
píng tái
  • platform;plate;terrace;pallet;footplate;flat roof building
平台 [píng tái]
  • (1) [platform]∶通常高于附近区域的平面;楼房的阳台

  • (2) [plate]∶机器的金属表面,工件可固定其上

  • (3) [flat roof building] 〈方〉∶平房

平台[píng tái]
  1. 我们在平台上慢条斯理地吃着早餐。

    We lingered over breakfast on the terrace .

  2. 在面向大海的平台上一些客人斜躺在躺椅上。

    Some guests recline in lounge chairs on the sea-facing terrace .

  3. 孩子们推动着旋转平台快得令人眩晕。

    The kids were pushing the roundabout at a giddy speed .

  4. 咱们在外面平台上吃午饭吧。

    Let 's have lunch out on the patio .

  5. 窗户外对着的是露天平台。

    The window looked out onto the terrace .

  6. 这些女人养成了每天晚上到平台去的习惯。

    The women had got into the way of going up on the deck every evening .

  7. 一个小女孩正坐在最顶头那幢房子门前的平台上。

    A little girl was sitting on the step of the end house

  8. 在排练过程中舞台上垫高的一个平台塌了。

    An elevated platform on the stage collapsed during rehearsals .

  9. 这个组织将提供一个可以讨论问题的平台。

    The organisation would provide a forum where problems could be discussed .

  10. 有一个天然的木制平台通到房子的客厅。

    A natural timber deck leads into the main room of the home .

  11. 平台上的警卫吹响了哨子。

    On the platform , the guard blew his whistle

  12. 这一低强度锻炼的内容包括在伴随音乐做完固定动作之后重复踏上踏下平台。

    This low-impact exercise involves stepping on and off a platform following routines to music .

  13. 他们在一块岩石平台上找到了一个可以搭帐篷的地方。

    They found a spot on a rocky platform where they could pitch their tents .

  14. 他坐在自己位于法国南部的阳光别墅的露天平台上。

    He sat on the terrace of his sun-drenched villa in the South of France .

  15. 我们建屋顶平台的计划被驳回了,要是能盖一间温室也算一种补偿。

    A conservatory would make up for the fact that we were refused planning permission for a roof terrace

  16. 北海的石油开采商激烈反对要求他们在石油钻井平台使用期结束之后将其移除的立法。

    North Sea operators kicked against legislation making them responsible for removing oil platforms at the end of their useful life .

  17. 访谒者操作的欣赏器与平台多种多样。

    Statistics indicate visitors use a wide variety of browsers and platforms .

  18. 不仅如此,这款手表还支持很多平台,如苹果的iOS系统,谷歌的安卓系统,还有微软的Windowsphone系统。

    Not only that , it supports a number of platforms : Apple 's iOS , Google 's Android and Microsoft 's Windows phone .

  19. 钢的易脆性在寒冷条件下建造钢结构,如在北极建造石油钻井平台时,仍然是一个问题。

    Brittleness remains a problem when building steel structures in cold conditions , such as oil rigs in the Arctic .

  20. 除了南极洲协议,开采这些贲源的巨大障碍仍然存在,例如,漂流的冰川可能会危机海上平台。

    Beyond the Antarctic treaties , huge obstacles persist to tapping these resources , like drifting icebergs that could jeopardize offshore platforms .

  21. 专门针对酒店、餐厅、公寓和出租车的在线评级平台允许旅行者交流评论和体验,让所有人都能看到。

    Online rating platforms — specializing in hotels , restaurants , apartments , and taxis — allow travelers to exchange reviews and experiences for all to see .

  22. 他们确实使用了一个只有经过邀请才能进入的照片分享平台,以便朋友和家人,包括那些在远方的人,能看到这些照片,但是他们十分坚定地拒绝把孩子的照片放在其他社交媒体平台上。

    They did use an invitation-only photo sharing platform so that friends and family , including those far away , could see the photos , but they stood firm , simply refusing to put their child 's photos on other social media platforms .

  23. 许多公司纷纷涌现—GamEffective,Punchball和Badgeville,仅举几例——它们近几年来为企业提供游戏化平台。

    A number of companies have sprung up — GamEffective , Bunchball and Badgeville , to name a few — in recent years offering gamification platforms for businesses .

  24. 公司也可以通过电子游戏平台来培训员工如何做好工作。

    It could also mean training employees how to do their jobs through video game platforms .

  25. 最有效的平台是将员工乏味的工作任务转变为有趣的冒险经历。

    The platforms that are most effective turn employees ' ordinary job tasks into part of a rich adventure narrative .

  26. 英格兰儿童事务专员的“点赞生活”研究发现,8岁的孩子主要是为了玩耍而使用社交媒体平台。

    The Children 's Commissioner for England 's study — Life in Likes — found that children as young as 8 were using social media platforms largely for play .

  27. 这种影响非常强大,以至于科学家们说,鸣禽和海鸟被陆地上的探照灯或海洋石油平台上的天然气火炬所"捕获"。

    The effect is so powerful that scientists speak of songbirds and seabirds being " captured " by searchlights on land or by the light from gas flares on marine oil platforms .

  28. 朗菲尔德女士警告说,有一代孩子冒着成长的风险,"由于他们在平台上遵循不切实际的生活方式,他们担心自己的外表和形象,而且由于社交媒体的不断需求,他们越来越担心关机"。

    Miss Longfield warned that a generation of children risked growing up " worried about their appearance and image as a result of the unrealistic lifestyles they follow on platforms , and increasingly anxious about switching off due to the constant demands of social media ".

  29. 该片将于4月30日在奈飞平台上线。IntheEarth《地表惊旅》

    Released on Netflix from 30 April

  30. 该片将于3月5日在影院和Disney+平台同步发行。Chaos9Walking《混沌行走》

    On general release from 5 March in cinemas , and on Disney +