
  • 网络Tobruk
  1. 这份简报还说,美国国际开发署通过世界卫生组织资助了在托布鲁克(Tobruk)培训32名医疗志愿者,从事急救和运送伤员的工作。

    The fact sheet also said USAID has funded the training of32 medical volunteers in Tobruk through the World Health Organization to perform first aid and transport injured individuals .

  2. 在战斗中,可以看到数百名平民车辆在逃离班加西,驶往托布鲁克和埃及边境地区。

    Amid the fighting , hundreds of civilian vehicles were seen fleeing Benghazi towards Tobruk and the Egyptian border .

  3. 萨里尔和附近的米斯拉赫油田在本周经叛军控制的托布鲁克出口的原油中占绝大多数。

    Oil fields in Sarir and nearby Mislah are supplying most of the crude oil to be exported this week via the rebel-held port of Tobruk .

  4. 联合国星期二透露,在东部更远处的托布鲁克,利比亚问题特使与反对派领导人进行了会面,星期一会面的目的是探听反对派对利比亚局势的看法。

    The United Nations revealed Tuesday that , farther east , in Tobruk , the special envoy for Libya had met with rebel leaders . The Monday meeting was to elicit opposition views on the situation in Libya .

  5. 班加西和如托布鲁克这样一些位于利比亚最东端由反政府武装控制的城镇目前已无被政府军重新夺回之忧,对比几天前这是多么巨大的变化。

    Benghazi and other rebel towns in the Far East of the country , such as Tobruk , are now relatively secure from any attempt by the regime to recapture them-a huge change from only a few days ago .