
tàn zhào dēng
  • searchlight;floodlight;pick-up light
探照灯 [tàn zhào dēng]
  • [pick-up light;floodlight;searchlight] 一种投射强光束的设备,通常能够旋转

探照灯[tàn zhào dēng]
  1. 当敌人的探照灯扫过江面时,那两名泅水过江的侦察员设法躲在水下。

    The two scouts , swimming across the river , managed to keep under as the enemy 's searchlight raked the surface .

  2. 基于红外LED探照灯的主动式夜视系统

    An Active Night Vision System Based on IR LED Searchlight

  3. 探照灯扫视着夜空。

    Searchlights probed the night sky .

  4. 探照灯在空中扫来扫去。

    Searchlights swept the sky .

  5. 探照灯从场地上掠过。

    Searchlights raked the grounds .

  6. 直升飞机的探照灯来回扫射这个被封锁的公园。

    Helicopters with searchlights swept the park which was sealed off

  7. 用探照灯引领轮船进港。

    Searchlights were used to guide the steamer into the harbour .

  8. 探照灯和焰火使得天空的颜色千变万化。

    The search lights and the fireworks made the sky a kaleidoscope of colour .

  9. 探照灯集中照着敌人的飞机。

    The searchlights centred upon the enemy planes .

  10. 这种影响非常强大,以至于科学家们说,鸣禽和海鸟被陆地上的探照灯或海洋石油平台上的天然气火炬所"捕获"。

    The effect is so powerful that scientists speak of songbirds and seabirds being " captured " by searchlights on land or by the light from gas flares on marine oil platforms .

  11. 探照灯发出强烈的光线x射线满负载输出功率

    Searchlights throwing out powerful Beams . x ray output at full ratings

  12. 光电X射线影像增强器探照灯射出一道道强光。

    Electro-optical X-ray image intensifier The searchlights projected powerful beams of light .

  13. 最后探讨了在强制风冷情况下探照灯内的温度场和流场分布。本章内容为提高LED红外探照灯的可靠性和冷却方式设计提供了理论依据。

    Moreover , the temperature and flow field distribution under forced ventilation are also discussed .

  14. 探照灯的光束在天空扫过。一种LED汽车前照近光灯配光设计方案

    The beams of searchlights are scanning the sky . A Light Distribution Proposal for Designing LED Dipped Headlight

  15. 设计了一台LED红外探照灯,并对它的传热性能进行了模拟,数值结果与实验值的比较验证了所建模型的可靠性。

    And the comparison between the numerical results and experimental results proves the accuracy of the FEM models .

  16. 用探照灯模型对这些现象作了初步解释,说明该方法是研究注意ERP的一种有潜力的新方法。

    The searchlight model is adopted here to make preliminary explanation for the results , it shows that the synergetic analysis is a promising method for investigating attention ERP .

  17. 论文的各章节内容安排如下:第一章概述了电子封装技术的发展与研究现状,及LED红外探照灯的研究背景。

    The materials discussed in this paper are organized as follows : In chapter 1 , the research developments of package technology are surveyed . And then , the research background of LED infrared ray light is introduced .

  18. 一些Z-9C为SAR任务配置使用一个起升机、前视红外(FLIR)单元和探照灯。

    Some Z-9Cs are configured for SAR missions with a hoist , FLIR unit , and searchlight .

  19. 文中构建了针对红外探照灯应用场合以及符合红外图像摄取具体要求的主动式红外图像采集系统,该系统主要由红外探照灯、低照度CCD摄像头、红外滤光片、视频采集卡和计算机构成。

    In this paper , active infrared image capturing system has been designed and built , it mainly makes up of infrared light , low-luminance CCD camera , infrared filter , video capture integration block and computer .

  20. 2009年,福克斯探照灯影业的主管们准确觉察到好莱坞对杰夫·布里吉斯(JeffBridges)的好感,8月底买下《疯狂的心》(CrazyHeart),12月匆忙发行。布里吉斯后来获得了最佳男主角奖。

    Fox Searchlight bought " Crazy Heart " in late August 2009 and rushed to release it that December after executives accurately gauged warm , fuzzy Hollywood sentiment toward Jeff Bridges , who went on to win best actor .

  21. 这些实习生要求剧组支付工作报酬,同时希望禁止电影公司福克斯探照灯(FoxSearchlight)在未来继续使用无薪实习生。

    The plaintiffs want back pay for their work and seek to bar the film 's producer , Fox Searchlight , from using unpaid interns in the future .

  22. 文中用探照灯模型对这些现象作了初步的解释,并展示了隐藏在模式间的非线性动力学过程,显示了该方法是研究注意ERP的一种有潜力的新方法。

    We use the searchlight model to make some preliminary explanations for these phenomena ,, and show nonlinear dynamics course underlying this ' model ' . So , the result shows that it is a new potential method of investigation attention ERP .

  23. 用于搜索和援救任务,直升飞机能配备一个250公斤能力的起升机,而且吊具安装在右舷舱门上面外部,一个前视红外仪(FLIR)单元和一个探照灯。

    For search and rescue missions , the helicopter can be fitted with a250kg-capacity hoist with winch and scoop fitted externally above the starboard side cabin door , an FLIR unit and a searchlight .

  24. 美国导演工会公开了年度终身成就奖名单,李安、福克斯探照灯联合主席NancyUtley、美国演员工会和广播电视人员联合工会高级顾问JohnMcGuire、议员Emick.AmyKlobuchar和AnnRoth,Anros均位列名单。

    The American Directors Union announced the annual Lifetime Achievement Award list , which includes Ang Lee , Nancy Utley , co-chairman of Fox Searchlight , John McGuire , senior adviser to the American Actors Union and the Federation of Radio and Television ActorsUnions ( SAG-AFTRA ) , and Senator Emick . AmyKlobuchar and AnnRoth , Anros .

  25. 探照灯的抛物面反射镜发出平行光束。

    The parabolic reflector of a searchlight gives a parallel beam .

  26. 探照灯系统的光学特性分析与应用

    Analysis and Application of the Optical Characteristic of Search Light System

  27. 几盏探照灯戳穿夜幕,接着又熄了。

    A few searchlights went stabbing through the dusk and then faded .

  28. 交通灯控制的地面路口他们用探照灯沿路照射。

    At-grade signal-controlled junctio They played searchlights along the road .

  29. 探照灯射出一道长长的光柱划过天空。

    The searchlight shot a long ray across the sky .

  30. 我觉得我们应该试试这些探照灯,查理布朗。

    I suggest we try those searchlights , Charlie Brown .