
  1. 幸福源于对生活的满足,感恩源于对幸福的感知。

    Happiness stem from the life satisfaction of thanksgiving from the perceived happiness .

  2. 在丹麦,幸福源于平等;

    In Denmark , happiness comes from equality ;

  3. 幸福源于奋斗,不是吗

    Happiness is in the doing , right ?

  4. 老师的幸福源于学生纯真的牵挂,源于在岗位上多一点坚守,源于崇高的境界。

    Well-being of teachers from the students concerned about the innocent , from the posts a little more stick , from the lofty realm .

  5. 新加坡人的幸福感源于法律;

    in Singapore , happiness comes from the rule of law ;

  6. 一张标语上写着:稳定为幸福之源,动乱是灾祸之根。

    Stability means happiness , chaos means disaster , said one poster .

  7. 劳动是人类幸福之源。

    Work is the true source of human welfare .

  8. 幸福,源于生活中的不断创造

    Happiness comes from continuous creation in the life

  9. 如果你相信爱情是婚姻幸福之源,请你勇敢的来

    If you believe that love is the source of marital happiness , you brave to

  10. 在被称为这方面的专家之前王没怎么思考过他的幸福之源。

    Wong didn 't think much about his happiness before being dubbed something of an expert on the topic .

  11. 幸福之源不在外部的事物中,幸福源于我们自身。

    The source of happiness is not in events happening outside of us the source of happiness is within us .

  12. 印度加尔各答贫民窟的人的幸福感源于相互依靠彼此的心。

    in the slums of Calcutta , India , happiness comes from the hearts of people that depends on each other .

  13. 可是,无论我得到什么物质上的恩赐,真正的幸福必须源自我的内心。

    However , no matter what my material blessings may be , I realize that my happiness must come from within myself .

  14. 从某一方面或一定程度来讲,钱是幸福之源,至少在物质方面是如此。

    In a way or to a certain extent , money is the source of all happiness , material happiness at least .

  15. 它们是幸福之源,爱换来希望,爱让希望插上翅膀,使内心永远充满活力。

    They are the source of happiness , love in return hope and love to hope that the wings , so that heart forever vibrant .

  16. 幸福生活源于人处理各种关系的能力,因为人是关系人。

    The happy life comes from the ability that person handles every kind of relation , because person is " relate to the person " .

  17. 如果劳动在人的本质中占有一席之地,那么在什么条件下它能成为幸福之源呢?

    And if it is a given in our nature , in what conditions can work be performed so that it is a source of satisfaction ?

  18. 丹麦人的幸福感源于平等;新加坡人的幸福感源于法律;印度加尔各答贫民窟的人的幸福感源于相互依靠彼此的心。

    In Denmark , happiness comes from equality ; in Singapore , happiness comes from the rule of law ; in the slums of Calcutta , India , happiness comes from the hearts of people that depends on each other .

  19. 找到激发幸福感的源动力,才是制定有效财务规划的金钥匙。

    Find the excitation source for happiness , is the golden key to developing effective financial planning .

  20. 人人都想幸福,但幸福源于好多因素。

    Everyone wants to be happy , but happiness depends on many factors .

  21. 不同风格个体的幸福感差异不仅源于他们对应对方式的选择不同,而且因为他们对应对方式的使用效果不同。

    This difference is not only because of their different choices of coping styles , but also of the use effect of them .

  22. 城邦由于自然而存在,它的终极善也是幸福,城邦的幸福源于人的幸福。

    Polis , whose ultimate good is also happiness , exists by nature .