
duì wài kāi fànɡ
  • be open to the general public or outside world
  • opening to the outside world;the open policy
  1. 加入WTO与我国对外开放战略的转变

    Entry to the WTO and the Adjustment of the Strategy of Opening to the Outside World

  2. 中国已经采取对外开放政策,加入了世界贸易组织(WTO)。

    China has carried out the policy of opening to the outside world and has just entered the WTO .

  3. 这所住宅不对外开放。

    The house is not open to the public .

  4. 他说他想看看阿尔巴尼亚是如何对外开放的。

    He said he wanted to see how Albania was opening up to the world

  5. 本诊所除给职工及其家属就诊外,还对外开放。

    The clinic is open to outsiders as well as employees and their families .

  6. 对外开放促使许多人学习外语。

    The opening-up policy is spurring many people on to study foreign languages .

  7. 游泳池于七月一日对外开放。

    The swimming pool was opened to the public on July 1 .

  8. 西安是中国古代第一个对外开放的城市。

    Xi ’ an was the first city to open its doors to the world in ancient China .

  9. 做好疫情防控工作,直接关系人民生命安全和身体健康,直接关系经济社会大局稳定,也事关我国对外开放。

    The outcome of the epidemic prevention and control directly affects people 's lives and health , the overall economic and social stability and the country 's opening-up

  10. 馆里收藏的450余尊石膏雕塑都是对外开放的,古典区一楼还特意建造了一个石膏展览厅,以陈列这些物品。

    The collection of about four hundred and fifty casts is open to the public and housed in a purpose-built Cast Gallery on the first floor of the Classics Faculty10 .

  11. 北京市有关部门发布的规划文件指出,北京计划建设数字贸易试验区,以进一步推动技术创新及服务产业和数字经济对外开放。

    Beijing is planning to build a pilot digital trade zone in a bid to boost technological innovation and opening-up of its services sector and digital economy , according to plans released by Beijing authorities on Monday .

  12. 加入WTO,意味着我国将会全面实行对外开放。

    Entering WTO means that China will more comprehensively open .

  13. WTO与中国法律服务市场的对外开放

    WTO and Opening up of Chinas Legal Service Market

  14. 随着我国加入WTO,国内资本市场必将加大对外开放力度,逐步与国际资本市场接轨。

    With China entering WTO , domestic capital market will be exoteric and joint with international capital market .

  15. 而且对外开放度指数和GDP指数之间存在长期均衡关系。

    And , there is some long-run equilibrium relation tying openness index and GDP index .

  16. 新形势下云南扩大对外开放的SWOT分析

    A SWOT Analysis of Expanding Opening-up of Yunnan in New Situation

  17. 我国加入WTO,中国石油市场将逐步对外开放,我国石油公司将面临巨大的压力与挑战,及时调整营销策略对我国石油企业具有重要的意义。

    China has already opened the oil market after the access to the WTO , Chinese oil companies have to face the intense competition .

  18. 中国加入WTO后,中国的汽车工业将逐渐取消行业保护政策,中国的汽车工业将全面实现对内与对外开放。

    After China entered WTO , Chinese automobile industry will abolish trade protectionism gradually and fully be open to domestic market and foreign market .

  19. 金融全球化的浪潮正席卷全世界,我国在加入WTO后,对外开放进入了一个崭新的阶段,国际间的经济往来日益频繁。

    The stream of finance globalization is sweeping the whole world . After china joined in WTO , the foreign trade is more and more .

  20. 加入WTO后,旅游业将进一步对外开放,重庆旅游业既有重大的发展机遇,也面临着严峻的挑战。

    After WTO entry and with greater open extent of tourism industry , Chongqing 's tourism industry is faced with significant development opportunities and serious challenges .

  21. 中国加入WTO五年后,中国银行业全面对外开放,中国银行业将直面外资银行的挑战和冲击。

    China join WTO after the five year , Chinese banking overall to open foreign countries , Chinese banking face straightly foreign capitals challenge of bank hit .

  22. 加入WTO以后,中国对外开放的广度和深度进一步扩大。

    China has been pursuing the policy of opening to the outside world , the breadth and depth of which has currently received further expansion after joining the WTO .

  23. 加入WTO以后,由于对外开放遇到了许多新的问题,有关FDI的政策又引发人们新的争论。

    Since China became a member of WTO , there have been a lot of new questions faced by opening up which raised arguments on FDI policy .

  24. 随着改革开放,特别是加入WTO后,中国的传媒业高速发展,传媒市场也逐步对外开放,国际传媒巨头纷纷以各种不同的形式登陆中国,强占中国的传媒市场。

    Since the reformation and opening , especially after joining WTO , China media industry has been developing rapidly and China media market has been opened up , step by step .

  25. QFII制度是新兴资本市场实现对外开放的一种过渡性制度安排。

    QFII system is a kind of transition institution used for opening up new capital market .

  26. 引入QFII制度是我国资本市场对外开放的需要。

    Introducing QFII system is the need of the capital of our country opening to the outside .

  27. 按照中国加入WTO的约定,2006年中国银行业将全面对外开放,国内银行将面临更为激烈的同业竞争。

    According to the agreement with the WTO , the Chinese banking will not be overall opening up to the outside world until 2006 . The domestic bank will face fierce horizontal competition .

  28. 在我国加入WTO和对外开放进一步深化的新环境下,发展我国数控技术和装备、提高我国制造业水平和国际竞争能力。

    AT the new condition of our country accede to WTO and external more deepen , it is importance develop numerical control technology and equip , advance manufacturing level and international contend ability .

  29. 加入WTO之后,建筑市场进一步对外开放,有更多的外国建筑公司涌入中国市场,中国建筑市场的竞争日趋激烈。

    After affiliated WTO , the construction market is further opened , and more foreign building companies flow out into the Chinese market , so the competition of the Chinese market is gradually drastic .

  30. 我国旅游业要在遵守WTO基本原则和履行入世承诺的前提下进一步对外开放,要妥善处理旅游服务贸易摩擦,消除旅游业发展的壁垒,逐步实现旅游服务贸易自由化。

    The tourist industry must abide by WTO rules and perform promise of further opening-up , deal with properly trade friction , clear up tourist developing barriers , and realize gradually freedom of tourist trade .