
  • 网络biological monitoring;Biomonitoring;biotest
  1. 作为肿瘤发生过程中的枢纽物质,DNA加合物已成为环境与生物监测领域的研究热点。

    As an essential ingredient in the process of cancer , DNA adduct has drawn toxicologists'great attention and become one of the hottest focuses in the field of environmental and biological monitoring .

  2. 用PFU原生动物群落进行生物监测的研究

    Studies of biological monitoring by using PFU protozoan community

  3. 烟台不同海域潮间带Pb污染的生物监测研究

    Bio-monitoring of Pb Pollution in the Intertidal Zone off Yantai Sea

  4. 因此,FA是一种方便易用、经济快捷的生物监测工具,可作为转基因植物所造成的生态压力的早期预警指标。

    So FA could be introduced to the risk assessment of transgenic plants as an earlier warning index .

  5. EPA指出锑及其化合物是主要的污染物之一,但在环境和生物监测方面没有引起足够的重视。

    EPA as priority pollutants , Sb speciation analysis in the environment and biomonitoring has received relatively little attention .

  6. 近年来该技术被广泛应用于特定的DNA损伤、DNA特异性染色、DNA修复、遗传毒理、环境生物监测等方面的研究。

    In recent years , this method has been widely used for studies on specific classes of DNA damage , DNA specific dye , DNA repair , genetic toxicology , environmental biomonitoring and apoptosis .

  7. 生物监测PSB菌剂净化鱼塘水的研究

    Study on Aquatic Life Monitoring the Quality of Water in Fishpond Affected by PSB

  8. 结论:PA是一种致敏原,建议将特异性免疫球蛋白和血清锌作为PA慢性接触的一种生物监测指标。

    Conclusion : PA was an allergen , the specific immunoglobulin and serum zinc may choiced as an index of biological monitoring for chronic exposed to PA.

  9. 血清MDA浓度和GSHpx活性有望成为其健康监护的早期生物监测指标;

    Serum MDA concentration and GSH Px activity might be the potential early stage indicators of biological surveillance for electrolyzing aluminum workers ' health .

  10. PFU原生动物群落生物监测的生态学原理与应用

    Ecological basis and application of PFU protozoan community in bio-monitoring with relation to water quality

  11. 采用生物监测法研究PSB菌剂对淡水鱼塘富营养有机废水的水质净化。

    The improvement of nutritive water in fishpond by living beings , which affected by PSB were studied .

  12. 结论班后尿中4A含量是职业接触TNT生物监测的敏感指标。

    Conclusion It suggests that urine level of 4A after work shift is a sensitive indicator for occupational exposure to TNT .

  13. ZPP值不仅能与尿铅、血铅相结合作为铅中毒诊断的可靠指标,在对铅接触者普查和生物监测铅的毒作用方面也是一项很有用的初筛指标。

    ZPP lead in blood and urine were useful as a diagnostic index .

  14. 方法使用GETINGE全自动清洗消毒器+安必洁3M低泡多酶消洗液对污染物品进行清洗消毒,并通过B-D试验、生物监测。

    METHODS The B-D test and biological monitoring were used .

  15. 再次证明PFU微型生物监测方法的科学性,为生物监测提供了快速、经济、正确的新方法。

    It is demonstrated that PFU bio-monitoring method is really a new rapid , accurate and economic way .

  16. 乙酰半胱氨酸-S-丙酰胺(CSP)是大鼠尿中AA的主要代谢物,并可能作为AA接触工人的生物监测指标。

    Cysteine-S-propionamide ( CPS ) is the major metabolite of AA in rat urine . The possibility of CSP used as a biomonitor for AA exposed worker is explored .

  17. 近二十年来,为了将MTs应用于海洋污染的生物监测,国内外学者先后研究了多种分析技术及相应的提取方法。

    In the past two decades , many researchers both at home and abroad have applied MTs to marine pollution monitoring , and developed different analysis techniques and extraction methods .

  18. 通常,水体中极低含量的持久性有机污染物(POPs)的浓度可以用平衡条件下的生物体内或沉积物中的污染物浓度来推算,即应用生物监测或沉积物分析方法。

    Generally , we calculate the concentration of persistent organic pollutants ( POPs ), which is very low in the water by the concentration of organism or sediment under equilibrium condition .

  19. 目的:了解TNT对作业工人发中锌铜铁含量的影响,为生物监测指标的探讨提供一定的线索,并为早期干预提供理论依据。

    OBJECTIVE : Seeking for some new useful biological monitoring indices for the occupational TNT exposure , to prevent TNT chronic poisoning and provide theoretical basis for the early intervention of occupational diseases .

  20. 沉积物的评价方法则包括:化学分析指数法、生物监测评价法及化学与生物学相结合的CBT质量三合一方法(Triad)和相平衡分配方法(Eqp)等。

    The assessment approaches of sediment quality include index method , bio-detection evaluation method and sediment quality triad approach ( Triad ), equilibrium partitioning approach ( EqP ) .

  21. PAH-DNA加合物是一种暴露标记物,在生物监测和流行病学研究中有重要意义。

    Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-DNA ( PAH-DNA ) Adducts , as exposure biomarkers , have great significance for surveillance and molecular epidemiology .

  22. 目的探讨血清谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)和尿8羟基脱氧鸟苷(8OHdG)作为焦炉工人多环芳烃(PAHs)暴露生物监测标志的可行性。

    Objective To investigate the application of serum glutathione S-transferase ( GST ) and urinary 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine ( 8-OHdG ) as the monitoring biomarkers for coke oven workers exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) .

  23. 污染区域大气环境质量生物监测的数学模式

    Mathematical Models of Biological Monitoring of Atmospheric Environment Quality in Polluted

  24. 指示生物监测百菌清农药致突变性的研究

    Study on mutagenic effect of surveying Daconil pesticide with index organisms

  25. 论水质生物监测中的生物学指标

    Biologic Index in Biology Monitoring of Water Quality Nickel and Biology

  26. 在线生物监测技术用于典型农药突发性污染的研究

    The researches of on-line monitoring techniques in typical pesticides accidental contamination

  27. 用半透膜被动采样装置模拟生物监测厦门西海域的多环芳烃

    Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Xiamen Western Harbor by SPMD

  28. 水体重金属污染的生态效应及生物监测

    Heavy Metal Pollution in Water Body : Ecological Effects and Biological Monitoring

  29. 水体污染物三致效应的生物监测研究进展

    A review on pollutant 's carcinogenicity-mutagenicity - teratogenicity in water with biomonitoring

  30. 广东省病媒生物监测网络直报系统运行的效果评价

    Evaluation of Guangdong Vector Surveillance Network System After Preliminary Operation