
  • 网络over-urbanization;Over Urbanization
  1. 但过度城市化产生失业、贫困及城市内的二元结构,最终影响经济的发展。

    However , over-urbanization generates unemployment , poverty and the city 's dual structure , and ultimately affect economic development .

  2. 基于正反两方面的考虑,我们探讨了韩国新村运动和拉美过度城市化的过程,总结了成功的经验,思考了失败的原因和教训。

    Based on the positive and negative aspects , we examined the process of both the new village campaign in South Korean and over-urbanization in Latin America , thus summing up the successful experience and analyzing the reasons of the failure .

  3. 要避免过度城市化,坚持可持续的城市化战略。

    More work must be done to avoid excessive urbanization and insist on sustained urbanization strategy .

  4. 城市化与经济发展必须协调并进,过度城市化与过低城市化都不利于城市的健康发展。

    Urbanization and economic development must be in harmony . Otherwise , it will exert a harmful effect on the sound development of economy .

  5. 相对于考虑了碳排放外部性,没有考虑外部性的城市化进程最终发生过度城市化现象,城市化带来负的净收益,是不经济的城市化。

    Carbon emissions are negative externalities , relative to considering the external carbon emissions , no considering the negative externalities lead to excessive urbanization finally , thus urbanization brings negative net returns , and is uneconomic .

  6. 要么是大城市病和过度城市化,要么是城市化滞后于工业化。这反映了欠发达国家(地区)的城市化驱动机制是扭曲的。(2)过度城市化。

    It consists of two kinds of circumstances : one is over-urbanized , the other is that the urbanization lagging behind the industrialization , which reflects that the driving mechanism of urbanization is improper or distorted .

  7. 作者认为,今后20年将是中国城镇化高速发展时期,中国将面临以下挑战:片面的城镇化率决定论导致过度城市化;

    In this paper , the author puts forward an opinion that it will be the rapid urbanization period , next twenty years , following challenges will be faced by China : Unilateral determinism of townified ratio will lead to immoderate urbanization .

  8. 然而,过快和过度的城市化也带来了一系列的城市病。

    However , rapid and unreasonable urbanization brought us some serious problem .

  9. 民族工作缺失与民族工作过度&城市化进程中需要关注的若干民族问题

    Underdoing and Overdoing of Ethnic Work : Some Ethnic Problems to Be Cared about during the Urbanization Process