
  1. 关于赫略多洛及保护圣库的事,就是如此。

    This was what happened to Heliodorus and how the Treasury was saved .

  2. 连亵卖圣器的人也被杀死在圣库的近旁。

    As for the sacrilegious robber Lysimachus , they killed him near the treasury .

  3. 她在加州大学圣库路兹分校获戏剧艺术学士学位,后在伯大尼大学学习教育学硕士。

    She received her BA in Theatre Arts from of University of California , Santa Cruz and her post-graduate studies at Bethany University 's teaching program .

  4. 笔者认为,首先是太平天国制度的缺陷:圣库制度、升贬制度的严重破坏以及封建礼俗制度的存在与发展;

    Firstly , it 's because of the defect of the systems of Taiping Tian-guo & the severe destruction of its state treasury and the system of ups and downs as well as the existence and development of the feudal customs .