
  1. 从系统的安全性、重用性、可扩展性以及易维护性出发,提出了基于国产OSCAR数据库的车间库存信息管理系统功能模型;

    Considered the security and reuse and expansibility and maintenance of the system , the article show an function model of inventory management information system of workshop based on OSCAR database system made in China .

  2. 机械制造企业库存信息管理系统

    A Stock Information Management System for Mechanical Manufacturing Enterprises

  3. 本文结合库存信息管理系统的开发进行研究。

    In order to solve these problems , we study the software development based on components in this paper .

  4. 文章结合适用于我国中小军工企业的物流信息管理系统,对网络化制造环境下的库存信息管理系统进行了重点的设计与开发。

    The article designs system for networked inventory information management , and it is suit for medium-sized military enterprises .

  5. 提出了系统的开发框架、开发方法和开发步骤;然后进行了库存信息管理系统的需求分析,建立了系统的功能模型;

    Then , we establish the function model of inventory information management system , design the components based on function module and the interface of components .

  6. 本文研究的一般企业库存信息管理系统的设计对于企业的信息化系统建设也有一定参考作用。

    The design idea of the production style enterprise inventory information management system researched in this article also has a certain reference function to the information-based system construction of the enterprises .

  7. 本系统包括了用户管理、供应商管理、客户管理、产品管理、采购信息管理、销售信息管理、库存信息管理、各种查询等模块。

    The system includes a user management , supplier management , customer management , product management , procurement , information management , marketing information management , inventory information management , a variety of query modules .

  8. 通过百货店内部网络和互联网,将品牌对商品的进、销、存管理功能和百货店商品库存信息管理功能进行有效结合。

    Through the internal network and Internet of department stores , brands ' function of products purchase , sales , and storage can be effectively integrated with the department stores ' functions of inventory information management .

  9. 医院卫生材料库存核算信息管理系统

    Management information system for medical disposable storage accounting in hospital

  10. 平面仓库库存信息可视化管理系统的研究

    Inventory Information Visual Management System in Plane Warehouse

  11. 仓库库存计算机信息管理系统

    Computer Information Management System of Warehouse Stock

  12. 随着计算机技术应用的发展,库存物资信息管理系统已成为企业进行库存管理工作的重要工具。

    With the development of computer technology applications , inventory management information system for inventory management has become an important tool for the work .

  13. 介绍了库存信息可视化管理理念。阐明了平面仓库库存信息可视化管理系统的设计过程和主要功能,并通过应用实例,说明了这种管理系统的方法和优势。

    The paper describes the designing process and the main function of inventory information visual management system in plane warehouses and gives out an example .

  14. 论文详细介绍了材料库存核算信息管理系统的功能、工作流程及系统的体系结构、软件平台与相关的软件技术等。

    The function , the workflow , the system structure , the software platform and the related software technique of the management information system for medical disposable storage accounting were detailedly in ˉ troduced in the paper .

  15. 为支持企业营运和生产管理的需要,对原油库存信息进行动态管理是非常必要的。这就要求原油库存管理能提供任何时刻的库存状态。

    In order to support dynamic production mamagement for such a system , dynamic information of crude oil inventory is necessary and inventory status at any time point is required .

  16. 面对我国现有农产品冷链企业规模较小,无法单独承担供应商的全部职能,本文创造性的将供应商职能提炼为库存功能和信息管理功能并分别由相应企业承担。

    Facing with small scale of agricultural cold-chain enterprises and incapability for undertaking all the functions of supplier alone , this paper creatively refine the function of supplier as stock and management .

  17. 同时,为了指导物流系统的运行,论文还提出了运输管理、库存管理和信息管理三部分内容,以提高方案的可操作性。

    In the meantime , aiming at the operation of the logistic system , the writer also betters the practicability of the plan by studying the transport management , stock management and information management .

  18. 系统通过对库存信息的深入管理,有效地对库存物料进行控制,并合理地制定安全储备,减少物料在库时间,从而达到降低企业库存成本的目的。

    By in-depth management on inventory information , the system can control the materials effectively , reduce the time on hand , and determine a reasonable safety inventory , so as to reduce the cost of inventories .

  19. 在此基础上本文首先介绍了维修部原有库存管理系统的结构,依据维修部库存信息管理系统的设计理念,对彼此结构引出实施库存管理信息系统后的结构。

    On the basis of this paper firstly introduces the maintenance of original structure of the inventory management system , according to the maintenance of the inventory information management system for each structure design concept , the implementation of inventory management information systems raises the structure .

  20. 随后提出文章主干,分析了某航空公司维修部库存管理信息系统的现实要求和目标,从而引出某航空公司维修部库存信息管理的主要工作和总体框架结构。

    Then , the paper analyzes the main airlines maintenance inventory management information system of the realistic requirement and target , thus raises some airlines maintenance work of the main inventory information management and the overall frame structure .

  21. 阐述我国制造业库存管理的现状以及在开发库存管理系统过程中存在的问题,通过对某公司库存信息管理系统的开发,提出一种开发和实施库存信息管理系统的方法。

    Problems with inventory information management in Chinese manufacturing industry are analyzed and a method for developing and implementing of inventory information management systems is proposed based on the development of the inventory information management system of a township enterprise .