
  • 网络antipode;Antipodal points
  1. 南北两极倒是标准定义上的对跖点。

    The North and South pole are , by definition , antipodes .

  2. 完全互为对跖点的是俄罗斯的乌兰乌德和智力的纳塔莱斯。

    Exact antipodes include Ulan Ude in Russia and Puerto Natales in Chile .

  3. 但目前,这些对跖点间都没有直达的民航定期航班。

    There are no non-stop scheduled flights between any two antipodal locations by commercial airline service .

  4. 通过在接收端引人等效对跖点,将短波对跖通信转化成了若干个等效对跖通信链路。

    The authors introduce equivalent antipodes at the receiver to transform the antipodal propagation to several equivalent point-to-point communication systems .

  5. 同一条地球直径上的另一端,就是任何一个地方在地球上的对跖点,即与之对应的世界的另一端。

    The antipodes of any spot on the planet is the place diametrically opposite it , on the other side of the world .

  6. 也有不少主要城市或者首都几乎互为对跖点,比如新西兰奥克兰的对跖点大致是西班牙的塞维利亚以及马拉加。

    Other major or capital cities that are close to being antipodes include Auckland , New Zealand , and Seville and Malaga in Spain .

  7. 换做英国人也是半斤八两,因为英国国会大厦的对跖点是新西兰海岸。

    Brits wouldn 't fare much better , with a tunnel dug from under the Houses of Parliament finishing up off the coast of New Zealand .

  8. 该网站显示,中国是为数不多的对跖点在陆地的国家。

    The Chinese are among the relative minority of countries who would strike land if they were to undertake this enterprise , according to the website .

  9. 不过考虑到地球表面71%都是水,那么陆地的对跖点是陆地的情况出现几率之小也就不足为奇了。

    Given that the surface of the earth is around 71 percent water , it 's probably unsurprising that the chances of hitting land are relatively low .

  10. 在世界另一端的新西兰奥克兰市,对跖点所在地,另一个人拿着另外一片面包做着同样的举动。

    On the other side of the world in Auckland , a guy was doing just the same thing with the other piece of bread at the antipodes point in New Zealand .

  11. 对跖面,对跖点地球的对面;

    The opposite side of the earth ; the antipodes .

  12. 拥有最多陆地对跖区域的陆地为马来群岛,其对跖点是亚马逊流域及其附近的安第斯山脉。

    The largest antipodal land masses are the Malay Archipelago , which is opposite the Amazon Basin and adjoining Andean ranges .