
  • 网络Biometrics;biological properties;biological characteristic;biological character
  1. 抗Cr(Ⅵ)细菌的分离筛选及其生物学特征的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Separation Screening of Anti-Cr (ⅵ) Bacteria and Its Biological Characteristics

  2. 一株自褐家鼠分离的汉坦病毒SD(10)株分子生物学特征研究

    The Molecular Biological Characteristics of the Hantavirus Strain SD_ ( 10 ) Isolated Rattas Norvegicus

  3. PⅢP的表达与肿瘤生物学特征密切相关。

    The results indicated that cancer cells P ⅲ P expression was closely related with the tumor biological characterizations .

  4. 41例IIb型早期胃癌临床及生物学特征分析

    Analysis of the clinical and biological characters of early gastric cancer type ⅱ b

  5. 人外周血NK细胞亚群、表型和生物学特征

    Phenotypic and biological characterization of human NK cells in PBMCs

  6. survivin基因的分子生物学特征及眼科研究进展

    Current research of survivin gene and its applications in ophthalmology

  7. 目的研究特应血清被动致敏的人气道平滑肌细胞增殖、DNA合成、蛋白质合成等生物学特征。

    Objective To explore the biological characteristics of passively sensitized airway smooth muscle ( ASM ) cells in hyperplasia , protein and DNA synthesis abilities .

  8. A549人肺癌细胞系/615-SCID小鼠转移瘤的生物学特征

    Characterization of Human Lung Cancer Cell Line A549 in 615-SCID Mice

  9. 结论:MRI可突出表现脑包虫病的生物学特征,在诊断中较CT更为敏感可靠。

    Conclusions : In MRI image , because it can show typical hydatid cyst characteristic , it is more reliable than CT in diagnosis .

  10. HIV-1的基因重组:分子机制及生物学特征

    Recombination of HIV-1 genomes : molecular mechanisms and biological characteristics

  11. 目的从艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者血液中分离HIV,进行HIV分离株的生物学特征研究。

    Aim To isolate HIV-1 from the blood specimen of HIV-infected persons , and study on the features of the iso-lates .

  12. 目的:探讨3类常用抗高血压药物对非杓型的高血压病患者BP的时间生物学特征的影响。

    AIM : To investigate the effects of 3 anti hypertensives , on the chronobiological features of blood pressure in non dipper hypertensive patients .

  13. 转化是细菌基因重组最常见的方式之一,转化的结果可使细菌的染色体整合上外源DNA,从而使其某些生物学特征发生变化,并能代代遗传。

    Transformation is one of the most common manners invovled in gene recombination by integrating exogenous DNA to bacterial chromosome , thus causing changes in some biological features .

  14. 这表明DNA倍体异常是涎腺癌的一个重要生物学特征,对于指示涎腺癌的生物学行为、指导治疗和判断预后具有一定的临床意义。

    This indicates that abnormal cellular DNA content is an important biological characteristic of salivary gland carcinomas . The relationship between DNA ploidy and prognosis was not found .

  15. 经典有效的抗乙肝药物对HBV转基因小鼠疗效反证了该动物模型可真实的模拟表现人类乙型肝炎疾病许多生物学特征。

    Classic anti-HBV drugs had effect on the model , which reflected that the model can truly simulate many characteristics of human B hepatitis .

  16. HGPRT缺陷型Lewis肺癌细胞株的筛选及其生物学特征

    HPRT-defective Lewis lung carcinoma cell line and its biological characteristics

  17. 目的探讨Tcadherin分子表达对胶质母细胞瘤C6细胞的恶性生物学特征的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of T-cadherin gene expression on malignant biological characteristics in C6 glioma cells .

  18. 目的:研究急性双表型白血病(acutebiphenotypicleukemia,BAL)的临床生物学特征和预后。

    Objective To explore the clinical , biological and prognostic features of acute biphenotypic leukemia ( BAL ) in adults .

  19. 大额牛(Bosfrontalis)的生物学特征及研究开发利用潜力

    The Biology Characteristics of Gayal ( Bos frontalis ) and Potential Exploitation and Utilization

  20. 东北稻区自然生存多态性杂草稻(weedyrice),与普通稻相比,其最明显的生物学特征是易脱粒、自然越冬繁衍。

    Polymorphism of natural survival of Northeast weedy rice , compared with ordinary rice , the most significant biological feature is easy threshing , natural winter breeding .

  21. 人小肠癌腹水转移细胞系HIC的建立及其生物学特征

    Establishment and characterization of a permanent cell line HIC derived from the ascites of human intestinal carcinoma

  22. 目的探讨乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)及γ-羟丁酸脱氢酶(HBDH)与成人急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)的临床生物学特征及预后的关系。

    Objective To evaluate the relation between LDH and HBDH and the clinical biological features and prognosis of adult ALL .

  23. NOAA-AVHRR所提供的全球多时相数据为研究植被的生物学特征提供支持。

    NOAA-AVHRR provides multi-temporal data for research on vegetation Phenology .

  24. 本模型的生物学特征:下丘脑和空肠中的5-HT均升高,与空白对照组有显著性差异(P<0.05,P<0.01);

    The model rats have a series of biological characteristics . In comparison with the controlled group , the lower thalamencephalon and jejunum level of 5-HT increases ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ) .

  25. 代谢性谷氨酸受体是一个新的G蛋白相关受体家族,各类亚型在分子生物学特征、神经药理学特征和中枢神经系统分布方面有所不同。

    Metabotropic glutamate receptors ( mGluRs ) is a novel family of G protein coupled receptors . Each subtype shows different features in the aspects of molecular biology , neuropharmacology and distribution in the central nervous system .

  26. 髋受力后蹬式Wingate无氧功率测试法的生物学特征分析

    The Biological Characteristic Analyses on Wingate Anaerobic Test with Hip Stress Leg-driving

  27. 结论:细胞凋亡为角化棘皮瘤的典型生物学特征,可能在KA的自然消退中发挥重要作用。

    Conclusion It is suggested that cell apoptosis be a biologic characteristic of KA and may play an important role in spontaneous regression of KA .

  28. GPI-PLD过表达对肺癌细胞株A549生物学特征的影响

    Effect of Overexpression of Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Specific Phospholipase D on Biological Characters of Lung Carcinoma Cell Line A549

  29. 目的:探讨成人急性杂合型白血病(HAL)的临床及生物学特征。

    Objective : To explore the clinical and biological features of patients with hybrid acute leukemia ( HAL ) in adults .

  30. 结论PCNA表达水平可反映星形细胞瘤患者的预后情况,可间接推断瘤体的生物学特征和影像学表现,PCNA表达与病理分级结合,可作为有价值的监测指标。

    Conclusions Expression of PCNA , correlating with the MRI findings , can predict the survival of the supratentorial astrocytoma . PCNA and pathological grade are valuable prognostic factors .