
chuáng dān
  • sheet;cover;bedspread;quilt;bedclothes;counterpane
床单 [chuáng dān]
  • (1) [bedspread]∶覆盖床面用的织物

  • (2) [quilt]∶带有类似绗缝的花样或图案的盖床的布

床单[chuáng dān]
  1. 这条床单上有个破洞。

    This sheet has a tear in it .

  2. 在田里发现了她的尸体,全身赤裸,裹在一条床单里。

    Her naked body was found wrapped in a sheet in a field

  3. 客人走后,我把被单床单全都撤了下来。

    After the guests had gone , I stripped all the beds .

  4. 床单的四边应整整齐齐地掖在褥垫下面。

    The sheets should be tucked in neatly .

  5. 你帮我换一下床单好吗?

    Could you help me change the bed ?

  6. 他们把床单绞成绳子,缘绳而下逃走了。

    They had twisted the sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it .

  7. 丝绸床单乃是极度的奢侈品。

    Silk sheets are the ultimate luxury .

  8. 你需要带的就是床单。

    All you need bring are sheets .

  9. 床单已经磨薄了。

    The sheets have worn thin .

  10. 把这些床单好好晾晒一下。

    Air the sheets well .

  11. 不要把箱子下面那几叠床单弄乱了。

    Don 't upset the piles of sheets under the box .

  12. 换了床单,我很快就能睡着。

    After changing the bed , I would fall asleep quickly

  13. 他掀开床单,从床上跳了起来。

    Throwing back the sheet , he sprang from the bed

  14. 女仆每星期换一次床单。

    Once a week , a maid changes the sheets .

  15. 他的头上缠满了一层层用床单撕成的绷带。

    His head was swathed in bandages made from a torn sheet .

  16. 我今天把你的床单换了。

    I changed the sheets on your bed today .

  17. 床单掉到满是沙砾的地板上,她都没去捡。

    The sheets fell on the gritty floor , and she just let them lie .

  18. 床单有漂亮的方格形、条纹、斜纹和三角形图案。

    The bed linen is patterned in stylish checks , stripes , diagonals and triangles .

  19. 灰色的床单在晾衣绳上飘来摆去的。

    Grey sheets flapped on the clothes line

  20. 她想把睡衣踢脱,可是它却和缎子床单绞到了一块。

    She tried to kick the pajamas loose , but they were tangled in the satin sheet

  21. 我们的床单有些次,您将就着用吧。

    We 're a bit low on bed linen . You 'll have to make do .

  22. “您需要干净床单吗?”——“哦,不用了。梅夫人帮我换好了。”

    ' Do you need clean sheets ? ' — ' No. Mrs. May took care of that . '

  23. 洗床单前先把它完全浸湿。

    Soak the bed sheet before you wash it .

  24. 床单缝成花形图案。

    The bedcover was quilted in a flower design .

  25. 我买这些床单上当了。

    The sheets I 've bought are a cheat .

  26. 用张床单把死尸盖上。

    Draw a sheet over the dead body .

  27. 她在床上铺上了干净的床单和枕套。

    She put fresh linen on a bed .

  28. 逃犯把床单系在一起然后爬出窗外。

    The prisoner escaped from the prison by knotting the sheets together and climbing down them out to the window .

  29. 也许,那只是一张床单或者其它什么的。

    Maybe it was a sheet or something .

  30. 我的天啊!Kevin有很臭的体味。把床单换了吧,都臭了!

    OMG , Kevin has terrible B.O. Change the bed sheets they are getting funky .