
  • 网络Agricultural Waste;agriculture wastes;agricultural residue
  1. 微生物及胡敏酸E4/E6值在农业废弃物静态高温腐解中的变化

    Changes of microorganisms and E_4 / E_6 in agricultural waste materials during composting in static state with high temperature

  2. 今年,中国化学品公司圣泉集团(shengquangroup)开始将借助诺维信提供的酶制剂,实现以农业废弃物为原料生产乙醇过程的商业化。

    This year , Chinese chemical company Shengguan group began commercial production of ethanol made from agricultural waste using enzymes provided by Novozymes .

  3. 农业废弃物核桃壳粉对Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附特征研究

    The Characteristics of Cr (ⅵ) Adsorbed by Walnuts Shell Powder

  4. 农业废弃物对土壤中N2O、CO2释放和土壤氮素转化及pH的影响

    Effects of application of agricultural wastes on N_2O and CO_2 emissions , nitrogen transformation in soil and soil PH

  5. 笔者首次利用投入产出分析方法和CVM方法对资源性农业废弃物循环利用的经济价值进行了测度与分析。

    By input-output analysis methods and CVM methods , this text analysed the economic value of recycling of resource agro & waste .

  6. 新型GRC储粮仓板(仓)是以农业废弃物各种秸秆、粉煤灰、胶凝材料、增强纤维为主要原材料,配以各种改性外加剂而制成。

    The new GRC storing grain panel was made of plant straws , fly ash , cement , reinforced fiber as main raw , and some admixtures .

  7. 浙江省农业废弃物的能源利用初探

    Preliminary Discussion Agricultural Residues Used As Energy Resources in Zhejiang Province

  8. 京郊农村农业废弃物能源化利用模式探讨

    Discussion on Energy Utilization Mode for Agriculture Wastes in Beijing Suburb

  9. 云南省农业废弃物综合利用模式的研究

    Research on Synthetic Utilization Model of Agricultural Wastes in Yunnan Province

  10. 棉秆是我国北方地区丰富的农业废弃物。

    Cotton stalk is an abundant agricultural residue in north China .

  11. 对我国农业废弃物资源化利用的思考工业废弃地&矿区复兴的潜在资源

    The Industrial Abandoned Land & Potential Resources of Mining Region Revival

  12. 微量金属元素对农业废弃物厌氧消化的作用

    The effects of Trace Metals on Anaerobic Fermentation of Agricultural Residue

  13. 滇池流域农业废弃物资源化利用研究

    Study on Recycle of Agricultural Wastes in Dianchi Lake Basin

  14. 农业废弃物处理利用技术与农业机械化发展

    Treatment and Utilization of Agricultural Wastes and Development of Supporting Agricultural Machinery

  15. 同时,不正确的处理方式也是对资源性农业废弃物的浪费。

    Incorrect handling is also a waste of resource agro & waste .

  16. 厌氧消化是农业废弃物资源化利用的有效途径之一。

    Anaerobic digestion is one of the agricultural waste utilization effective way .

  17. 农业废弃物静态高温堆肥过程中纤维素酶活性的变化

    Cellulase activities of agricultural waste materials during static composting at high temperature

  18. 农业废弃物做为果胶原料的来源,日渐为人们所关注。

    Agricultural wastes are concerned as the source of pectin .

  19. 促进农业废弃物腐解的复合微生物菌剂的筛选

    Screening of the Composite Microorganism for Promoting the Decomposition of Agriculture Residue

  20. 利用农业废弃物作为吸附剂处理重金属离子

    Treatment of Heavy Metal Ions Using Agricultural Waste as Absorbent

  21. 蚯蚓的应用与应用蚯蚓处理海南农业废弃物的思考

    Thoughts on Treating Agricultural Waste Using Earthworms in Hainan

  22. 复合菌剂对农业废弃物堆肥过程中理化指标变化的影响

    Effect of Combined Fungus on Physical and Chemical Index During Agricultural Wastes Composting

  23. 利用农业废弃物处理重金属离子废水的研究进展

    Advances in Research on Treatment of Heavy Metal Ions Wastewater by Agricultural Waste

  24. 本试验利用浸泡方法对农业废弃物进行预处理。

    Mar in ate methods is adopted to pretreat agricultural waste in experiment .

  25. 我国农业废弃物资源的利用现状及开发前景

    Utilization Status and Prospect of Agricultural Wastes in China

  26. 利用农业废弃物生产嗜热真菌(T.lanuginosus)耐热木聚糖酶的固体发酵研究

    Solid state fermentation for producing thermostable endoxylanase by T. lanuginosus using agricultural wastes

  27. 农业废弃物堆肥过程中腐殖质组成变化

    Changes of Humic Components during Agricultural Waste Composting

  28. 农业废弃物资源化利用新方向&沼气干发酵技术

    The New Direction of Agricultural Residues Utilization in China : Biogas Dry Fermentation Technology

  29. 农业废弃物水热资源化研究进展

    Research on Agricultural Wastes Recycling by Hydrothermal Methods

  30. 3种农业废弃物及其不同组合饲养蚯蚓试验①

    Earthworm Raising with Agricultural Wastes and Their Combinations