
  • 网络Ecological Agriculture Model
  1. 五位一体无公害生态农业模式的研究及应用

    The Research and Implication of the Harmless Ecological Agriculture Model

  2. 太行山区生态农业模式研究与实践

    The thesis summary practices and studies on ecological agriculture model of Taihang Mountain Area

  3. 山区生态农业模式初探

    Study on the patterns of eco - agriculture in mountain area

  4. 鸭稻共作生态农业模式的功效及存在的技术问题探讨

    Discussion on rice-duck integrated farming ecosystem and the related technology innovation

  5. 丘陵山区生态农业模式与技术初探

    Exploring Technology and Mode of Zoology Agriculture of Mountain and Hill

  6. 21世纪的生态农业模式农业观光园

    Agriculture and Tourism Garden of Ecological Agriculture in the 21st Century

  7. 洞庭湖垸内灾害风险区湖垸高效生态农业模式研究

    Efficient Eco-agriculture Modeling for Risk Zone Inside Embankment in Dongting Lake

  8. 吉安市典型沼气生态农业模式的结构和效益分析

    Structure and Benefit Analysis of Typical Biogas Eco-agricultural Model in Ji'an City

  9. 半干旱地区发展集水型生态农业模式研究

    The eco-agricultural model of the development of rainwater-harvesting technology in semiarid area

  10. 福建省典型生态农业模式研究

    Study on the typical model of eco-agriculture in Fujian Province

  11. 抚州市丘陵山区生态农业模式试验研究

    Studies on Ecological Agriculture Mode of Hills Area in Fuzhou

  12. 蔗田生态农业模式及其效果

    Models of Ecological Agriculture in Sugarcane Field and Their Effects on Production

  13. 果-草-兔生态农业模式的综合效益试验研究

    Comprehensive Effects of Ecological Agricultural System Composed of Fruit , Grass and Rabbit

  14. 漫岗丘陵黑土侵蚀区拜泉县建立水土保持型生态农业模式的探讨

    Approach to Establishing Eco-agriculture Model of Water and Soil Conservation in Baiquan County

  15. 鸭稻共作是一种较为典型的稻田生态农业模式。

    Strong stem effect and physiological characteristics of rice plant under rice-duck farming ;

  16. 生态农业模式与节能型家庭农场的构建

    The Constrution of Ecological Agricultural Patterns and Ecological-economical Family-farms

  17. 河北省坝上地区生态农业模式的研究

    The study on ecological agriculture pattern of the plateau region in Hebei Province

  18. 甘肃陇西县庭院生态农业模式分析

    Courtyard Eco-Agriculture with Biogas as a Core in Longxi County of Gansu Province

  19. 猪沼果生态农业模式

    The " Pig-Raising , Methane-Generating and Fruit-Growing " Eco-Agricultural Pattern of Recycling Economy

  20. 黄河三角洲的适用生态农业模式及农业地域结构探讨

    The Applicable Eco-agricultural Models and Territorial Structure of Agriculture in the Yellow River Delta

  21. 赣南山区生态农业模式及其效益

    An Ecological Agricultural Model and Its Benefit in Mountain Areas in Southern Jiangxi Province

  22. 一个资源节约型生态农业模式的配置结构

    The Allocation Structure of an Eco-agricultural Resource-saving Model

  23. 宁南半干旱退化山区庭园生态农业模式及效益分析

    Models and efficiency analyses of courtyard eco-agriculture in semiarid degradated mountain area of Ningxia

  24. 晋南旱地小麦主产区几种生态农业模式的探讨

    A study on eco-agricultural models in the main dry wheat areas of South Shanxi

  25. 不同生态农业模式对流域环境生态经济效应的研究

    Study on Environmental and Economic Effects of Different Ecological Agriculture Model in Small Watershed

  26. 山东临沂市河滩地生态农业模式设计

    The Model Design of Eco-Agriculture for Flood Land of Linyi City , Shandong Province

  27. 种养加产业化生态农业模式&以吉林省德惠市为例

    The Eco agriculture Model for Industrialization and Integration of Cropping , Raising and Processing

  28. 怀仁生态农业模式的建立与效益评价

    Establishment of an Ecological Agricultural Model and Evaluation of its Effects on Huai Ren County

  29. 双链型林-牧草-鹅-龙虾生态农业模式的高效配套技术

    High-efficient Complementary Technologies for ' Double Chain ' Type Eco-agriculture Model Forest-Forage grass-Goose-Red swamp crawfish

  30. 海河流域低平原缺水盐渍区生态农业模式

    The Agricultural Model for the Water-deficit Region in the Lower Plain of the Haihe River Basin