
  1. 在对基于COM组件的软件系统开发方法分析基础上,以信息显示组件、数据录入组件和信息查询统计组件为例,讲述了组件接口的设计,并在刀量具资源信息管理系统中得到了应用。

    Thirdly , we analyzed the development method of software system based on COM component . Finally , we developed the information display component , data copy component and information query component for the tools and measures management system .

  2. 基于自动换刀过程中各种动作的逻辑关系,做出系统分析,并以刀库为例,给出具体设计与实现步骤。

    And with an example of tool library , the article gives concrete designing and implementing steps .

  3. 本文分析了切削过程中产生问题的原因,并根据刀补原理提出了具体的解决方法。

    In this paper , the causes for problems in cutting are analyzed and some solutions are suggested .

  4. 当刀板运动方向与刀刃线不垂直时,土在刀板上的运动状态发生很大变化,并与刀板的几何参数密切相关,这时为空间掘削状态,即三维掘削模式。

    When the motion direction of the cutter is not perpendicular to its edge line there is three dimensional cutting mode .

  5. 以空间图形变换为基础,建立平头刀有效切削轮廓的数学模型并计算刀触点处刀具的曲率半径。

    Based on space alternate coordinate , the mathematical model of the effective cutting shape is established and the effective curvature radius is calculated on the cutting contact point .

  6. 瓦尔丁是在女主人睡觉的时候闯入的,并用刀抵在女主人的脖子上,随后将其绑在床上。

    After breaking into the woman 's home as she slept , Walding put a knife to the woman 's throat and tied her up to the bed prior to the attack .

  7. 示巴人忽然闯来,把牲畜掳去,并用刀杀了仆人。惟有我一人逃脱,来报信给你。

    And the Sabeans fell upon them , and took them away ; yea , they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword ; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee .

  8. 我们举例来说,系统告诉你拿点黄油并用刀切好,在黄油包装上有一个传感器,这样系统就能分辨出黄油被移动到了哪里。

    So let 's say , for example , the system tells you to take some butter and cut it with a knife , right ? There 's a sensor on the package containing the butter so it can tell where the butter 's being moved .

  9. 通过利用GO法对刀库进行可靠性建模,找到其薄弱环节并制定出刀库的可靠性验收试验方法,选定验收方案,最后根据试验结果给出判定结果。

    After analyzed the GO method model of tool magazines , the weakness was found and established reliability acceptance check test method , confirmed acceptance check project , the judgment was gave which based on the test results .

  10. 以FANUC-0I系统的为例,提出了数控车削加工的的两种手动对刀方法,详细阐述了对刀步骤及其原理,并介绍了刀补值的输入方法。

    Taking FANUC-0I system for instance , two rectifying cutter methods by test cutting in numerical control machining were put forward . The steps and the principles of rectifying cutter were expatiated , and the methods of inputting the compensating value of tools were introduced .

  11. 建立了刀具库并实现换刀。

    Building of tool database and implementation of ATC .

  12. 他也加强跑步训练,并练习双刀功夫。

    He ran a lot , too , and had to learn how to fight with two swords .

  13. 以拇指压入卡环,并用螺丝刀将其导入到最终的位置上。

    Press the circlip in with your thumbs and guide it to its final position with the screwdriver .

  14. 然后拿出来,把剩下的融化的巧克力摊到模具的顶端,并用黄油刀抹平。

    Then take out , spread the remaining melted chocolate over the top and smooth with a butter knife .

  15. 还进一步建立了锥形砂轮磨削前刀面和后刀面时的刀位轨迹模型,并研究了刀位轨迹与机床坐标系的转换关系。

    Moreover , the tool paths models of wheel which grinding are builded and the post-processing technique for coordination transfer is studied .

  16. 在此基础上,提出了多刀车削的方案,并对多刀车削的误差进行分析。

    The trajectories of tool points are plotted , then the error of turning is calculated , and based on which multi-tool turning is put forward and its error is analysed also .

  17. 研究了基于等残留高度法的无干涉刀位轨迹的生成方法,并对走刀步长和切削行距的计算方法进行了分析,建立了相应的算法。

    The interference-free tool path generation method based on the iso-scallop is given . The calculation methods of cutting step length and row spacing are analyzed , meanwhile , the corresponding algorithm is given .

  18. 提出了利用等残留高度法在五轴数控加工下进行加工,并采用环形刀,进行了刀具接触点轨迹、刀具数据的计算,使得刀具轨迹的规划更合理,效率更高。

    The advanced iso-scallop method is put forward and used in NC machining , and the annular cutter is used to calculate the tracks in the contacting point and data of the cutter so as to rationalize the planning of the cutter track and improve the efficiency .

  19. 设计了FANUCOMC控制器的后置处理配置文件,并实现了由刀位数据生成数控加工程序的功能,克服了手动编写的缺点;

    Design the post config file of FANUC OM _C control , and realization the generation of numeric control codes ;

  20. 测试结果显示,该方法简捷、可靠,能够达到实用化要求,并显著提高了刀位计算精度和加工效果。

    The results show that the tool path calculation precision can be efficiently improved by the proposed method .

  21. 机床工作台能实现快速垂直和水平移动,并设有自动抬刀机构。

    Being provided with a tool lifter , the machine table can obtain rapid motion in vertical and horizontal direction .

  22. 马鲁夫家族也同意签署一项该球馆的30年租赁协议并贡献2000万刀作为维修基金。

    The Maloofs also agreed to sign a30-year lease and put $ 20 million in a repair fund for the new facility .

  23. 目的:分析医护人员被高频电刀灼伤的主要原因,并探讨高频电刀安全使用的方法。

    Objective To analysis the main reasons of the medical staff been burnt by high frequency electric knife , and to discuss the method of safe application of electric knife .

  24. 针对叶片几何特点,给出了一种球形刀具刀位点干涉检查方法,并解决了干涉刀位点的避让问题。

    In view of the geometric features of the blade , it puts forward an interference examination method of cutter points by ball cutter and solves the prevention problem of the interference cutter points .

  25. 在叶片曲面侧铣精加工方面,分析了过切误差,并采用旋转初始刀轴矢量的干涉控制方法,提高了叶片曲面的加工精度。

    During the blade surface finish machining , the over-cut error is analyzed and by means of rotating initial tool axis vector to control the interference . Therefore , the impeller machining precision is improved .

  26. 本实用新型钩锁片单独设立,耐用并可更换,刀体和刀鞘连接紧密不脱分。

    In the utility model , the hook lock sheet is arranged independently , durable and can be replaced ; and the knife body and the sheath are connected so tightly that can not be detached .

  27. 当纸卷被机械上的驱动元件推进到切割系统时,它会被夹具夹住,并被送到切刀上进行切割。

    The paper roll will be clamped by the paper clamp when it is pushed to the slitting device by the driving unit of the machine , and then is sent to the slitting blade for cutting .

  28. 根据胎体的作用论述胎体成分的改进及胎体与金刚石的相互关系,并分析了金刚石刀头的磨损及其结构设计。

    Improvements on matrix composition and the relationship between matrix and diamond particles were discussed in the light of the role of matrix , and the wear progression in diamond segment and its structural design were analyzed .