
  • 网络agricultural ecological economics;agroecological economics
  1. 利用SPSS软件采用因子分析的方法,分析了湖南省农业生态经济系统能值产出的影响因素。

    By using the factor analysis method , this paper analyzes the influential factors of the emergy output of agriculture eco-economic system in Hunan with software SPSS .

  2. 10a来关中地区的农业生态经济系统经历了由失调向协调方向(极度失调-低度协调-弱度失调)发展过程。

    The agricultural ecological economic system experienced the development process from disorder to coordination in Guanzhong region ( extreme disorder-low coordination-weak disorder ) .

  3. 根据各区的农业生态经济特点,综合治理和开发,A区以种植业为主,B区农林牧综合发展,C区以林牧为主。

    In accordance with the characteristics of each region of agroecological economy , the comprehensive control of the watershed was carried out with priority given to crop growing in A region , comprehensive development of agriculture , forestry and livestock to B region and forestry and livestock to C region .

  4. 山区、丘陵区农业生态经济定量分析

    A quantitive analysis of Agroecological economic in mountainous and hilly areas

  5. 江西发展农业生态经济的有利条件与对策

    Giving Full Play to Jiangxi 's Advantages of Developing Ecological Agriculture

  6. 河北怀来县农业生态经济分区研究

    Study on the agroecological-economic regionalization in Huailai county , hebei Province

  7. 长武试验示范区高效农业生态经济系统研究

    Study on High-efficiency Agro-ecology Economic System in Changwu Experimental Demonstration Region

  8. 基于能值理论的绿洲农业生态经济系统可持续性分析

    Analysis on Sustainability of Oasis Agro-economic System Based on Emergy Theory

  9. 湖北省农业生态经济分区初探

    Preliminary analysis on the agroecological economical regionalization in Hubei Province

  10. 界壳论&研究农业生态经济系统边界的一种新理论

    Jieke theory-A new theory to study the boundary of agricultural eco-economic systems

  11. 贵州农业生态经济现状及问题与发展对策的探讨

    Agro-ecological economic present condition , problem and development countermeasure in Guizhou Province

  12. 奈曼旗农业生态经济发展模式探讨

    Discussion on development models of agro-ecological economy in Naiman Banner

  13. 农业生态经济系统生态流与价值流耦合机制

    Coupling Mechanism of Ecological Flow and Value Flow in Agricutural Ecological-economic System

  14. 甘肃省景泰县农业生态经济系统能值分析

    Emergy Analysis of Agricultural Eco-Economic System in Jingtai County , Gansu Province

  15. 农业生态经济系统结构优化方法研究

    Structural optimization of agricultural eco-economic system with GIS and RS

  16. 典型红壤侵蚀区农业生态经济系统能值分析

    Emergy Analysis of Agro-ecological System in Typical Red Eroded Soil

  17. 农业生态经济系统的价值流及价值链研究

    Research on the Value Flow and Value Chain in Agricultural Eco-economic System

  18. 甘肃安西农业生态经济系统构成因素与效益的灰色关联分析

    A Grey-relation Analysis for Forming-factors and Benefit of Agricultural Eco-economic System in Anxi

  19. 农业生态经济系统与农业生产结构调整&理论探讨与实证分析

    Agriculture Eco-economy System and Agriculture Structure Adjustment & theoretical study and practical analysis

  20. 可持续发展的农业生态经济系统规划

    Planning Model for Agricultural Ecological-Economical System Under Sustainable Development

  21. 定西地区农业生态经济系统的结构和功能分析

    Analysis of Structure and Function of Agro - Economic System of Dingxi Area

  22. 论调控农业生态经济发展的技术机制

    Technical System of Making Agricultural Eco-economic Development under Control

  23. 草地农业生态经济模式的研究

    Study on The Economic Model of Agroecology on Grassland

  24. 云南沼气建设与农业生态经济的发展

    Biogas Construction and the Development of Agro-eco-economy in Yunnan

  25. 城市生活垃圾堆肥化的农业生态经济效益

    Agro - eco - economic Benefit of Making Compost by Using Urban Rubbish

  26. 黄土丘陵区主要农业生态经济模式效益评估

    Research on Evaluation of Agricultural Eco-Economic Mode in Loess Hilly and Gully Region

  27. 农业生态经济系统综合评估的方法与技术应用研究

    Methods and techniques for comprehensive agricultural eco-economic system assessment

  28. 区域农业生态经济规划的基本理论问题

    Basic Theoretical Problems of Regional Agricultural Eco-economical Programming

  29. 论农业生态经济系统特征及其相应的技术构成

    Characteristics of Agro - eco - economic System and Components of Its Technological System

  30. 农业生态经济系统的规划思路

    A programming idea of agriculturally ecological economic system