
  1. 具有、表现出或者缘起于促进他人福利、幸福的愿望。

    Having or showing or arising from a desire to promote the welfare or happiness of others .

  2. 詹森:来吧,说吧,说吧,说吧,一个愿望,一个能够使你感到万分幸福的愿望。

    Tell me one thing that would make you the happiest guy in the world . What would it be ?

  3. 祥云纹,寓意祥瑞之云气,表达了吉祥、喜庆、幸福的愿望以及对生命的美好向往。

    The auspicious cloud pattern , meaning auspicious clouds , expressed good luck , happiness and wishes for a better life .

  4. 这不仅增加了欢乐的场合感,这也表明了夫妻俩幸福的愿望,繁荣的婚姻。

    This not only adds a sense of merriment to the occasion , it also indicates the couple 's desire for a happy , prosperous marriage .

  5. 它们是自然觉醒的标志,他们也密切联系在一起的迷信与幸福的愿望,在随后的一年。

    They are the emblems of reawakening of nature , they are also intimately connected with superstition and with the wish for happiness during the ensuing year .

  6. 虽然这些话是出于一个情人之口,可是她深信他那幸福的愿望一定可以实现,因为吉英绝顶聪明,脾气更是好得不能再好,这便是幸福的基础,而且他们彼此的性格和趣味也十分相近。

    and in spite of his being a lover , Elizabeth really believed all his expectations of felicity to be rationally founded , because they had for basis the excellent understanding , and super-excellent disposition of Jane , and a general similarity of feeling and taste between her and himself .

  7. 这一曲爱的颂歌,表现了诗人对于和谐生活、祖国和民族的热爱,体现了诗人渴望世界和平和人类幸福的强烈愿望。

    This canticle song of love expresses the poet 's passion to harmonious life , his motherland and nation , and strong wishes of the world peace and the happiness of humanity .

  8. 吉祥绘画是中国绘画史上一个重要的美术现象,它的出现是与中国传统的思想观念紧密相关的,反映了古代人们追求吉样幸福的美好愿望。

    The appearance of lucky painting is an important artistic phenomenon in Chinese history of art . It was closely connected with traditional thoughts and customs , reflecting the wish for a lucky and happy life .

  9. 贴窗花通常带有吉祥图案的窗花传递节日喜庆和热闹的气氛和表达中国人期待幸福生活的美好愿望。

    Pasting Paper-cuts Paper-cuts , usually with auspicious patterns , give a happy and prosperous atmosphere of the Festival and express the good wishes of Chinese people looking forward to a good life .

  10. 民间年画经过漫长的历史演变,不同时代不同地域民间年画的题材内容、风格特征都各具特色,反映着人们世世代代祈福消灾、向往幸福生活的美好愿望。

    With the long history of evolution , the folk New Year pictures of different times and areas has their own characteristics of contents and styles , and reflects people 's good wishes for good luck and happy life .