
  • 网络Total foreign trade volume;Value of Foreign Trade
  1. 出口商品结构是指一个国家或地区在一定时期内的对外贸易总额中各类商品的构成及其相互关系,它表明各类商品在对外贸易中所处的地位。

    Composition of export commodity is commodity composition and their correlation in total value of foreign trade in a region or country in one period . It shows commodities ' status in foreign trade .

  2. 中国加入WTO以来,对外贸易总额持续增长,特别是与欧盟的贸易取得了长足发展,欧盟成为我国最大的外贸伙伴。

    Since China joined the WTO , the amount of international trade has risen steeply , especially we have much surplus trading with EU , and EU becomes the most important trade partner of China .

  3. 这一数字占俄罗斯对外贸易总额的16%。

    The figure 16 percent of Russia 's total foreign trade .

  4. 2010年,我国与上述贸易伙伴之间的进出口总额约占我国对外贸易总额的62.53%。

    China 's export to these trading partners accounted for62.53 % of China 's total export in2010 .

  5. 2005年新疆对外贸易总额排名全国第14位,居西北十二省首位。

    The Xinjiang export amount is situated 14th in nation and the top of northwest 12 provinces .

  6. 坦率地说,现在我们的对外贸易总额还不如台湾多。

    To be frank , the mainland 's volume of foreign trade is less than that of Taiwan .

  7. 去年对外贸易总额达到2.97万亿美元,开放型经济水平快速提升。

    Last year , total foreign trade volume reached US $ 2.97 trillion and the openness of the economy increased rapidly .

  8. 墨西哥对外贸易总额1997年突破2200亿美元,创新的历史纪录。

    In 1997 , Mexico 's total amount of foreign trade broke through 220 billion US dollars , which created a new historical record .

  9. 今年前五个月,中国对外贸易总额接近14.8万亿元人民币,约合2.3万亿美元。

    China 's foreign trade volume totaled nearly 14.8 trillion yuan , roughly 2.3 trillion U.S. dollars in the first five months of this year .

  10. 2002年我国的对外贸易总额已达到了6208亿美元,是改革开放初期的30倍。

    In 2002 our trade volume reached $ 620.8 billion , 30 times that ( $ 20.6 billion ) of the early stage of reform and opening-up .

  11. 正如中国只是美国90多个贸易逆差国之一一样,中美贸易如今仅占中国对外贸易总额的12%。

    Just as China is one of over 90 countries with which America runs trade deficits , US-China trade now represents only 12 per cent of total Chinese trade .

  12. 作为低端产业链生产方式的加工贸易,不应当占据对外贸易总额较大比重。

    Processing trade , as a lower value-added industrial chain in the mode of production , should not occupy a large proportion of the total foreign trade , with RMB appreciating .

  13. 另外,中国已经成为世界第一贸易大国,对外贸易总额逐年增加,特别是与欧盟和北美的贸易往来逐渐增多。

    In addition , China has become the biggest trading powers , the foreign trade volume increases year by year , especially with the European Union and North American trade increases gradually .

  14. 他表示,中巴贸易额只占巴基斯坦对外贸易总额的1/10,希望两方双向贸易额能尽快突破100亿美元。

    The China-Pakistan trade volume only accounted for one-tenth of Pakistan 's overall foreign trade , he said , voicing his hope that the two-way trade could top10 billion dollars as soon as possible .

  15. 中国的对外贸易总额在过去的五年中已经从全世界第六位上升到第三位,进出口总额年增长达到24.6%。

    Fu said the country 's foreign trade rose from the sixth to the third in world rankings in the past five years , with imports and exports volume growing at an average annual rate of24.6 percent .

  16. 原油进口额跃增45%,达到34亿美元,占中国对外贸易进口总额的2.45%。

    The crude import value rocketed to $ 3 . 4 billion at 45 % , equivalent to 2 . 45 % of the China 's gross import value .

  17. 原油进口额达到23.56亿美元,占中国对外贸易进口总额的1.2%。尽管如此,1995年中国仍是原油净出口国。

    Nevertheless , China remained a net crude exporter in 1995 . Crude imports , valued at $ 2 . 356 billion , accounted for 1 . 8 % of China 's total foreign imports .

  18. 1999年,经济特区的对外贸易额占全国总额的近五分之一。

    In 1999 , the foreign trade volume of SEZs accounted for nearly one fifth of the nation 's total .

  19. 2020年前10个月,中国对外贸易占世界贸易总额的比重接近13%,比2015年高出近1个百分点。

    In the first 10 months of 2020 , China 's foreign trade accounted for close to 13 percent of the world 's total , nearly 1 point higher than that in 2015 .

  20. 与此同时,对外贸易也保持高速发展,对外贸易总额连年递增,特别是2001年我国正式加入世界贸易组织至今,对外贸易额加速增长,与世界的融合进一步加深。

    At the same time , foreign trade also maintained rapid development , foreign trade volume increasing year after year , in particular , in 2001 China has formally joined the World Trade Organization , foreign trade volume growth accelerated , and further deepening the integration with the world .

  21. 与此同时,我国对外贸易也同步迅速增长,2004年对外贸易总额已突破万亿大关,成为世界第三大贸易国。

    At the same time , the number of international trade is also increasing quickly , which accounts for more thousand billion dollars , and China is the third trade country in the world .

  22. 自从加入WTO后,我国的对外贸易呈现快速增长的趋势,2004年中国对外贸易总额已逾11500亿美元,成为世界第三大贸易国。

    After joining WTO , the foreign trade of the our country presents the trend that increase fleetly , the Chinese foreign trade total amount in 2004 has exceeded $ 1 150 000 000 000 , becoming the third trade country in the world .

  23. 我国对外贸易自1978年改革开放以来,有了突飞猛进的发展,2002年我国对外贸易总额将超过6000亿美元,居世界第六位。

    Since the reform and opening up in 1978 , China has enjoyed the rapid development in foreign trade . The volumes of foreign trade are expected to exceed US dollars 600 billion , ranking the sixth in the world .

  24. 本文以分析中国对外服务贸易的决定因素为主线,采用扩展后的引力模型,以中国的对外服务贸易进出口总额、进口额和出口额为被解释变量分别进行实证分析。

    The masterstroke of this paper is analyzing the determinants of Chinese international service trade . We take the total volume of trade , value of import and export as dependent variables to estimate the extended Gravity Model .