
chuáng zhào
  • bedspread;coverlet;bedcover;spread;counterpane
床罩 [chuáng zhào]
  • [bedspread;counterpane] 为整洁美观而覆盖在床上的物品

床罩[chuáng zhào]
  1. 床罩、墙壁,甚至天花板。

    the bedspread , the walls , even the ceiling .

  2. 这床罩上用十字针绣着花。

    The bedspread was embroidered with cross-stitch .

  3. 窗帘和床罩是深棕色天鹅绒的。

    The curtains and the coverlet of the bed were chocolate velvet

  4. 用镶边、系带和流苏装饰朴素的床罩和窗帘。

    Embellish basic covers and curtains with borders , ties and fringing .

  5. 本月的特价商品包括一款衬衫、裤子和多种床罩。

    This month 's offers include a shirt , trousers and bed covers

  6. 电视机用一个床罩严严实实地盖住了。

    The television was sheathed in a snug coverlet .

  7. 迈克去上班后,我扯下了床罩并用吸尘器清扫地毯。

    After Mike left for work I stripped the beds and vacuumed the carpets

  8. 现成的床罩定价200英镑起。

    The ready-made bedcovers cost from £ 200 .

  9. 我和妈妈钩织了新床罩。

    Ma and I crocheted new quilts .

  10. 黄色窗帘与蓝色床罩形成鲜明的对照。

    The yellow curtains contrast with the blue bedcover .

  11. 她想给床罩绣上花鸟。

    She wants to embroider a coverlet with flowers and birds .

  12. 我和妈妈钩织了新床罩

    Mom and I crocheted new quilts .

  13. 气垫床垫与气垫床罩预防压力性溃疡的随机、对照试验:PRESSURE(减压支持表面)试验

    Randomised , controlled trial of alternating pressure mattresses compared with alternating pressure overlays for the prevention of pressure ulcers : PRESSURE ( pressure relieving support surfaces ) - trial

  14. BiPAP鼻罩式机械通气治疗左心衰竭病床罩的简易制作

    Treatment of BiPAP mechanical ventilation by nasal mask on left ventricular failure Simple Manufacture of Ward Bed Mantle

  15. 你掀开床罩(床罩由半合成纤维制作,也由CPI生产),径直走向盥洗室。

    You throw off the bed covers ( which are made from partially synthetic fibres , also made by the CPI ), and head for the bathroom .

  16. TurnOut在中国已达成了一系列盈利丰厚的许可协议。在这里,兔斯基的形象已出现在从床罩到手机外壳在内的各种商品上。TurnOut正在将其业务扩展至全亚洲甚至亚洲以外。

    TurnOut has made a number of lucrative licensing deals for Tuzki in China , where the rabbit features on everything from bedcovers to mobile phone cases , and is expanding its business across Asia and beyond .

  17. 114间客房由巴黎的Gilles&Bossier公司设计,包括现代风格的木制和钢制家具、羊绒床罩,以及从意大利奢侈品公司马肖尼(Mascioni)定制的织品。

    The Paris-based Gilles & Bossier designed the 114 guestrooms , which have contemporary wood and steel furniture , cashmere throws and custom-made linens from the luxury Italian company Mascioni .

  18. 即使藏在床罩底下,你的问题还是掩盖不了。

    Hiding under the covers won 't make your problems disappear .

  19. 电子显微镜灯丝专用保护器病床罩的简易制作

    An EMS Filament Protector Simple Manufacture of Ward Bed Mantle

  20. 他对面有一张床,上面没有毯子和床罩。

    Opposite him was a bed , with no blankets or curtains .

  21. 床榻上铺着一套舒适的淡黄色羊绒床罩。

    The bed has a cosy cream cashmere throw .

  22. 她把所有的床罩都送洗衣店去洗。

    She sent all the bedspreads to the wash .

  23. 棉制床罩,针织或?针织者。

    Bedspreads , knitted or crocheted , of cotton .

  24. 声呐导流罩插入损失床罩被缝成花卉图案。

    Sonar dome insertion loss The bedcover was quilted in a flower design .

  25. 她床上铺的是刺绣床罩。

    Albanian embroidery She spread her with embroided cover .

  26. 一般用作床罩或地毯的绳绒线织成的织物。

    Fabric made of this cord , commonly used for bedspreads or rugs .

  27. 申请人需要有装饰织物、窗帘、枕垫、床罩等方面的缝纫经验。

    Seamstress : Experience sewing upholstery fabric , window treatments , pillows , bedspreads etc.

  28. 她买了一床新的雪尼尔花线的床罩。

    She 's bought a new chenille bedspread .

  29. 做两个双人床的床罩需要几米丝绸?

    How many meters of silk will it take to make two double bed covers ?

  30. 棉/竹/涤大提花床罩的设计与试制

    Design and Weave Jacquard Bed Sheet Fabric with Cotton / Bamboo / Polyester Blended Yarn