
píng zè
  • level and oblique tones
平仄 [píng zè]
  • [level and oblique tones] 平声和仄声,泛指诗文的韵律

平仄[píng zè]
  1. 平仄是律诗格律要求的重要因素。

    Level and Oblique tones are the essential elements of regulated verses .

  2. 因为我们注意到在这些竹枝词中,作者有时候考虑到平仄等格律要求而故意颠倒某些词语的顺序。

    Because we noted that in order to rhyme , the authors sometimes taking into account the requirements of Level and Oblique Tones deliberately reversed the order of certain terms .

  3. 而以阴阳上去入声划分平仄的音韵体系则展示了格律文学抑扬顿挫的音乐节奏美。

    The tonal pattern shows the beauty of music rhythm .

  4. 句脚平仄因句数的不同而不同。

    Different numbered sentences may have different level and oblique in the feet .

  5. D式:平仄韵互用而无规律。

    D-type : employing level or oblique contour interchangeably as a rhyme without regular patterns .

  6. 关于白话联的平仄

    On Meter of Vernacular Couplet

  7. 民间曲调在平仄上有较自由的特征,与新体曲相近。

    Chinese folk music has its free character in tone , and this similar to the new pattern Qu.

  8. 通过频率统计整理出古体诗和律诗采用的平仄句型以及他们的数量。

    On the other hand , we drew the tonal patterns of ancient-verse and regular-verse by frequency statistics .

  9. 采用公式·四角法掌握律诗平仄之研究

    Studies on Mastering and Remembering Oblique and Level Tones in Classical Chinese Poetry by Adoption of Formula-four Angle Method

  10. 由于汉语节奏周期的长短不一,组合的对立因素又不相同,就形成了汉语节奏的不同类型:声韵律、平仄律、扬抑律、音顿律、长短律、快慢律、重轻律等。

    Owing to the different periods of Chinese rhythm and opposite factors of combination , form the different Chinese rhythm types .

  11. 关于仄声韵格律诗的平仄格式,学界迄今很少有人专题论及。

    In the academic community , little work has been done to discuss the Ping-ze format in Ze tonal rhyme metrical verse specially .

  12. 论文对汉语诗歌进行平仄模式、节奏模式、词类、语法功能、语义的5个层次的分析。

    It analyses Chinese poems on five dimensions : even-deflected patterns , rhythmic patterns , parts of speech , grammatical function , and semantics .

  13. 九道辙无入声,平仄可讲&关于古入声字的调查

    With no In-tone in the Nine Rhymes , Either Flat Tone or Oblique Tone is Acceptable ── A survey on the ancient in tone characters

  14. 由于一些字和词的写法相近,懂日文还是有些帮助的,但是在中文的发音特别是平仄四声方面,我的日文基础却一点不灵。

    Knowing Japanese helped enormously with the characters and vocabulary , but not much with pronunciation and not at all with Mandarin 's four tones .

  15. 汉语谚语的语调表现出音乐美,主要是因为谚语在语音上讲究押韵和平仄,使用双声、叠韵字。

    The tones of Chinese Proverbs show musical mainly because the voice stress on Proverbs rhyme and ze , and use alliteration and rhyme stacks .

  16. 平仄律、轻重音和汉语节律结构中弱重位的确认

    Tonal Patterns in Classical Chinese Poetry 、 Stress and Confirmation of Enclitic Weakened Stress in a Rhythm Unit in the Construction of Metre in Chinese

  17. 而温州潘先生的吟诵中旋律模式和延长字的位置固定,与平仄格律无关。

    In contrast , Mr. Pan from Wenzhou in his chanting has a fixed pattern of melody and syllable-lengthening which are independent from the rhythm pattern .

  18. 对中国古典诗歌与音乐联系的研究,其倾向性多为音律、平仄、歌辞等微观方面;

    The study of relations between the Chinese classical poem and music tend to focuson the aspects of melody , style , words and so on .

  19. 除了农事,和乡村谁还有资格谈论春天春雨来与不来,毫不影响我们诗歌的平仄和韵脚。

    Except husbandry and rurality , what else is conversed in the prerequisite of the content ; the meter or rhymes of poem is not subject to the coming spring rain .

  20. 四角法掌握和记忆律诗平仄的研究,致使纷繁的律诗平仄体系,变得容易读写和记忆,而被现代人所掌握。

    As a result applying above research can make the numerous and complicated system of oblique and level tones easy to read , write and remember and is masted by modern people .

  21. 词最初是为乐曲配写的歌词,所以字数、句数、平仄都因曲调的要求比诗更加复杂。

    Ci poems , originally lyrics written for songs , have more restrictions on the number of characters , lines as well as tonal styles and are therefore more complex and demanding .

  22. 本文试图对汉语的节律结构进行初步探讨,主要讨论三个问题:(1)“平仄律”的剖析;

    The thesis intends to have a primary discussion on the construction of metre of Chinese , referring to mainly three aspects : ( 1 ) anatomy about tonal patterns in classical Chinese poetry ;

  23. 看古丽·斯坦的画,直如在读一首首骈俪排偶、顿挫平仄的小诗,朗朗上口,能够读出节奏和音韵。

    Reading her paintings is like reading a small poem with meter and rhyme that also contains lots of parallel structures ; a poem is filled with pause and transition , and level and oblique .

  24. 对联必须具备以下特点:一要字数相等,断句一致;二要平仄相合,音调和谐;

    A couplet must have the following features : one , each line having an equal number of characters , and the same sense groups ; two , strictly adhering to the tonal patterns , e. g.

  25. 用话语结构美感性分析法分析了同义避复在语音、语义、语形各方面的修辞效果,它在语音上利用声调平仄相调,运用声韵和谐韵律;

    So , we use " words structural beauty analytical means " analysis the rhetoric effect of the voice , semantics , and literature . Using synonym to avoid repetition use tone level and oblique tones of voice , use items harmonious rhythm ;

  26. 第二部分从内在文字音响入手,从押韵、平仄两方面分析宋词对格律的突破,指出词与音乐的逐步分离必然导致其形式发生相应的突破与变动。

    In the second part , the author analyzed the creation of Ci in terms of inner sound of word from the angle of rhyme and tone , and further pointed out that the gradual separation of Ci and music will lead to the creation and change of its form .