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  1. 孩子们在学写连体字以前常先学会用印刷体书写。

    Children are often taught to print before they learn joind-up writing .

  2. 他常先为别人着想。

    He always considers others before himself .

  3. 但由于冠状动脉造影术,是通过一个导管插入心脏、是有创性检查;因此,影像学检查,常先用来看看是否有必要进行冠状动脉造影术。

    But since it is invasive , requiring that a catheter be inserted into the heart , imaging tests are often used first to see if a coronary angiogram is needed .

  4. 鸿渐叫她做的事,她常要先请柔嘉核准。

    Whenever Hung-chien told her to do something , she would always have to get jou-chia 's approval first .

  5. 对于响应以第1振型为主的高耸结构等结构,常以先求风振系数再求各类风响应较为方便。

    It is convenient to express the wind excited vibration of structures in term of gust response factor for tower structures and other tall structures taking only into consideration of first vibration mode .

  6. 弟兄俩常因为谁先玩玩具而争吵。

    The two brothers often quarrel about who plays with the toys first .

  7. 美国人常讲:先有哈佛,后有美国,这是事实。

    Americans often say : " First , Harvard ; then the United States ", which is a fact .

  8. 这位深入人心的迷人演员毕业于两所常青藤院校——先是耶鲁大学后来去了斯坦福大学。

    The actress who has mesmerized us all through all these years went to not one , but two Ivy League schools , Yale and then later to Stanford 。 7 .

  9. 为了提高深井、超深井上部大尺寸井眼的钻井速度,常采用小钻头先钻一个井眼后再下入扩眼钻头扩眼的办法,由于改进牙轮钻头的难度较大。

    The method commonly used to improve drilling speed in upper large size wellbore of deep and ultra-deep wells is to drill a pilot hole with a small size bit at first and then ream it to a normal size .