
  • 网络steel scrap;Iron Scrap;Scrap steel
  1. 降低转炉钢铁料消耗废钢铁的爆破加工工艺

    Process ing technology of blasting Iron & steel scrap

  2. 我国废钢铁资源的预测及其再生产业的展望

    Forecast of Iron and Steel Scrap Resource and Prospect of Its Recycling Industry in China

  3. 富裕国家限制出口废钢铁。

    Wealthy countries restrain the export of scrap iron and steel .

  4. 我国废钢铁资源的可持续利用政策

    Sustainable utilization of scrap iron and steel resource in China

  5. 汽车制造企业废钢铁逆向物流管理研究

    The Research of Reverse Logistics Management of Scraped Steel in Auto Manufacturer

  6. 试论废钢铁的价格结构

    BEHAVIOR OF STEEL On the Price Structure of Scrap

  7. 废钢铁的回收物流模型的建立

    Setting-up of model of recovery-logistics of waste steel

  8. 废钢铁炉料与钢铁工业节能降耗的现状和展望

    Present situation and Prospect of steel scrap

  9. 剪切机属于废钢加工设备中的一种,在废钢铁回收加工工业中发挥着重要的作用。

    Shearing machine was a kind of scrap equipment , played an important role in the scrap steel recycling industry .

  10. 本文从废钢铁质量组成的两个基本方面的分析入手,推演出废钢铁工艺价位的表达式。

    This article , by analysis of two basic aspects which form the scrap quality , derives the expressing formula of scrap pricing .

  11. 检验检疫机构应深入研究、强化执行废钢铁强制性国家标准

    The entry-exit inspection and quarantine authorities should carry further research and enhance the implementation of the national compulsory standards for iron and steel scraps

  12. 这座电弧炉拥有各种最新装备,使用当地废钢铁而非进口材料,有助于降低成本。

    The furnace , decked out with all the latest gear , helps keep costs down by relying on local scrap instead of imported materials .

  13. 回顾了2007年我国废钢资源概况、废钢铁消耗情况、废钢进口量变化情况。

    Reviewed the survey of domestic steel scraps in2007 , the consumption situation of iron and steel scraps , the changing situation of steel scraps import .

  14. 如何有效地利用钢铁冶金生产流程中产生的不同类型、不同形式的废钢铁、废渣和可重用的残次品等,对于降低生产成本、提高资源利用率、节约能源、保护环境具有十分重要的意义。

    How to effectively utilize different types of waste became very important to reducing production cost , improving resource utilization studio , energe saving and environment protection .

  15. 本文可能在理论上并不是那么完善,只是希望能为我国汽车制造企业在制造性废钢铁逆向物流管理方面,给予有益的启示和借鉴。

    Although this paper is not perfect in theory , but I still hope it would draw on experiences to output scraped steel logistics in auto manufacture .

  16. 日本处于一场针对中国的战争当中,没有那一废钢铁和石油,日本就不能继续那场战争。

    Japan was in the midst of a war against China and without that scrap steel and oil , Japan would be unable to continue that war .

  17. 本文分析了废钢铁的特点,然后将逆向物流理论应用到钢铁工业中废钢回收过程中,并建立了一个钢铁回收的逆向物流系统框架。

    This paper analysis the characteristics of scrap steel , then a reverse logistics network planning for the recycling of scrap steel is established to apply the reverse logistics theory in the steel and iron industry .

  18. 废钢铁资源是钢铁工业持续发展的重要资源,回收利用废钢铁资源既可节约能源、投资和运输量,又可减少环境污染。

    The resources of iron scrap are the major resources for sustained development of iron and steel industry . Recycling iron scrap resources not only can save energy , investment and freight volume , but also can reduce environmental pollution .

  19. 提出了一种定量估算废钢铁发生量的简便适用方法,对我国2010年前废钢铁资源的变化趋势及其再生产业的前景进行了预测。

    A simple and applicable method of quantitative estimate of iron and steel scrap arising for china has been established . The development tendency of the scrap resource and its recycling industry in china have been forecast up to 2010 year .

  20. 介绍了世界废钢铁、再生铝、再生铜、再生铅锌、再生贵金属等的生产现状,指出了再生金属产业的广阔前景。

    This paper describes current production status of iron and steel scrap , secondary aluminum , secondary copper , secondary lead and zinc , and secondary precious metals in the world and pointes out the broad prospects of secondary metal industry .

  21. 废钢铁企业要积极拓宽信息来源,注重了解国内外废钢铁市场有价值的信息,学会利用采集来的信息,以信息服务企业。

    The steel scraps corporation should widen the information resources actively . Pay attention to the valuable information of the steel scraps market at home and abroad , learn to make use of the collected information and serve for the enterprises .