
  • 网络IWM;The Imperial War Museum;Imperial War Museum London
  1. 数周前,我去了伦敦的帝国战争博物馆(ImperialWarMuseum),观摩一个人工智能程序试图破解德国人在二战期间使用的复杂的英格玛(Enigma)密码。它用了12分50秒就破解了那套密码。

    A few weeks ago I went to the Imperial War Museum in London to watch an artificial intelligence program attempt to crack the mindbendingly complex Enigma code used by the Germans during the second world war . It did so in 12 minutes and 50 seconds .

  2. Erskine将与帝国战争博物馆、英国博物馆、图书馆及档案馆委员会、北爱尔兰博物馆委员会、威尔士国家图书馆以及苏格兰博物馆委员会合作,参与“他们的过去,你的未来”项目,以帮助学生进一步了解战争史。

    Erskine will work in partnership with Their Past Your Future ( TPYF ) project , a partnership of the Imperial War Museum , the Museums , Libraries and Archives England , the Northern Ireland Museum Council , the National Library of Wales and the Scottish Museums Council , to help school children learn more about the conflicts .

  3. 帝国战争博物馆促成了两人的见面并把两人的往事称为“战时浪漫史”,但一位博物馆的发言人提醒人们不应该对巴斯滕尚未结婚一事过于关注。

    And a spokesman for the Imperial War Museum , which organized and dubbed the reunion a " wartime romance ," cautions people should not read too much into the fact Batstone never married .