming of Biographies of Emperors and Kings

  26. 帝王后妃情爱题材的发展和《长生殿》的重大艺术创新

    Development of Emperor-concubines Love Subject and Important Artistic Innovation of Longevity Palace

  27. 古代中国帝王是否染发无从考证。

    It is unclear if emperors ever dyed their hair .

  28. 帝王秋海棠愈伤组织的诱导和植株再生。

    Callus induction and Plantlet Regeneration of Begonia imperialis lem .

  29. 帝王影视剧热闹中的冷思考

    A Rational Thought about Monarch Teleplays and Movies in Fashion

  30. 论孙中山对帝王思想的批判和斗争

    On Sun Yat-sen Criticism of and Fight against the Thoughts of Emperor