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  1. PDE模型机平均推力应处于推力壁压力曲线积分法与弹簧-质量-阻尼系统法所测推力之间。

    It was estimated that the average thrust of the model PDE was between the value obtained by thrust wall pressure integration method and spring-mass-damper system method .

  2. 同时采用推力壁压力曲线积分法和弹簧-质量-阻尼系统法对一PDE模型机在不同频率多循环工况下的平均推力特性进行实验研究。

    Using thrust wall pressure integration method and spring-mass-damper system method synchronously , the average thrust characteristics of a model pulse detonation engine operated in variety frequencies were investigated experimentally .

  3. 对CPKM发动机喷管进行数值模拟,所得的发动机平均推力与实测性能数据相比较,相对误差为2.3%。

    The relative error was 2.3 % when the average thrust data was compared with the measured data .

  4. 脉冲爆震发动机的平均推力随着工作频率的提高接近线性增大。

    The averaged thrust of PDE increases almost linearly with the operation frequency .

  5. 脉冲爆震发动机模型机平均推力特性计算与实验研究

    Calculation and experimental investigation on average thrust characteristics of a model pulse detonation engine

  6. 计算表明,理论预示推力与测试推力基本一致,平均推力偏差不大于0.4%,平均比冲偏差不大于0.35%。

    And thrust deviation is less than 0.4 % , the specific impulse deviation is less than 0.35 % .

  7. 脉冲爆震发动机的最高工作频率可达35Hz,此时得到的平均推力为142.8N。

    A maximum operation frequency of 35 Hz is realized and the PDE performance is acquired to give the averaged thrust of 142.8 N.

  8. 通过测量得到的平均推力,还可以获得总冲的大小。该测量方法可以有效避免推力信号的波动对于平均推力测量的影响。

    The average thrust can be obtained by measuring the steady state deflection angle , and then the total impulse can be obtained from the measured average thrust .

  9. 实验结果表明引射系统可以利用排出爆震管的强激波所储存的能量使爆震管单独产生的平均推力增加,平均推力增益最高可达38%。

    The experimental results indicate that ejector system can utilize the energy stored in the strong shock wave exiting the detonation tube to augment the average thrust obtained from the detonation tube alone . The highest average thrust augmentation is 38 % .

  10. 应用推力间接测量法,对模型两相脉冲爆震发动机的瞬时推力进行了详尽的测试,并依此计算了相应的平均推力。

    The instantaneous thrusts of a two phase ( gasoline / air ) pulse detonation engine ( PDE ) model under various operational conditions were obtained from indirect measurement with a piezoelectrical accelerometer , and then the corresponding average thrusts were derived .

  11. 针对脉冲爆震发动机瞬时推力、平均推力测量问题,介绍了直接测量法和间接测量法(包括推力壁压力曲线积分法和抛物摆法)的测量原理及系统构成。

    Transient and average thrust are two important performance parameters of pulse detonation engine . The principle and system structure of direct measurement method and indirect measurement methods ( including thrust wall pressure integral method and ballistic pendulum method ) are introduced .

  12. 多脉冲平均微推力的测量对于脉冲微推进器的特性研究有着重要的作用。

    The average thrust measurement of multipulse microthrust is very important for the study of the characteristics of pulsed microthrusters .

  13. 基于平均法的小推力转移轨道优化研究

    Optimization of Low-Thrust Transfer Trajectory Based on Averaging Method

  14. 算法仿真表明,采用该模型可使平均升力和平均推力计算精度分别提高20%和70%左右。

    The results are20 % more accurate in lifting coefficient calculation and70 % more accurate in thrust coefficient calculation , which are verified by the computational and experimental data .

  15. 对某固体火箭发动机的内弹道性能进行了数字仿真,得出了燃烧时间平均压强和平均推力、最大压强、比冲和总冲等内弹道性能参数的均值和方差。

    On the basis of the digital simulation of internal ballistic properties for a solid rocket motor , the mean value and variance of internal ballistic properties are given , such as , average pressure and thrust , maximum pressure , specific impulse and total impulse .