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dù shu
  • number of degrees;dimensionality;degree;reading
度数 [dù shù]
  • [number of degrees;reading] 用度来表示的数目

度数[dù shu]
  1. 求下杆转动的度数。

    Find the number of degrees of rotation of the lower member .

  2. 请注意-rotate选项的参数是将图像向右旋转的度数。

    Note that the argument to the-rotate option is the number of degrees to the right to rotate the image .

  3. 温度一达到预设的度数,警报就会响起来。

    An alarm sounds when the temperature reaches a predetermined level .

  4. 那个电表上的度数是多少?

    What does that ammeter read ?

  5. 那个表上的度数是多少?

    What does that meter read ?

  6. 不这样做的话他的体温会降到致命的度数。

    If he didn 't , his body temperature would get very low , which could quickly kill him .

  7. 你知道周角的度数吗?

    Do you know the degree of the round angle ?

  8. 本文对顶点度数小于4的End正则循环图进行了刻划。

    End-regular circulant graphs of degrees less than four are characterized in this paper .

  9. 您可以在office文档中轻松地插入度数符号。

    You can easily insert a degree symbol in your office documents .

  10. 眼镜度数全自动测量方法(G)进位制度数

    Automatic Measuring Method of Eyeglass Lens Power Degree of G-carry System

  11. 现在,我们注意到x轴实际没有标记为度数,看起来不是很好。

    Now , we notice that the x-axis is not really marked in degrees and does not look good .

  12. 术后等效球镜、球镜以及柱镜度数均较术前显著降低(p0.05)。

    There was a significant decrease in spherical equivalent between pre-operation and post-operation ( p0.05 ) .

  13. 一种新的常数度数的P2P覆盖网络

    A New Constant-Degree P2P Overlay Network

  14. IOLmaster联合A超对3,4级核晶状体进行人工晶状体度数测量

    Application of IOL Master Combining with A-scan for Intraocular Lens Calculation in Grade 3,4 Nucleus Lens

  15. 结果表明,在V形弯曲中铝合金板材的弯曲回弹角随弯曲角度数的增加而减小,随相对弯曲半径的增加而增加;

    The results indicated that the springback angle decreased with increase of the bending angle and decrease of the relative bending radius .

  16. 两组术后1月到3月的等效球镜度数变化量相比无显著性差异(p0.05)。

    The amounts which SE changed from 1 month to 3 month postoperatively were similar in both groups ( p0.05 ) .

  17. 这就是一般人离Kevin,Bacon的度数。

    That 's how many steps your average person is away from Kevin Bacon .

  18. CCT随近视眼患者屈光度数的增加有变薄的趋势。

    CCT will become thicker and thicker as myopia diopter increases .

  19. 其余44眼为PMMA一体式IOL,度数范围在-6~+5D。

    One piece of PMMA IOL of - 6D to + 5D was implanted in 44 eyes .

  20. 目前很多研究都在试图提出常量度数高性能的DHT方法。

    Currently many researches have concentrated on constant degree and high performance DHT schemes .

  21. 以单元的应变能密度作为广义灵敏度数,通过ESO方法将对结构刚度贡献最小的单元删除以提高材料的利用率,降低结构重量。

    The individual element 's stain energy density is calculated as a generalized sensitive number for ESO method .

  22. 二面体群的小度数Cayley图的同构类的计数

    Enumeration of Isomorphism Types of Cayley Graphs of Small Valencies on Dihedral Groups

  23. 然后证明了n维HCH-立方体互连网络的最小顶点度数和顶点连通度和边连通度为n,保持了超立方体和交叉立方体的最高连通度的优点;

    Then it is proved that the smallest vertex degree , vertex connectivity and link connectivity are all n , which is holding the best connectivity the same as the hypercube and the crossed cube .

  24. 介绍了考虑应力、刚度约束条件的ESO方法,二维热传导的ESO方法、特别是二维热传导问题灵敏度数的计算,是热传导ESO方法的核心。

    The ESO for stress constraints , global stiffness constraint and heat conduction field is discussed in detail respectively .

  25. 目的:通过对光学相干生物测量仪(IOLmaster)测量眼轴长度与传统接触式A超测量眼轴长度的比较,评价两种方法测量人工晶状体度数(IOL)的精确性及特点。

    Objective : To evaluate the accuracy and characteristics of partial coherence interferometry ( IOL Master ) and contact A scan in measurements for ocular axial length .

  26. 她的美甲图案还有V型条纹,没有度数的近视镜,那群喜欢自己动手的闺蜜,自己做手工,她们头顶的发髻,还有彼得潘领和斜挎包。

    With her nail art and her chevron stripes and her non-prescription prescription glasses and her bffs who love to diy and their top knots and Peter Pan collars and cross body bags .

  27. 术后3月比较3组人工晶状体度数偏差值。在平均大气条件下,偏差值约为10mm左右。

    After 3 months , the errors of intraocular lens were compared among the three groups .

  28. 在研究IOL屈光度数计算公式的准确性和调整公式的计算值时,应考虑术后ACD的变化及其相关因素。

    ACD changes and relevant factors should be considered in studying the accuracy of IOL refraction formula and in adjusting the calculated data .

  29. 当簇内查找得不到满足时,再根据Power-Law特性,将查询请求通过度数较高的结点进行转发。

    When clusters are not satisfied , then request will be transmitted to a higher degree and more similar node according to Power-Law property .

  30. 在一个具有Scale-free特性的网络中,网络节点的出度-入度数对应的分布函数及其相关参数几乎不受网络规模的影响,保持很好的稳定性。

    In a scale-free network , the distribution of the connections of the nodes is very steady and approximately satisfies a certain power law distribution .