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chánɡ shènɡ jūn
  • ever-victorious army;invincible army;Ever Triumphant Army
  1. 那个向政府告密、背叛常胜军的家伙,他叫凯里,每天早晨都来领圣体。

    That fellow that turned queen 's evidence on the invincibles he used to receive the , Carey was his name , the communion every morning .

  2. 清政府对常胜军的利用产生了颇为重要的历史影响。

    There were two phases of the Qing Dynasty government 's attitude towards the Ever Victorious Army on the whole , and the using of this army brought much historical influence on the Late Qing Dynasty .

  3. 在国际足球赛场上失意多年后,中国政府希望自己的球队能开始闯出成绩。在官方鼓励之下,其他投资人也开始涉足中国球队,他们投入巨资,好让自己经营的队伍也能赶上常胜军广州队。

    Encouraged by a government that wants to see China start punching its weight after years of underachievement in the global game , other investors have become involved in Chinese teams and are spending big in a bid to catch the dominant Guangzhou franchise .