
ɡuò dù fànɡ mù
  • overgraze
  1. 过度放牧和过度刈割利用会导致草地退化。

    Overgrazing and excessive mowing can lead to grassland degradation .

  2. 过度放牧和草原垦殖是导致草地退化的主要人为因素。

    Overgrazing and reclaiming cause the deterioration .

  3. 过度放牧会导致土壤中MB-C的明显减少,而围栏保护和适度放牧有助于该指标的恢复;

    Excessive grazing leads to decrease of the MBC , fencing without grazing and moderate grazing contribute to restoring of the MB-C.

  4. 过度放牧对生态环境的影响与控制对策

    Effects of Overgrazing on Ecological and Environmental Construction and Measurement

  5. 草地退化主要是因过度放牧、盲目开垦耕地所致,而草地退化将导致我国北方环境恶化及资源退化。

    Grassland degradation will lead to the environment of north China worsen .

  6. 莉亚:而对人们而言需要停止过度放牧。

    Lia : And for people to stop over farming .

  7. 轻度放牧或过度放牧都可以引起人工草地的退化演替。

    Light grazing or over grazing lead to deteriorative succession of artificial sward .

  8. 合理利用草原环境容量,制止过度放牧;

    Forbidding overgrazing and rational use of natural grassland ;

  9. 羊草对过度放牧和刈割的生理生态响应

    Physio-ecological Responses of Leymus Chinensis to Overgrazing and Clipping

  10. 过度放牧是造成中国草地生态系统破坏的重要原因。

    Overgrazing was found to be another important contributing factor in grassland degradation in China .

  11. 羊道景观分布广泛,以过度放牧的黄土高原丘陵地带最为明显。

    Goat trails landscapes were wildly distributed , obvious in overgrazed Loess Plateau hilly areas .

  12. 甘肃省肃南县草地过度放牧的社会经济成因分析

    Analysis of the Social and Economic Course of Grassland Overgrazing in Sunan Country Gansu province

  13. 过度放牧对羊草杂类草群落种的构成和现存生物量的影响

    Species composition of a Leymus chinensis + forbs community and standing biomass under over-grazed environment

  14. 减少过度放牧的危害的方法是将动物从一片土地迁移到另外一个。

    A way to reduce the damage from overgrazing is to move animals from one field to another .

  15. 大部分的沙尘暴都源于长期干旱,并由于诸如过度放牧和伐木等人类活动而更加恶化。

    Most dust storms are linked to long droughts , exacerbated by human activities like overgrazing and deforestation .

  16. 其次,进一步分析了过度放牧与环境恶化的经济学原因;

    Secondly , it analyzes in a further way the economic causes of excessive grazing and environmental deterioration ;

  17. 个体小型化是过度放牧下群落生产力衰退的重要表现,是对过度放牧的负反馈机制。在草原群落退化演替机理研究中,对个体小型化的深入认识是十分重要的环节。

    It is a negative feed back mechanism and an important link in degradation succession mechanisms in grassland communities .

  18. 在中国,大地被过度放牧导致一个持续增长的沙漠如荒地以及沙尘暴。

    In China , the land is overgrazed causing an ongoing increase of desert like wasteland and dust bowls .

  19. 人类活动特别是过度放牧,引起油蒿群落的退化,导致植物多样性降低。

    Human activities , especially overgrazing , result in deterioration of the community with decline of the plant diversity .

  20. 主要人为破坏活动为过度放牧、毁林开荒、乱砍滥樵、乱采滥挖、乱捕滥猎等。

    The main artificial destroy are as follows : indiscriminating felling of trees , disafforestation , overgrazing and so on .

  21. 冰岛土壤侵蚀演变的驱动力主要有植被破坏、过度放牧、严酷的气候条件和火山爆发。

    The driving forces of soil erosion in Iceland are vegetation destruction , livestock overgrazing , climatic intensity and volcanic eruptions .

  22. 过度放牧会导致土壤理化性质恶化,土壤质量下降。

    Over-grazing caused a negative impact on soil physical and chemical properties , and reduced the quality of soil . 2 .

  23. 黄土高原半干旱退化山区,由于长期的乱垦滥伐,过度放牧,造成水土流失严重,自然植被退化。

    Disorderly felling and over grazing on semi-arid degraded mountain area in Loess Plateau lead to deteriorated plant and soil erosion .

  24. 过度放牧引起了草原植被的退化和土壤质量的退化,特别是春季的过度放牧对草原植被和土壤质量造成了更为严重的不利影响。

    Overgrazing causes grassland deterioration and soil erosion , especially in spring , the damage of overgrazing is the most serious .

  25. 过度放牧(同样也被传统的耕作所广泛采用)致了土壤浸蚀,并把肥沃的草原变成了沙漠。

    Overgrazing ( again , widely practised by " traditional " cultures ) causes soil erosion and turns fertile pasture into desert .

  26. 过度放牧引起的天然草地退化是新疆面临的重大生态环境问题。

    Now we are confronted with one major ecological problem in Xinjiang & the degradation of the nature grassland generated by overgrazing .

  27. 然而,由于人类的干扰(如毁林开荒、过度放牧、甚至片面地建立人工林群落等),不同程度地破坏了榆树疏林的生态环境,影响了其特有的生态作用。

    But , the disturbances from human destroyed the ecological environment of elm woodland steppe seriously and influenced its special ecological function .

  28. 同时,传统农业耕作粗放,加之过去滥垦滥伐,过度放牧,水土流失和土壤风蚀沙化加剧,严重制约着当地经济的发展。

    In addition , the extensive farming of traditional agriculture leads to soil erosion and desertification , seriously restricting the local economic development .

  29. 气候变化和过度放牧使大片的土地变成荒漠,导致内蒙古和邻近省份频繁出现沙尘暴。

    Climate change and overgrazing have rendered huge swathes of land barren and caused frequent sandstorms in Inner Mongolia and its neighboring provinces .

  30. 在近几年来,中国各地的沙尘暴变得越来越严重,由于过度放牧,大面积草场已成为沙漠。

    Sandstorms across China have become increasingly serious in recent years , and huge areas of grassland have become deserts due to overgrazing .